The pain…

Hailey: as I got in, I saw Shane, Brando and few of other man's chit chatting with each other. When they saw me, they stood up in their place. all worried for me.

Shane: "what happened to you devil? Why is there blood on your clothes? Are you alright?"

Hailey: I had lost all my strength. Without even caring of what my mans will think about me. I sat at the door right there and started sobbing.

Shane: when I saw her sobbing on the floor right in front of our man, I ran towards her and gave her a hug "what's the matter devil?"

Hailey: "nothing can be right with me, Shane. It is my curse to be alone. I can never be happy."

Shane: "get up! Let's go to your room." it was not good for her to cry in front our mans. I know each and every one of us care about her, respect her but then too. It is for the best if I take her in her room. as we entered in her room, I made her sit on her bed and gave her a glass of water to drink. "Where were you devil?"

Hailey: "I went at the beach near Nikolas's house, I got a call as an assian to kill Nikolas it was from his right-hand Elijah. So, I came up with a plan to trap Elijah and show his true side to him." I told him each and everything that happened over there, even my conversation with Nikolas. "I know Shane, he will never forgive me for my mistake. Tomorrow I will lose the love of my life forever, Shane."

Shane: "love of your life?"

Hailey: "yes Shane, I love him. I love him a lot. But it's too late now."

Shane: "relax devil! Let the fate decide it tomorrow. don't stress yourself with any imaginary scenarios in your head. Just go to sleep, you have to get up early for tomorrows party. Mom and dad will be here early in the morning."

Hailey: "ok, good night Shane."

Shane: "good night devil. Love you!"

Hailey: after Shane went, I got up from my bed and went to take a cold shower hoping it would help me a bit to relax myself. But he was all over my mind. I came out and laid down on my bed crying about what will happen tomorrow?

Nikolas: I simply laid on my bed thinking about my doll, she was upset with something, she was behaving strange today. And all those words and asking me to forgive here had created a havoc in my head. I was worried for her.

Hailey: the next morning when I went in the bathroom to change into my gym clothes. I saw my reflection in the mirror. There were dark circles under my eyes and my eyes were full red and fluffy. That is because I stayed up all night thinking and crying over my life… I quickly changed and went to the gym to do my workout as well as for some stress relief. I did some punching and running over treadmill for few hours. After that I went in my room and took a long hot shower. I changed into pjs and came out in my room. Shane was already sitting there at my bed. "What are you doing here?"

Shane: "look at yourself devil, I know you have cried all night. I can tell it from your eyes."

Hailey: "relax Shane I am alright. Has mom and dad arrived?"

Shane: "they will be here in 10-15 minutes."

Hailey: "ok I will be down in 5 minutes." I putted some make up on and went down. When I entered the living room. the decoration and arrangement done by my boys brought a smile on my face. I went to Louise and said "very well-done Louise! Thank you so much for your hard work."

Louise: "you don't have to thank me boss, I see you guys as my family."

Hailey: "I truly appreciate it, Louise. Ok, turn the lights off and hide. I guess they have arrived."