

The screen continued changing and Night King managed to experience the scope of Leon's ability. He basically had eyes on every corner of the entir city, inside every single building that was present. Every move within the city was visible to him and the number of skeletons that were within the city limits, shocked him. 

"Do you understand the difference in power now? Do you see why I dared to arrive in the fashion I did during the tournament. Even if the entirety of four guilds were opposing me, I would massacre them in no time. Yet, I am here sitting beside you." Leon said. He then turned around and looked at Night King witha cold pair of eyes. His spine felt a tickling cold sensation. "Are you feeling hungry, cause I am." 

Leon flicked his fingers and the darkness aorund Night King morphed into a seat as well and he was forced on it with chains appearing all around his body. A skeleton appeared beside him, holding his shoulders.