

"How can we completely ignore the presence of a S-rank hunter within the guild. Are you saying that even your information gathering capabilities have grown weaker?" A burst of powerful energy knocked the man into the ground while crushing him with force.

The voice sounded truly angry over the fact that such an important piece of information was neglected.

"Sir, I did my best to plant spy and none of them had ever heard about there being an S-rank hunter within the Steel-Hearts guild. This man appeared out of nowhere within the Steel-Hearts line-up."

"If there was an S-ranker within their line-up, why would they be willing to take such a long time to grow into a fully fledged power. They could easily become a 2nd tier power and gain control over A-Rank dungeon." The man said.

"Are you telling me that human are starting to pop within the dungeons and help other humans in eliminating monsters?" The voice said with a tone filled with bloodlust.