

Leon immediately assumed a combat position while facing Lily. His body was all tense and he looked extremely serious and ready to attack.

"Is that how you treat your mother?" Lily Williams asked.

"Well, if it were my mother I probably wouldn't have treated her like that. But what I see in front of me doesn't resemble my mother." Leon said in a collected tone. He couldn't lose his self-control.

"I see that the coward has grown a bad mouth after running away from home. I guess your uselessness has taken a toll on your thinking ability. Can't you differentiate between a stranger and family?" Lily's impatience grew.

"Well, a coward is not the term I would use. I would much prefer to call myself an abused refugee who reached this camp which was prepared by the government. As for the family, I only have a younger sister with me." Leon was losing confidence as time passed.

How did this woman find him? He had planned the whole set of events so perfectly and I hadn't left any kind of evidence that could be traced back to me. Just how.

"I am guessing you are trying to understand how I managed to find you two even after the meticulous work you did back in Tokyo. I have to say that it was quite meticulous of you to burn the house completely before escaping. I never expected that you could learn so much about escaping the situation."

"And yet you managed to find me. I think the Devils do have a great reach. Why are you here?" Leon asked.

"Before we converse, I want to check something out." Lily took out a wooden stick from her ring and attacked. Leon reacted calmly. he knew that given his mother's personality, he would never be able to escape unharmed.

Based on previous interactions, he thought that he might have improved his physique greatly, but the reality was cruel. He only managed to dodge the first couple of attacks, following which he was mercilessly thrashed by a wooden stick. He can't remember the last time he felt this close to death.

"As expected of a coward who ran away from training. You haven't improved even a little bit." Lily's words struck a deep chord in Leon's heart. He trained at his best for three years straight, yet he still couldn't match Lily using a wooden stick.

"I am quite disappointed. When I saw your attitude towards me, I thought you might have reached a point of strength that would surprise me, but a coward will remain a coward at the end of the day."

Leon's body was wrecked to the extreme at this point. He couldn't even feel his body much less move his facial muscles to give a reply. When he raised his bloody eyes to look at Lily, all he saw was a cold pair of emerald eyes glaring at him, extruding bloodlust.

"I will be taking my daughter with me." Lily turned around and was about to leave the room when she felt something grab her legs. She turned around to see a bloody hand wrapped around her heel, grabbing tightly, unwilling to let go.

Lily's face took a cruel turn as she moved around in a fast motion and kicked the figure with her other leg. Leon was sent flying to the other side of the room. She then tried to leave, but a cracking voice was heard.

"Lea..ve. my Sis..tter .also..ne" Leon's body was grabbing onto the wall behind him, trying to rise. Most of his bones were broken, and his muscles tore apart. he could feel the pain of thousands of needles piercing his body.

" I guess, the last 3 years at least tempered your courage a bit. But too bad, you are powerless to stop me. Besides, my daughter is too good to live beside some pathetic coward like you."

Lily's figure disappeared from view and in the next moment, a foot was directly pushing Leon's body into the wall. The sheer force was so powerful that Leon's frontal muscles tore apart and he lost consciousness. Lily's face was emotionless as she looked at Leon.

"No." A scream was heard behind her. She turned around and saw a horrified Mia raising a knife at her, tears in her eyes. " Stay away from my brother. Why are you doing this to him?"

"Like a brother, like a sister. Neither of you has a bit of respect for your mother. I guess he couldn't teach you proper manners." Lily once again vanished from her spot and appeared behind Mia. She directly hit the back of her head with a swift chop, incapacitating her unconscious.

She then lifted her hand as the man walked into the office.

"Officer Lee, you have done a commendable job as a scout. Please take my daughter and treat her injuries and contain her in a frozen shell. We will be leaving for headquarters. Your team will continue to monitor this boy and give me all the data. Send a healer to heal his injuries. He needs to be in top condition to take the test tomorrow."

"As your order leader."

Lily then walked up to an unconscious Leon, grabbed his blood-soaked skull, and imbued her energy into him.

"Don't you want to save your sister? Become an S-class hunter and come to Courageous Dragons Headquarters to fight it out with me. YOu can take her back if you are powerful enough. In the meantime, I will be sure to teach this mannerless girl a proper lesson about how to treat her parents."

She then threw him onto the floor beside her and left the room. Soon enough Lee Junshok and his team walked in to treat Leon's injury. He was surprised to see how cruel Leon's current condition was. He was beaten mercilessly until most of his bones were broken. He was surprised to even see Leon alive.

Lee Junshok held Leon's hand and said in a calm tone. " This is how the current world is, boy. I hope you will be able to become powerful enough to save your sister.