
The Last Breath

A) the fight

Lucie had finally discovered the truth about the threats and all the upheavals in her life.

She had spent 3 months asleep in her own body and elena had taken over,

Lucie didn't know what to do, fight against Elena or give her place, after all it was Elena's life, she had the right to claim her life.

Lucie love the life she was leading, with everything that went with it, she was especially in love with dan yet he seemed to no longer want to hear from her, she loved the freedom that this life gave him.

Everything she wished she had in the previous life, here she had.

But the fact of realizing that since she was there she deprived elena of her life, made her believe that here too she had no place.

Lucie started looking for everything she could know about reincarnation, she came across a passage from a book which said that "The soul must detach itself from matter and die in a state of freedom to come out of the cycle of reincarnations "

Lucie believed she had found the key to free Elena's body, she was ready to face death once again,

Before she was gone forever, she wanted to apologize to dan and give her a last hug to those who had been her parents for the past few months, as it was already late and her parents still weren't. there she decided it was for tomorrow.

She was tired, after a hard day, but she knew she couldn't sleep, for fear that Elena would recover the body before accomplishing what she had planned.

But she was very sleepy, the more the hours passed the more she dozed off and while she dozed off elena woke up, but Lucie got up and went down to have a coffee, the fatigue did not let go, she began to feel that she had no more total control of her body, elena woke up and she wanted to have control over Lucie but Lucie resisted,

As Lucie did not want to sleep and elena wanted to wake up, they both found themselves awake in the same body,

Lucie tried to communicate with elena but without success, they started to fight it got very violent one of the guard saw what was happening in the house he thought that Lucie had gone mad or that she had drunk too much she would not stop to go in all directions, bump against furniture, she smash everything she touched,

the guard entered in the house and asked Lucie ,miss are you all right, should I call your parents? Lucie approached the guard and knocked him out with a vase.

And directly Lucie became lucid and regained control, she tried to wake the guard but he had passed out, Lucie tried to call her parents but they did not answer so she decided to call the only person who came to her spirit andy, it was already 10pm but she didn't hesitate to call him, andy was surprised to see her call,

Lucie: hello andy can you come home right now, I need you,

Andy a little scared asked her the question of knowing what was wrong, Lucie answered him that she could not explain to him on the phone,

Andy: okay I'm coming!

When andy was going out, dan asked him where are you going at this time? With such a hurry

Andy tells him I'll tell you when I get back.

Andy once arrived at the house entered and found the guard on the ground unconscious, he got scared, when he saw the state of the living room he was very worried, he went up quietly to Lucie's room, he found Lucie sobbing in front of her mirror, andy tells her but what happened, I saw the guard passed out, Lucie couldn't speak anymore, elena was in control and she was trying to gain the upper hand,

Andy walked over and he took her hand it was cold almost frozen, andy took her to bed,

She sat down, Lucie pointed to the recordings made by the hidden cameras which were on her nightstand.

He went and opened the videos, the recordings lasting for hours and hours, but Lucie had mentioned where there were the most important passages, at the beginning andy thought that Lucie was sleepwalking, when he saw how she woke up in the middle of the night , everything he was looking at he did not understand, without explanation it was incomprehensible,

He was saying to Lucie, I don't understand you're a sleepwalker? Did you hurt the guard? Lucie still couldn't speak then andy wanted to shut down all her recordings he saw something in the video

Lucie was walking past the mirror and the reflection that was in the mirror was not her, so he turned to Lucie and he told her who are you? Lucie got up from her bed, took the phone and sent him a message, since she couldn't speak, Lucie explained everything to her and andy couldn't believe it,

Andy tells her so you come from Africa and besides another life it's hard to believe this story,

But how do you want me to help you? ,

Lucie tells him you have to kill me!

Andy tells him what ??? i can't do that

Lucie replied, it's the only way to end it all

Andy tells him we'll find another way

Lucie continued to insist

But andy refused

Lucie tells him if I fall asleep, and she regains control I don't know when I'll wake up, maybe I'll live the rest of my life in the dark, not knowing where I am.

Andy took her in his arms and said: it will be fine

I will be there for you and everything will be fine, I will prevent her by all means from hurting you believe me, before he finishes speaking Lucie had already fallen asleep andy stayed there beside her.

