Lu Lu is sleeping over

At that moment, Lucian's phone rang. He flinched from surprise but immediately picked it up. The phone screen shows her mother's name.

"Yes, Mom?" He asked after picking up. His mind was light-headed. Lately, his 'quick-wittedness' seems to be going on and then off.

"Lulu, I heard there's a sudden landslide on the public road? Everyone's talking about it. Are you alright? Had you passed that road? Are you okay?" Lucian's mother asked in a worried tone.

Everyone in the complex was talking about it. Her neighbor even came knocking on her door, asking about her son. It's because that was the road that every student of the Dominican Campus had to pass to reach their town, and her son is studying on that campus.

She did not give him much money, so she doubts he can call for a taxi or an Uber. But she's hoping he at least borrowed some money from his classmates. Thinking about that, she asked his son about it.

Lucian was bombarded with several questions, and he laughed awkwardly.

"Yes Mom, there's a sudden landslide. And I'm also alright. I haven't passed that road. And I'm okay."

"Also, I didn't borrow some money from my classmates. I was also unable to ride a tricycle since they refuse to because of the heavy rain, they said they'll only travel inside the Town." He answered all of her questions. But he omitted the part that the reason he's unable to grab a tricycle was that he had used up all his money during lunch from overeating. That's a secret he can't tell her because he's sure as hell that she'll blow up at him and scold him. Lucian felt nervous all of a sudden.

Oh, how many times her mother told him not to use up every cent of his money over food. But he can't help it! When faced with several tasty foods, he cannot refuse the temptation!.

Lucian's mother was surprised.

"What? Then are you still at school? How do you plan to go home?"

"Don't tell me you're planning to walk again! The rain is too heavy! My God Lucian! Do you want to catch a cold?" Lucian's mother massaged her head from the headache.

This time, Lucian can't help but laugh sheepishly.

How are Mothers always so on point?.

It's not his fault okay! He never really thought that the rain will become this heavy. That's why he was so calm and didn't even think of borrowing money!. The rain only becomes so torrential after his classmate had already gone home, and he can no longer ask anyone for an umbrella.

Thinking about it again, where the hell is his quick-wittedness at that time?. Where is it?.

This makes him feel like he was a damsel earlier. A dumb damsel in distress who was waiting for a knight-in-shining-armor. Bleurgh.

"No. No way." Lucian denied.

Actually, it's a yes. Mom, I'm sorry for lying.

"I'm not at school, actually I hopped on my schoolmate's car. But we were stopped by an officer on the way. I only found out now that there's a landslide." Lucian explained. Well, there was some truth to his words okay.

Lucian's mother heaved a sigh. She's relieved. At least her son wasn't so stupid.

"Are you close with that schoolmate of yours? How about you crash into his house for the night?. Don't go home now, it's dangerous. The news already said there's a typhoon. I would have fetched you if I had a car. I'll buy one once I've saved up enough money." Lucian heard this and was stupefied. What? Crash into whose house?

He looked at Sherdan who was sitting there beside Imogen, and the latter also glanced at him.

"Give your phone to him. I'll talk to him." Lucian's mother said.

He can't. He won't. He wouldn't dare.

"Uh, Mom. It's fine, uh, I'll just crash over Lila's house okay." Lucian said, his voice lowered when he spoke that last few sentences.

But Sherdan still heard it. He glanced at Lucian who was trying his hardest to prevent him from hearing their conversation, but failing miserably and chuckled. His adam's apple moving up and down visibly.

Lucian saw this scene and immediately avoided his eyes, his ears glowing red.

See Mom? I really can't stay with this guy any longer! If he did, he might just gawk at him and embarrass himself!.

"What? Why? Are you not close with that schoolmate?"

The officer was still outside the car at this moment and was already growing impatient. He asked them again to turn back.

Imogen was also sleepy. It was cold, and the weather was perfect for sleeping. In addition to that, it is almost 6:30 pm and the sun had already set.

Sherdan sighed and asked the driver to start the car. He hugged Imogen and placed her in a comfortable position. He also patted her back to help her fall asleep. And she did after a few minutes.

"Give me the phone. I'll talk to your Mom." Sherdan said. Lucian was reluctant but still handed him the phone.

Sherdan and his mother talked for a few minutes while the car was on the way to Sherdan's house. They both had ended up in an agreement.

The moment they reached Sherdan's home, the two of them entered the house. Sherdan was holding Imogen who was already sleeping, so Lucian holds the umbrella for all of them. The umbrella was quite big, so it was enough to prevent them from being drenched.

After they entered, Sherdan asked him in a low voice. He doesn't want to wake up Imogen, so he slightly leaned towards Lucian.

"I'll bring Imogen to her room. Wait for me here, I'll send you to Lila's house." He muttered.

