chapter 23 Lan er gege is so impatient

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lotus pier

happy reading ! (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

" A ling focus! what are you thinking ? is this how you gonna deal with those dangerous demons ? " Jiang cheng yell at jin ling with all his anger .

Since wei Ying has left yunmeng jin ling has became a pain in his (virgin) ass . No matter which trick or method he use or how many times he teach him the latter will not give the results he is expecting instead there will be silly mistakes .

"I have told you countless times now your blade should be pointing upwards . can't you hear me say ....? wait where are you going ? " He called jin ling who just left from there .

Jin ling can't handle his grumphy uncle. It's already evening but he is still not ready to let go. He is making them pratice and even after he is giving his hundred percent jiang cheng is only yelling at him. He miss his wei wuxian, so much he was the only friend he had here and his teaching methods were better. Wei Ying use to praise his shidis to encourage them.

Though jiang cheng was rude but his teaching methods is pretty good too to understand it better you just need to focus on his methods and ignore his angry face.

Jin lin got so frustrated from his uncle's taunting that he took his sword and left from there.

Ahhh this kid is so hard to deal with" he shook his head in frustration.

"What you guys are looking for? continue doing your practice!" he vented his anger on the poor disciplines. Isn't it too much ? It's past 6 pm but the sector leader is still not ready to spare them and like they have any choice? They curse internally themselves for joining the jiang clan and started to practice again.

If someone will see him they will say the young master of jiang has gone crazy after his brother left him.

and it's true after wei Ying left them he has noone to share his everyday with. He wouldn't accept it but all can see how lonely he has became not only he but they too miss their second young master.

A cheng it's enough for today. You all should go and rest. Dismiss "jin yanli said as she approach.

A cheng, what's wrong?"

"Nothing shijie it's A ling he never pay attention

"You aren't angry because of A ling. I understand you you are missing A Xian. don't you ? "

That Wei wuxian who misses him hmph I m glad that he left now I m in peace"

Yanli chuckles at this,

"I m sure he miss us too "

she shook her head in disbelief his brother really misses Xian but will never accept it.

" by the way I have some good news to deliver. just now I met father and he told me Next week we are going to gusu "

jiang cheng's eyes brighten at first but then he gave her a disbelief look and sighed. she must be teasing him.

"Mother is it true ? " jin ling ran to his mother and asked. unable to believe what he heard.

she nods, her lips forming a big smile which reaches to her eyes.

"Yes it is " a deep familiar voice answered

Father " jiang cheng exclaimed. Is it really true ?

"I was to tell you, Next week we are going to cloud Recesses. I just received the wedding invitation from lan clan. here " jiang fegmian said as he show them the letter.

"Really! then I m going " jin ling suddenly said

"where ?" yanli asked confusingly

To prepare to go . Marriage is just next week " jin ling said running to his room. They all started laughing at him.

Even I m very excited to meet him. let's see how you are enjoying your miserable life there." Madam yu mumbled in a low voice with a sarcastic smile on her face.

In cloud Recesses

The day was really long for Wei ying. After his punishment was over instead of going back to his room he took him to the rabbit place and there he talked to nie huaisaing about how he can make lan zhan back off from this marriage. They talked for hours forgetting about time .If it wasn't for wang lingjiao to come and remind him that it's nearly time for dinner he wouldn't have got back to his room.

"It feel exhausting (Yawning)" wei Ying said and let his body fell on bed. He feel so tired now he just needs to sleep.

"I m tired and (sniff) (sniff) and stinky too. I have to bath "wei Ying said and moved his lazy body to bathroom.

As his body came in contact with water he felt more awake by the cold water. It's a rose water bath, the candle light placed near his bathtub,the sandalwood fragrance from the incense sticks made the atmosphere romantic wei Ying can see the tiny fireflies like stars on the dark blue night sky from the window from where light breeze is touching his naked body.

The weather was indeed romantic. without him realising he started humming a song while taking a bath.

Being alone in this quite yet romantic atmosphere wei Ying can't stop himself from thinking about his conversation with nie.

The thought of lan Zhan's lover has made some uneasy feelings to rise inside him. He suddenly felt his throat dry and his heartbeat rise at the thought of this feeling. He took a deep breath and release it.

"why is I m acting weird? this I what I planned isn't it? I married him to realise how unsuccessful this marriage will turn out to be then why am I feeling like this is bad? is it because I disclose my secret to nie huaisaing ? or is it because I m feeling homesick again ? "

It was all planned. no I can't back off from my decision."

"No I can't be so selfish ..... selfish ? did I say selfish ? but I want to be selfish. Yes this the word that can define this but... why I want to be selfish and for whom ? "

The answer never came and to avoid those unnecessary thoughts he is getting, which can misguide him. He chose to be silent and stop talking about this topic . Let this talk for another day tonight's weather is amazing and let's feel why wasting time on talking to yourself.

