No Escape From Studies

Serena sat back in her room, feeling at a loss. Carlos have escorted her back there through the endless halls and on the way explained the reason for the crazy floor plan.

Apparently it was "to slow down unwanted guests" and stop them seeing anything they shouldn't. Such as the various Warped that live there, along with information about how to set up barriers to contain magic leaks. And the research notes they had been making about how Contamination can extend or shorten human lifespans, and other effects it has.

Oddly enough, there was even a sub-research group with it's own library devoted to research into magical creatures and plants, and what sets a naturally magical phenomenon apart from a Warped one. One of their greatest discoveries was a warped Button Mushroom that had the effects of an aphrodisiac so powerful if a man ate one raw he wouldn't sleep for a week. Serena very carefully did not ask how they researched this, and promised herself that she would be wary of any mushroom dishes from the canteen.

All Serena could think after hearing all that was - So you're not the only mad scientist here? There are more of you?

Now, though, she began to see the irony of her situation. A bunch of crazy scientists would use her as a research subject, and she not only couldn't refuse - she didn't have the first clue about what was happening to her.

She came to a resolution. Serena would read up on all the experiments and findings each group had found so far, and she would make her own conclusions. She refused to let other people dictate what she could and could not know. This was her life, and she was determined to find out everything.

Perhaps she could find some clue to help her not become Warped. It was a slim chance, sure, but that was all she had.

Serena knew this was going to be tricky - she had never been a fan of studying. Most things she read were forgot within minutes, but now she had no choice.

It was do or die. Her life was on the line. She had to study.

Serena covered her head in the blanket and settled herself in for a nap. Tomorrow would be the perfect time to start working on all this. Today had been just too much after all.

Tomorrow she would begin her investigation into everything. Quickly Serena fell asleep.