

Liam opened his eyes. His vision was blurry and blackish. Slowly his vision started to stabilize and the colour around began to improve. He looked around and found shelf staring at the roof. He tried to collect his thoughts and get up, but his body refused to move from its position. He could feel the pain that was left as a residue even after he was operated on my the medical department. The damage done this time was serious. 

He was not only heavily injured but suffered heavy blood loss, massive muscle tear and damage along with multiple failed organs and even amann exhaustion. There was no way he would be able to recover so soon. 

"How are you feeling?" Drake's voice sounded, but Liam was not able to bend his neck to look at him. 

"Feeling a bit conjusted in all these attachments. Even my body is feeling quite uncomfortable. How about opening up all the braces and let me be free?" Liam asked.