Chapter 1

Tonight, I want you to become mine. I love you, like a tsunami, like a wind rolling and violent sand.

I think I am crazy to love you so much.

If I had known that I would love you this way, I would definitely save all my likes and loves over the years, wholeheartedly, just waiting for you!-Lawrence Lu!

The 27th floor of the Tang Dynasty.

Siena Liang held the room card in one hand, and squeezed the wall with the other, staggering out of the elevator.

Her original white face was flushed twice because of drinking, but it made her look simple and lovely.

"This?" Siena Liang finally walked to the door and looked at the gilded number on the door, not sure for a while.The cousin said the room number is 2703.

2708? 2703?

Is it 8 or 3 on this door?

I drank too much, my head hurts, and my eyes were a little blurred.

She tilted her head and looked at it for a long time without telling it.

she looked down at the room card in her hand again, but why the heavier and heavier the words?

Forget it, no matter.

She shook her head, leaned against the door, took out the room card and randomly pressed it on the sensor.

"Di–" The door did not punch in.

She tried a few more times, all with the same result.

She patted the door irritably, and then sighed heavily, "Wrong." She had planned to find the room again, but when she turned around, she just swiped the card a few times and didn't open the room. The door was opened at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, her wrists tightened, and she was dragged into the room.

There was no light in the room, and although she was very drunk, she could still feel that the other party was a man.

As soon as she entered the door, before she even had time to make a sound, the man pressed her against the wall and firmly grasped her shoulders with his large and powerful hands.

"Didn't you leave?" the man asked viciously.

Siena Liang's head was even more dizzy when she was hit. Chaos head, couldn't hear what he was saying. He just tried to say, "Robert?" The cousin said, she would surprise her.Will Robert come back?

Although they had a marriage contract since they were young, will they be too soon to be with him now?

She wanted to wait until they got married… "I gave you a chance…" The man was very close to her, and she could clearly smell the strong smell of alcohol on him.

Such a strong taste of wine made her frown even after drinking.

"Since you choose to come back, I will never let go again…" As he said, he held her small face, bowed his head, and k!ssed her hard.

Without any skill, the force was terrifying, and the hot tongue swept through every inch of her mouth, as if to swallow her in her belly.

"Hmm…" She felt almost unable to breathe, facing him like this, she was a little panicked.

Shaking her head vigorously, her small hand clenched into a fist and hit him.

He didn't seem to feel the pain either, he stopped, but his lips were still on her lips, and he sneered: "No?" "…" She didn't know why Robert was so strange today. He is usually gentle. of.

But now facing his cynicism, she didn't know what to say.

He felt her silence, his blurred eyes froze, he stooped to lift her up and walked towards the bed.

Throwing the woman in his hand heavily, he attached her body at an extremely fast speed, holding her struggling hands with one hand and raising it above his head."Don't…" The light in the room was too dim, and she couldn't see his face clearly.

But she thought he was like a different person tonight.

The usual flying is gentle and patient, not like today, arrogant and eagerly rude.

"I gave you so many opportunities… this time, don't leave anymore, eh?" He obviously acted almost rudely, but when he spoke, he spoke softly with a touch of demanding.He lightly k!ssed her lips and earlobes, gasping slightly.

I don't know if his tone like a child begging for candy made her feel soft, she listened and whispered: "I have been…here…" From the day she knew she would marry him in the future, In her heart, she never lived in anyone else.

He seemed extremely happy, and k!ssed her lips again, "You are so sweet…" "Tonight…I want you to be mine…"