

The duo made their way to a nearby 24-hrs café which was established by the guild. Liam gave out the orders and pulled a nearby chair for Molly to sit on. He then took a seat opposite her. The two waited in silence. The atmosphere got more and more uncomfortable before the waiter arrived as a means of salvation for the duo.

"Will you start talking or should I start asking a bunch of questions which will make the situation even more complicated?" Liam decided to break the silence.

"That was my brother. He came to check on me and see if I was doing well in the guild." Molly said.

"It sure didn't look or sound like that. I have to reveal that I am an SS-rank berserker and a mage. My senses are pretty accurate and sensitive. I did grasp most of your conversation and that didn't sound like someone who was checking and looking after the well-being of his sister." Liam got straight to the point.