An Inkling on his sufferance

[16 years ago]

A tall boy stood near an open gate, waiting for a certain someone to appear. He radiated a bright aura. Whenever someone greet him, he would give them a beaming smile in return.

"Hey, Lucian! You better not bail out!" A teen voice shouted. The boy called Lucian just laughed at the repeated reminder.

"Yes, yes. I told you I won't. I'll come, really." He tried to sound irritated, but ended up chuckling in the end.

In the middle of the conversation, his gaze momentarily landed on the tall youth at the gate. After recognizing who the latter is, he gave a nod. Sherdan also did the same, and soon after, the brief encounter was forgotten.

"Ah, you're still here!" Friedde exclaimed upon arriving, making Sherdan's ear perk up. His eyes lit up as he looked at the panting Friedde.

Friedde had both his hands on his knees as he bent down to catch his breath. He ran from the faculty to the gate after he quickly took his remedial quiz. He advised Sherdan to leave before him, but it appears he didn't listen again.

If an acquaintance hadn't told him this, he would have finished much slower. Making Sherdan wait much longer, without even knowing it.

"Here, you're soaked." Sherdan handed Friedde a handkerchief, the latter took it and wiped his sweat.

"Let's go, let's go. It's almost 6. I'll be damned if sh---they arrive before me." Friedde paused, but regained his composure almost instantly. He threw the handkerchief back to Sherdan and the latter caught it effortlessly.

Sherdan nodded and followed behind him. He sneakily placed his arms on Friedde's shoulder. It look so natural that nobody noticed anything unusual.

Friedde was a little paranoid, but realized after looking around that nobody found it odd. Although reluctant, he just pursed his lips and remain silent.

After walking for several minutes, the two youths reached Friedde's residence.

It was a one-storey house, a little larger compared to the previous houses in the community. The garden could be seen from the spaces between the gate bars. And it was exceptionally beautiful.

Since the land was Friedde's family's private property, it was quite far from other houses. Thus, it was rare for someone to come around unauthorized.

"I'll go in--" Friedde's words were cut off as he was pulled by Sherdan.

After confirming that nobody's around the vicinity, Sherdan grasped Friedde's wrist and his other hand eagerly encircled itself around his waist.

After securing him, he kissed his forehead. Friedde, surprised at his sudden action, pushed him away roughly.

"You---! Idiot!"

Friedde stormed inside the gate and closed it with a bang!

Sherdan who's shoulders were aching, laughed his ass off. Right, his boyfriend is a gorilla. He almost forgot.

Friedde shut the door roughly. Exactly as he entered the house, he heard a muffled shout.

"Your parents are still at work! What are you so afraid of!" The voice was accompanied by laughter. Making Friedde so mad that the veins on his foreheads almost snapped.

He opened the door again and shouted back "SHUT UP!"

The door was closed again and Sherdan was left alone, laughing his head off.


"Mr. Cohen? Mr. Cohen?"

Secretary Brailey Lincoln gently shook the sleeping Sherdan, a little worried.

After he attended the wedding, Sherdan buried himself with work. He went to every meetings, gatherings and all sorts of events to burn time. If there's none, he would turn his attention to the stack of papers on his desk. Almost all calls for a conference were accepted and his boss never had even a second rest.

Whenever Secretary Lincoln clocked out he will see him working, and even after arriving, he's either seating in front of the papers, talking to someone on the phone, or smoking his black cigarette.

In short, working and then shortening his life span!

It was too much of a headache, and the scenario repeated every day. Secretary Lincoln who could no longer take it, was just about to lecture the other to go home and rest. And then he found him asleep on the office sofa.

Naturally, he would just let it be. But after the clock ticks to 9, he decided to wake him up. He should sleep at home. If he's at home, he won't be tempted by the paper works when he woke up.

Sherdan's lashes fluttered, and his eyes opened slowly. What peeked underneath is a beautiful light hazel, that had become a bit dark under the room's shade.

"Please rest at home, I already called for the driver to send you home." Secretary Lincoln said.

His voice unusually firm. Quite a contradiction from his usual self.

Sherdan who's already fully awake smiled slightly.


He agreed to the other's demands, after all, Brailey was supposed to take a leave of absence for his wedding. But after finding out that Friedde and Imogen were engaged, he became too worried and decided to delay it. He even thought of not doing it in the end.

Brailey sighed. "If you are aware then Sir should be mindful of his health."

"I do want to take a leave, but I'm too worried to even do it! What if you overwork yourself? If you reached the point where you're already knocking on heavens doors and I'm not around then who would help you? I don't want to see a very embarrassing headline, ever."

"CEO of Cohen's Hotel and Lodging Company---died from overwork!"

Secretary Lincoln started with his chide again, and Sherdan could only nod silently. Despite being the younger one, Brailey is more mature and responsible.

During the times they spent working together, Sherdan had become a little dependent on the other. And since Brailey sometimes acts like an old grandpa, Sherdan felt like there's still someone he could rely on. He still had one person left who would reprimand him whenever he neglects his self.

Secretary Lincoln realized that he had said too much again and immediately shut his mouth up.

He had been way too blunt!

"I apologize. The CEO can penalize me however he wants, except from a pay cut." Secretary Lincoln coughed. Sherdan could only smile, and sigh.

These fast-paced changes in attitude still leaves him amused. Whenever Secretary Lincoln's monologue slipped out, a round of scolding would start.

"It's fine."

With that, an agreement was made.

