

"Are you insane?" Leon went wild, but the system remained neutral. It doesn't show any difference in either action or emotion to Leon's actions.

"The choice is for the owner to make. I just need to remind the owner about the two paths. One gives you a push to the very top while the other pushes you to the very bottom, and forces you to train yourself to the peak."

Leon calmed his mind down and thought about the situation rationally. There is no way these choices had been placed as a joke. On one side was the very pinnacle of power which Leon had always wished to achieve, while on the other hand was a direct fall to nothingness.

Why would the system pose such a question to him? It would be illogical to choose the second option. But something in Leon's heart said that this was the wrong move to make. he began to ponder over the facts.

"Can I experience both skills before making a choice?"

"This is your property. You can give it a try. I hope you can feel the power coursing through your body. Try and visualize that power exiting through your whole body at a steady pace.

Leon followed the instructions given by the projection, and soon enough, he could feel a faint stream of some kind of fluid energy leaking from his body. He decided to close his eyes to improve his concentration.

His visualization grew better with time, as he was finally capable enough to visualize his whole body exerting energy into the environment.

"Open your eyes." The system commanded and Leon followed. To his surprise, he could see a slimy layer covering his whole body. To his surprise, it was a faint blue color.

"This is the healing/ holy energy which you possess. This is perfect for the role of magician or healer. You could even go for compound magical jobs such as magic swordsman, or magic berserker."

"Pick up the stone on the ground." Leon did so. " Now bang it forcefully on your leg to break it."

"Are you insane?"

"Just follow my instructions. It is important to demonstrate the characteristics of your energy to facilitate a decision from you." Leon hesitated for a bit but decided to follow through with the process.

He directly banged it on his knees and screamed off the pain which was caused due to it. His knee was broken and he fell on the floor.

"What now?" Leon screamed.

"your wait for your energy to take action." To Leon's surprise, the slimy substance slowly began to move towards the knee and heal it. Soon enough, Leon found himself completely healed.

"Are all healers this powerful?"

"even healers have gradation in between them. You are on the higher side of average in your current condition. That is the reason for your strong energy."

"And I could improve this power to an even better level."

"That is why I am here. Now let's switch to the berserker ability. You will do the same visualization, but imagine your blood getting faster, rather than the energy.

Leon followed the instructions just to find his body immediately swelling up with energy. He could feel strength coursing through his veins as if something slumbering within him had just woken up.

"Try hitting the altar." Leon did so, and the stone which created the altar cracked up. Leon took two steps behind out of amazement.

"Your berserker powers are at a higher grade than your healer powers. But it is the same as the earlier ones. It will grow with my help and your efforts."

"This is awesome." Leon was lost in the ecstasy of his newly acquired powers.

"So you are saying I already have these two incredible sets of powers within me since birth."

"That is the truth. Now that you have experienced the characteristics of the two powers which you own, I want you to confirm your choice. What is it going to be?"

Leon was forced into silence once again. He never expected that he would be expected to make such an obvious choice.

"What is your play here?" Leon asked.

"There is no play. This is the most crucial point in the whole path of your becoming the top hunter. Which choice do you opt for?"

"It is so obvious that I am freaking out." Leon, once again tried to remember the system's words. One choice had him keep all his power, while the other pushed him to the bottom. The only mystery was the second part of both choices.

What did the personal attribute mean? What did he mean by limiting the sectors which were related to his original powers? It must have meant something.

"What are the attributes you were talking about?"

"Can't say for now. I can only wait until after you have made the choice." The system spoke.

Leon clenched his teeth trying to stop his arm from being swung at the system's projection. He really was pissed at the moment. He had just come back from dead and he wasn't even able to rejoice in the powers which he acquired just recently.

"Choose fast." The system kept urging.

Leon gave it some clear thought. These attributes that the system was talking about must mean some kind of skill of his own body. If he chooses the first option, he would be limiting his attribute to a specific job, but if chooses the second one, there wouldn't be any restriction.

The more Leon thought about it in this direction, the more certain he got that the second option might just be the best way to go.

"I chose the second one."

"Are you sure about your choice?"

"I am," Leon spoke with a hesitant voice.

'The host's has made his choice. Commencing the system's protocols. The sacrifice of two A-grade abilities with growth potential has been made."

"The exchange grants the user an unlocking to all system's function, along with the benefit of one-time reconstruction of his physique. Would you like to proceed."

"I do," Leon said with hesitation this time.

The system's hologram grew intense in brightness until Leon could no longer see anything.