Lucie slept until the morning this fight the day before had tired them both so elena had not resurfaced, and andy had stayed awake all night to watch over her, he repaired all the damage caused by Lucie and her alter ego, he woke up the guard, the guard didn't remember anything.

Andy had repaired the whole living room and thrown away everything that was broken, then in the morning he went up to Lucie's room, he woke her up, and to be sure that it was her he asked her the question, the first time that 'we met what did we talk about?

Lucie told her we hadn't spoken, I had jostled you,

Andy sighed in relief.

And he told her it's you, he was happy to see her again, they both went down to the kitchen and andy had taken the time to make her some breakfast.

Andy tells Lucie I'm coming home for a shower and also Dan called me all night as I didn't know what to answer him, I rejected her calls and turned off my phone.

Lucie: thank you andy, thank you very much for being there for me,

Andy: you're welcome, I'll be back later and we'll find a solution, don't do whatever comes to your mind, take care of yourself

Lucie: ok thank you

Lucie's parents were finally back, and they bumped into Andy on his way home.

B) fate takes back control

Lucie's parents once got home, asked Lucie what was the reason for all these phone calls, Lucie just hugged them and she said I'm glad you're back, where have you been?

Her parents told her you forgot we went to your aunt's wedding, you said you will be busy when we offered to come with us.

And please don't tell us this young man slept here, ??

Lucie answered no of course that no he came by early in the morning to bring me back some things that I had forgotten in his vehicle.

Well, we're exhausted, we're going to go upstairs to sleep, said his parents

Okay answered Lucie,

Lucie had been leaning all morning on a new solution, she was exhausted she fell asleep and when she woke up it was no longer her it was elena, Lucie was again stuck in the dark.

Andy came back in the afternoons and he thought it was Lucie but he was dealing with elena, he gave her everything he found about reincarnation,

And he had discovered that if two souls coexist for a long time they will eventually merge, and the stronger will absorb the weaker, when elena heard she felt threatened she asked andy after how long exactly the merger could take place andy answered her after a year elena counted and realized that one had already passed, so elena and lucie were already in the merger phase so elena ran took her car, andy was running after her telling her but where are you going?

Elena had already started the car, she drove fast andy was following her behind with her car too, it turned into a chase she headed for a bridge as she was driving fast she ended up bumping into a pole andy got off quickly and went to get her out of the car, she was unconscious, andy tried to wake her up when she regained her senses it was Lucie who had taken the place in the body Lucie asking andy where are we?

Andy answered her at the Madrid bridge,

Andy tells him it's Elena or Lucie

Lucie tells him it's me Lucie you know the girl who jostled you when we first met

Andy smiled and told her I'm glad it's you

Lucie guessed that it was Elena who had taken them there,

Lucie said to andy I think the time has come for me to leave.

Andy tells her you can stay a little longer, we'll find a solution,

Lucie tells him Elena is getting stronger and stronger I have to give her place, it's her life

Andy tells her I don't wanna let you go

Lucie says thank you for everything you have done for me, I would have liked to have known this part of you that doesn't hate me,

Andy told her I never hated you, on the contrary I always loved you Lucie,

Lucie told her you have a funny way of showing your feelings to the people you love, I had to act like that because that you were with my brother answered andy,

Lucie said to andy I'm flattered, then she walked towards the edge of the bridge she added take care of you and dan and told elena that she has always been my inspiration, already call an ambulance so that we come and fish her body because she will survive and I would die,

Andy tells her you're not gonna take the plunge

Lucie tells him yes I have to do it that's how it all started and that's how everything must end, you don't find it poetic,

Andy answered her that doesn't make me laugh,

Lucie smiled and threw herself into the river from the bridge.

Andy screamed with a lot of desperation but he knew there was nothing he could do.

Elena got her life back and andy had always had a hard time getting over it until one day he had no memory of Lucie and this story as if it had never existed.

Lucie was dead and forgotten they no longer had any memory of her in Spain.

on the other hand there is an empty body for more than a year fished in a small river in Africa by a courageous young man, who was waiting for a miracle, the family refused to have their child unplugged because they had the faith that one day their daughter will wake up, their prayers were finally answered, Lucie Imany had finally woken up after a year in a coma.

When she left the hospital, we had a big party, Lucie no longer knew if she had dreamed of this life in Spain in her favorite series or if she had lived it but now it didn't matter anymore she was again At her place,

And she was very happy, she decided to fight for her dreams and her parents agreed to support her.

The End.