Sherdan was sent home by the driver. After he arrived, he went directly to his room. The accumulated fatigue finally hit him, and he instantly fell asleep.

On that night, he dreamt of the past again.

[15 years ago]

The warm rays lightened the room through the slightly opened window.

Except for the sensual breathing and the repressed pants of pleasure, the room was quiet.

A tall man had his arms encircled around another man's waist. They were both handsome, with a youth-like appearance that usually gave off a vibe of innocence.

But now, both their faces were red as they clung to one another.

"Ah-" Friedde almost shouted, but was silenced by the other's oppressive kisses.

His face was so red. His hot breath would brush against Sherdan's lips whenever they separate.

As the heated passion continued, the excitement continued to rise.

The more they satiate their desires, the hungrier they become.

But then--


"Yahoo! Sherdan! Friedde? Everyone's waiting for the both of you, you know? Hurry."

The echo of the sudden knock and the sudden voice outside the door vibrated in all corners of the room. The two youth inside the room stiffened. Friedde in particular, felt like his heart stopped beating.

He let go of his arms that were wrapped around Sherdan's neck like he was electrocuted. Cold sweats emerged from his forehead. His expression quickly turned from lust to fear.

Sherdan noticed this and avoided his gaze. Bitterness poured in his heart. It was piercing, painful, but familiar.

After all, he'd experienced this several times already.

He fixed his clothes and wiped the few sweats on his forehead.

"Fix yourself." He told Friedde before heading towards the door.

The moment he came out, all traces of bitterness left his face. He saw the Student Council's secretary who called for them outside, and he laughed sheepishly.

"Is it our turn to give our speech already? Sorry. You see Friedde just wanna bail out all of a sudden. The coward had the guts to run for presidency when he gets nervous over trivial things."

The Council's Secretary, Meyer, laughed.

"It's fine, it's fine. It's not your turn yet, but its almost about time. So they told me to fetch you." Meyer said. His gaze landed on the closed door behind Sherdan, and he gave out a cough.

"You pamper Friedde so much you know! If you aren't both boys everyone will think you're having a secret rendezvous here."

Sherdan laughed, although mirthless.

"Ha-ha-ha. This idiot."

"If ever I'll have a secret affair with someone I'll rather do it with a 36D. No way I'll settle with this guy." Friedde's voice was heard. He came out in the room while laughing.

His clothes were already fixed and only a few sweats remained. Nothing seems out of place at first glance. But Sherdan could clearly see the fear in Friedde's eyes.

Sherdan remained silent. He remembered Friedde's warning, and his brows furrowed slightly.

"HAHAHA, What 36D President? You can only see that sort of thing in pornos!" Meyer said out loud.

It seems he had forgotten that he's still a minor and was still not allowed to watch adult videos. Or maybe he just doesn't care.

The surrounding people gave him all sorts of gazes, but the guy's face was probably too thick that he didn't even notice it.

Friedde sighed after seeing Meyer's careless disposition.

"Right! Then are you still single President?" A few minutes after they started walking, Meyer asked.

Sherdan paused for a moment. He knew what the answer would be, but like a hopeless romantic, he expected something else. But just like that, he was disappointed once again.

"Yes, I am. Why?" Friedde replied without hesitation. It doesn't seem like he cared at all whether Sherdan will be hurt with this.

Sherdan's lips pursed, his brows knitted as he looked away. Friedde didn't notice it, and continued talking with Meyer.

"Great! You see there's a mixer arranged by my friend, and we're short of people. You're popular with the girls, so you have to join okay?" Meyer urged Friedde. He didn't think much of it and readily agreed.

Sherdan who was listening on the sideline clenched his fist.

The Secretary glanced his way, and was surprised. But Sherdan was quick to change his expression. He smiled brightly, and Meyer pacified himself that he must have seen wrong. Although he felt a little awkward he still asked Sherdan.

"How about you Vice President? Do you want to attend the mixer? Pretty sure you'll find a girlfriend there considering your handsome face!"

Sherdan held back his frown and then smiled.

"I can't. I have a lover."

Friedde stiffened in an instant. Blood left his face and he looked at Sherdan angrily. Meanwhile, Meyer's mouth dropped from the unexpected response, and his eyes twinkled comically. Obviously excited.

That was a huge scoop!

The Popular Vice President is actually in a relationship!

Meyer thought about who could the lucky girl be, and also felt pity for the numerous girls whose heart will probably break once they found out about this news.

"Woah! Who is it? Spill the tea!' " The guy was agitated. He ended up blurting one of his sister's favorite phrases.

Sherdan only laughed and shook his head in rejection.

Not when Friedde hates the idea so much.


In the middle of the night, Sherdan woke up. The dream ended, and it had already become blurry.

But one thing's for sure. It's Unpleasant.

Since he could no longer fall asleep, he went to the balcony. Putting on a black robe that falls past his knees along the way.

The moment he opened the sliding window, the cold breeze brush past his face. His black wavy hair danced along with the wind. Once it calmed down, it laid back on his forehead, looking quite messy.

He raked his fingers through his hair, and lighted his cigarette.

With how much he smokes, he won't be surprised if he developed a terminal disease soon.

He leaned on the veranda, as he quietly delved deeper into his thoughts. He could no longer remember the exact content of his dream. But he could vaguely remember what it was about.

"Haaa" as Sherdan sighs, the smoke that had only come out was instantly blown out by the wind, and it disappeared to the night.

His problems during his seventeen, compared to when he turned 20, were like a walk in the park.

After all, in his 20s, he was no better than a dead man.