chapter 11: Night in yunmeng

Happy reading!!

At Wei ving's bedroom

wei Ying is taken back to his room which is beautifully decorated for the newly wedded couple as they will be spending their night here together as the wedded couple. The room is beautifully decorated

based on the red theme. red candles

are placed on top of the table with a

incense burning beside him making

the whole room filled with the mind.

soothing fragrance.

wei Ying sat on the bed with veil

covering his face while waiting for his


It's been two long hours and lan Zhan

still didn't came and as as Wei Ying

can't keep himself still.

sitting alone on the bed wel Ying got

bored out of boredom he started

talking to himself on any random topic

popping in his head.

"why he is taking so long?.....

Huangang jun, I m bored" he sighed


once he returned I will ask him


why did he agreed to marry me? Did he marry me? did he marry me on his own will ?... what am thinking? if must be madam lan and sector leader lan's wish leave it what can I do now we are already married....*sigh*... what if he love someone else. No no that can't be Huangang jun always gives an aura of 'don't come near me' then who will think to propose him 7. "he never talks more than 'hmm' when not necessary and I m so talkative. how I'll I manage to


""sigh"whatt are they doing? No

doubt Gusu clan has so many rituals"

"Huangang jun where are you?"

"is he going to come?"

"teasing him is more fun than sitting

alone here"

"Aawwhh" This is the fifth time wei

ying has yawned. Another hour passed and lan Zhan still didn't returned.wei Ying already felt asleep. He was so tired that he neither remove his outer rob nor he lifted his veil. After a long while the door finally opened and lan Zhan entered. he closed the door before getting near the bed where a sleeping beauty was already in his deep slumber.

His involuntary steps were clearly.

showing how nervous he is.

RightNow he slowly went near their

bed to find wei Ying on bed sleeping

calmly while the veil is covering

his face hands shaking he slowly

lifted the only piece of cloth that is t

preventing him to get a clear look of

his husband.

A pink shade covered lan zhan's while

face lips trembling, he gulped seeing

his husband, his wei ying, his sleeping

beauty sleeping peacefully wearing

the red wedding gown. His eyes

soften seeing his husband sleeping

so calmly. Without blinking lan Zhan

admired that beauty infront of his

eyes The red wedding attire that the

latter is wearing is making him even

more beautiful whose beauty can't be

compared to that of any other women.

Though he already expected to see him this beautiful but still can't help. his heart from beating this fast. lan Zhan slowly removed wel ying's bangs from his face and placed it on back of his ear with trembling lips he came closer to wel ying's face and then, then.... he pressed his lips on Wei's lips. Aahhhhhhh!! sorry for ruining but I can't help myself from screaming d He stood like that for few minute after kissing him like that he licked wei ying's lips as if tasting the

sweetness of his lips before finally

letting go wei Ying must be very tired.

as he didn't even move,still sleeping.he

only make soft and low sound while

his lips were taken..

lan Zhan slowly removed his and Wei

Ying's outer rob Wei Ying groan with

his closed eyes at the movement but still didn't wake up After removing their outer robes lan Zhan paid beside wei ying and then covered their body with red blanket. He then blowed all the burning candles. wei Ying tilted and that made their face come so close to each other that their nose tips are touching lan Zhan stood like that and started admiring wei ying face again as if locking his beauty in his eyes He slowly caresses his face with hands moving upward lan zhan a kissed on his forehead... wake up you sleepyhead!

wei Ying hummed while moving his

body more closer to lan zhan's body

sensing warmth, he hugged him.

lan Zhan is stunned for a moment he

didn't breathe he remained in that

position after making sure that the

latter is still sleeping lan Zhan hugged

him back placing his wide arms on the

back of Wei Ying.

The sandalwood fragrance coming

from his body is making him sleep

more peacefully.

(imagine them in red inner robe and

bedroom decoration fit the newly


"good night,wei ying "lan Zhan whisper while smiling fondly at the latter who is unknowingly pouting when he is sleeping. "mmnn" unknowingly wei Ying let out a low groan while sleeping. lan zhan smile lovingly looking at his husband sleeping like a fairy in his embrace.



Hello my lovely readers..

reminding you about votes it's just a

click on that star button, don't be so

Inzy @

ignore the grammatical mistakes and

the pictures here are not mine credits

to the rightful owner.

so first of all who were thinking this

chapter to be a smut one here's a tissue

for you see

Also now I'm announcing that fiction

will contain smut chapters which will

appear later and infact I actually wrote

some smut chapters already)

See you soon with an update and you have to company them in their after wedding journey...Im so excited!

love love!

your poor writer,

mei mei