

The teams spread out and assumed the formation as per Athena's instructions. Once done, Liam began to speak his orders.

"Assume your spear formation and Brandt; you will be responsible for breaking through the enemy lines. Leo, attack alongside me and your task will be to eliminate the inner circle monsters from the outside. On the other hand, I will be confronting the monsters who wouldn't be isolated with Molly's Howard's help. I will be leaving our backs to you and Nancy."

"Copy that," Brandt replied.

"Copy that", Leo replied. 

The formation was assumed, and they began to attack and isolate the bugs as per Athena's instructions. As soon as a small part was isolated, Athena and another S-rank hunter from China, Shi Lao, began to attack with all their might, The bugs were dying in masses now, but the problem appeared in the form of those who wanted to interfere. The snow bugs rushed at the team who were trying to maintain the blockade.