Lan zhan got dressed after drowning his tired body in cold spring. It was around 7 pm and the dinner is prepared. He bowed to elders, took the food tray and went directly to wei Ying's room. He knocked thrice but noone responded he push the door lightly and found the door Isn't closed. He came inside and gently placed the food tray on the table.

A cold breeze pass giving wei Ying goosebumps. He release a deep breath, kneeling has made his muscles a little numb. It's been a long while since he last got punished like this. The cold water has made his muscles to somehow relax but is also making him shiver from the coldness.

Weather in gusu is changing and now it's worse to take a bath at night without warm water. It can make your muscle freeze next time he will ask wang lingjiao to prepare him a warm bath. The water was really cold and so he decided to not stay in the cold water for too long.

He came out of the bathtub and realises that wang lingjiao kept his clothes on the bed for him and he forgot to bring the clothes with him inside the bathroom. He sighed

"what to do now? My clothes are outside. If i remember well i closed the door anyway I have to go out of the bathroom " he thought and came out of the bathroom naked.


He slowly walk naked to his bed without realising someone's presence in the room who is staring at him without blinking, his Adam's apple wobbles looking at the thin fragile crystal clear naked body infront of his eyes.

As if Wei Ying felt something he lazily moved his head to his side.

ahhh lan Zhan! " Wei Ying said and tried to cover his body with his bare hands.

As if lan Zhan came back out of shock he immediately turned around and looked down. His face is all red from what he has seen.



Except for their restless breathing sound. There is no more sound. It takes time for Wei Ying to come back to his senses he quickly put on his inner garments and then his outer robe. He knew it wasn't on purpose lan Zhan is very righteous person and he would never do something to offend anyone. On that moment he want to curse himself for not closing the door.

He knew if he will behave strange lan Zhan would only blame himself and feel guilty. He don't want to make things uncomfortable between them since it wasn't intentional. He thought to tease lan Zhan to ease the uncomfortable air between them.

so i see lan er gege is so impatient "wei Ying said teasingly with a mischievous grin.

"lan Zhan you shouldn't enter inside someone's room like that'

wei Ying, we are married "

The sudden reply made wei ying heart to Stop beating. He realise how warm his face has became. His heart suddenly felt so warm.

huh so what you shouldn't enter in your husband's room like that "wei Ying said as he continue to play victim.

This time it was lan zhan's turn to skip some beats. He felt more guiltier this is the first time Wei Ying called them husbands and look at the situation.

"I know I m wrong . " lan Zhan said looking down,serious.

hmm since you know you are wrong you must get ready to get your punishment "

" in "

"punishment for not only seeking inside your husband's room but also ignoring him all day. You must componsate. You know it will give a bad influence to others if I didn't punish you "

Everytime wei Ying mention the word' husband' he himself felt like someone or something is poking his stomach from inside, giving him this ticklish feeling.

"I understand"

"hmm then your punishment is Tomorrow you have to spend the whole day with me "he blurted out his actual thoughts.

Lan Zhan turned and look at him It wasn't long for Wei Ying to realises this wasn't obvious . so he immediately added,

"I mean spend all day and show me gusu. I haven't explored gusu yet. You have to help me.

lan Zhan nodded but he is still looking down. Wei Ying hands itself reached towards lan Zhan. He gently cupped lan zhan's face with both of his hands, he made lan Zhan to look at him.

"Get ready tomorrow I will spend all your money and you can't say no" wei Ying said and took a step more closer to lan Zhan making the distance between them shorter.

"My Everything is yours " lan Zhan said

'I wish I can be your everything, lan Zhan', wei Ying didn't have the courage to say this louder

Did you brought the dinner ? " Wei Ying said changing the topic.

"hmm "

They sat infront of the table and by opening the lid wei Ying didn't found any bland dish instead it was all spicy dishes. He pinched himself harder he realises he wasn't day dreaming.

He inhale the smell and it found it familiar .indeed the dish was from Hunan resturant.

"...lan Zhan did you brought this?"

"hmm " lan Zhan said in a low voice. he served himself the bland Gusu dishes while wei Ying was given the spicy dishes.

"but the restaurant is far from here .when did you went there?"

"in evening "

Wei Ying felt himself getting teared up he hadn't used to getting loved like this before. This is too much for him.

'why is lan Zhan doing this to me? if i get used to lan zhan spoiling me how will i continue to distance myself from you? how will I able to live without you beside me, lan Zhan?'

He controlled himself from bursting into tears. He gave lan Zhan his best smile he has ever given.

lan Zhan you are the best! The great hanguang jun" wei Ying said filling his mouth with the spices dishes.



"don't talk while eating " lan Zhan said worried that the latter will choke.

After they finish their dinner lan Zhan kept the plate outside later a disciple will pick them.

lan Zhan was going back to him room when Wei Ying stopped him,

"lan zhan, Can you accompany me tonight to watch the night sky together? "Wei Ying

To be

stories by mei mei


(Cough) just to inform you my innocent readers.. smut chapter is coming soon maybe after 1-3 chapter more.