chapter 25 Wei Ying drinking vinegar

sorry to those beautiful people who were desperately waiting for the update.


Now let's start the chapter 25


They walk down to the Gusu streets. It was a daytime and this the streets were little crowded but unlike yunmeng people aren't howling on eachother. It seems it is a place of gentleman.

Wei Ying eyes lighted looking at the beauties huh ah I mean his eyes light up looking at the beautiful street.

It was day time so everyone was busy in their own works. one can smells the sweet delicacy and the strong smell of wine coming from liquor shop. some kids were playing on the streets and were having fun in their own world.

People on seeing their Hanguang jun greeted him and elders bless the newly wedded couple and like wei Ying has oath to ignore lan Zhan he didn't talk to lan Zhan, not even glancing at him. Though only he knows how his lips are trembling from not talking for so long.

By so long he means 10 minutes. Ten minutes without spitting a nonsense to lan Zhan is like a century long for him.

Meanwhile Wen qing didn't miss a chance to stick close to Wei Ying. one can mistake Wei Ying as his husband by the way she is clinging to him. Not missing a chance to divert his attention from lan Zhan by asking him silly, useless questions.

"Wei Wuxian what do think of this colour ?

" which color suits me well ? "

"what's your favourite colour? Is it looking good on me ?

watching the scene an old lady , who was the owner of the stall mistook wei Ying and wen qing as couple,

"lady are you two newly married? you two look good together"

Wei Ying furrows his eyebrows at th old lady's statement. He was about to explain when wen qing interrupts and spoke to the lady,

"You think so. Thank you granny " she said shyly while coming more closer to Wei Ying leaving him in an puzzled situation.

Lan Zhan who heard the statement, waited for Wei Ying to clear the misunderstanding but to his disappointment he didn't heard a word from Wei Ying. He was clearly disappointed. He thought Wei Ying was agreeing to the said statement.

Wei Ying was actually lost in the situation he was trying to process what just happened and so was silence no he was mouth struck.

It was after few minutes he realise that his silence gave it a confirmation and when he was about to clear her misunderstanding he looked at his side but lan Zhan wasn't there.

Lan Zhan who looks unbothered is actually burning from anger he hastily walked from there. He was disappointed and so is choking bichen to death.

It was then Wei Ying noticed the way woman are gazing at lan Zhan. He was about to stop lan Zhan but Lan zhan already left. Lan Zhan waled with a serious expression on his face while the females continue staring at the twin jade.

Wei Ying can even see their saliva drooling from the corners of their lips. Their eyes ready to devour lan Zhan anytime. some even started throwing flower petals on lan zhan, who walk passing them, he looks uninterested.

Wei Ying watch all this crossing his arms. He didn't spoke a word instead bite his inner lips. Nie Huaisaing who saw his friend's changing aura gulped down his dried saliva and whispered something to him,

"Wei gongzi control Yourself" "remember our mission fuddy duddy 28. You must ignore lan er

gongzi ", Nie huaisaing

"haha ofcourse Nie gongzi I know. It's not like I haven't seen this much attention "Wei Ying said and reassured Nie gongzi. This time nie couldn't see the confidence in his voice like before.

Wei Ying said and pretended to show that he didn't care about the scene infront of his eyes.

The female were showering lan Zhan with the flowers, meanwhile he walk elegantly with a stoic face not caring about the treatment he is getting.

some overly smartass women who saw the breathtaking beauty walking with his indescribable beautiful aura rush near him and began to show off their beauty by parading infront of cold prince of Gusu.

Wen Qing tried to busy Wei Ying by distracting his attention from lan Zhan by her every attempt was failed as Wei Ying wasn't even seeing anything she was showing talk more of hearing. His full attention was on the females shamelessly trying their best to take his attention.

Few overly smartass women who saw the breathtaking beauty walking with his indescribable beautiful aura rush near him and began to show off their beauty by parading infront of cold prince of Gusu.

Only Wei Ying knows how he wants to stab them from suibian. He had enough he was about to chase away those goats but Nie Huaisaing hold his hand and stopped him on time.

Nie gongzi let me go . lan Zhan is very innocent he don't know how to handle this situation. "

Wei gongzi stop. look lan er gongzi isn't even paying attention to them and.. why you want to chase those beauties away?"

Wei Ying had no answer. yes why do he want to chase them away? isn't it his and nie plan to ignore lan Zhan and isn't it better if lan Zhan will find his better half in this crowd?

Wei Ying stood their, gripping on suibian in case he lose his temper and it unseathe itself.

The streets is indeed crowded so noone noticed the young man burning in anger. They aren't paying attention to those females. They were busy selling their goods but Wei Ying is looking at them and only on them.

From the crowd, a young maiden who also saw the breathtaking handsome cultivator. she on her mind guessed he must be a rich cultivator by his appearance. She smirked thinking of the ways to make this handsome a fan of her beauty.

She fix her dress, went near lan Zhan and pretended to faint. she let her body fall on lan Zhan, closing her eyes she waited for her body to land on lan Zhan's chest.

"Fuck !" escaped Wei Ying's mouth and now he was unstoppable.

Wei Ying had enough how can watch this scene infront of his eyes and claimed his man infront of everyone gazes. He pulled lan Zhan closer, hold his hand and interlock their fingers.


A/N - Ahhhh!

whereas the maiden who were waiting for her body to fall on lan Zhan's chest screamed when her butt landed on the hard ground opposite of what she was expecting.

Lan Zhan had not expected this to happen. Both of them was too driven in the moment no one notice the woman kissing the ground. she stood up in embarassment and ran from there.

Nie Huaisaing face palm himself, "Mission Fuddy duddy 28 attempt

He stand with Wen Qing infront of that old lady's stall. Wen Qing who was burning from anger she,

A/n - Rolling my eyes

Before lan Zhan could react Wei Ying already pull him and went to the earlier stall they met the old woman.

Granny, He is my Zhang fu and we both are married to eachother. Give us your blessings " Wei Ying spoke to the same old lady.

A/n - Ahhhh I can't imagine how happy Lan Zhan must be feeling rightnow.

"My mistake Hanguang jun and sorry young lady. " she said to wen qing.

"Your husband is really very pretty. You pair look amazing together, a fated couple. Always stay together. I give both of you my blessings. I wish you both a happy married life" she said to Wei Ying and lightly touched their head as they bowed to her.

They both thanked her and started walking again. Their hands were still connected and the flies who saw the scene stumped their legs, glares and went to their own works.

"Lan Zhan stay with me what if I lost ? " Wei Ying gave an excuse to stay close to Hanguang jun.

The corners of lan Zhan's lips slightly upwards but Wei Ying didn't saw it. He was looking at everything but lan Zhan embarrass from what he has done. He didn't know that the thick skin like him could get shy until he met lan Zhan.

"um hmm Wei gongzi I think lady wen is done with her shopping. It will be evening soon . we are heading back to cloud Recesses." Nie Huaisaing said after clearing his throat.

Lan Zhan gave them a nod.

okay then bye bye and enjoy your date, Wei gongzi "Nie Huaisaing said and left with Wen Qing.

"uh huh Lan Zhan there's they are selling buns I wanna eat . let's go " Wei Ying pulled lan Zhan to a stall nearby.


To be stories by mei mei continued..

Give me some time and I will give you sugarcoated update soon.