They weren't too close, and it's not as if Sherdan's voice purposely seduced him. But Lucian still felt so flustered that he instantly put a distance between him. His face was crimson red, and his heart is beating so fast.

Nooo! Anything but a husky voice!

In a panic, he answered in a stuttering voice.

"O-okay okay!" Lucian said, feeling so flustered that he can't even look at Sherdan's face. Sherdan didn't point it out and just head to Imogen's room.

While Sherdan was away, Lucian calmed his heartbeat and sat on the sofa. He also called to inform Lila.

"What? No way. Sleep there, don't come here." Lila said while laughing. She sucked on her lollipop.

"No way! I can't! I'll go there! Let me sleep there." Lucian said with a begging tone. He can't sleep here. It was embarrassing. And also, Lila and he are closer. It's more appropriate to sleepover at her house.

"My dear friend, you should just enjoy the moment okay!. There's dozen of girls who can only dream of being able to sleep over in Sherdan's house, so you better grasp this opportunity."

"And also, I'm not kidding. You can't come here. My father and my older brothers are strict. If you come over here, I'll be grounded. You have to be a kind friend and not put me in a pit okay?"

"Remember, don't come here. Byeee~" She was about to hang up, but remembered one thing.

"Btw, enjoy!" She laughed evilly, and without even waiting for Lucian's response, she hanged up the phone.

Lucian was so dumbfounded that he was unable to take his eyes away from his phone. He was glaring at it, imagining it was Lila, so he can vent his anger out.

Who gave him such a friend? Why is she his friend? How did they become friends?

Sherdan saw him like this after he came down and went to where he is.

"Let's go then?" He asked. He had already changed into casual wear.

Lucian snapped out of it and looked at him. Feeling quite guilty. He feels like he had been troubling Sherdan for a while now.

"Lila said I can't come over." He said, his voice almost inaudible.

Sherdan heard it anyway. He raised one brow lightly and smiled.

"Then just listen to your Mother and sleep here," Sherdan suggested. He wonders why this guy doesn't want to sleep here. It's not as if he will mind it.

Lucian raised his head and was welcomed with Sherdan's handsome face. He cried in his heart. I want to brother, but you're too damn attractive!.

But he had no choice now really. He doesn't want to bother anybody, it's already 7, and it's already so dark out. Sherdan's driver was still waiting outside, unable to go back home because of him. He can't keep on holding them back like a pampered kid.

"Okay. I'm sorry for the trouble." Lucian said in a small voice and smiled apologetically. Sherdan said it was fine.

After they finally came up with an agreement, he told the driver to go home. And also asked Lucian to call his mom, so he can inform her of the sudden change of plan. After completing this series of actions, he asked Lucian to follow him.

The both of them walked towards the second floor, and Sherdan stopped in front of a white door.

"This is the guest room, you can stay here. If you want to wash, you can go to the bathroom. It's in there." He pointed at a door in a distance. Sherdan opened the door to the guest room and also turned the lights on.

Lucian looked inside and felt that this was too familiar. Like he had seen it before.

He tried to remember it, and when he finally did. He was so flustered that his neck and face felt like its burning.

Right! How can he forget!.

"Oh, you don't have any clothes right? Come, I'll lend you mine." Sherdan said, his face still emotionless. He glanced at Lucian and was surprised at how visibly red he was.

He subconsciously raised his hands. It reached out and touched Lucian's forehead.

Lucian who was still muddleheaded from remembering Sherdan's memories was so surprised by this sudden physical contact that he backed away in a hurry.

But since he was in a panic, his feet crashed against his other feet, making him unbalanced. He was about to trip, and like a reflex he closed his eyes tightly, waiting for the pain to come.

Sherdan saw this and was surprised, but he was quick enough to catch Lucian's wrist. He meant to pull Lucian to help him balance himself, but the unexpected heaviness and force of gravity made him unable to do so.

And so he gave up on that idea, and just wrapped his one hand on the back of Lucian's head, to reduce the pain from the impact of their upcoming fall. This series of events happened in a matter of seconds.

The loud "BANG" could be heard in the hallway, followed by a pained groan. Lucian, slowly opened his eyes when he didn't feel any pain in his head. All he can feel is a soft palm behind his back and a heavyweight above him.

His black eyes met a hazel one.

Lucian was lying on the floor with his head protected by sherdan's right hand, and Sherdan was on top of him. Their bodies grazing each other from every little movement.

Lucian gasped, his breath brushed against Sherdan's face. His face grew even hotter with every second.

His face is too close!!

Sherdan was about to stand but immediately groaned after using his right hand to support himself. When he looked at it, it was already turning into a pale reddish color.

Lucian also saw this, and his lips formed into an 'O'.

"Oh god! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" He said, his eyes almost leaving their socket. He was staring at that injured finger, so he forgot that Sherdan was still on top of him and tried to stand up. As result, their foreheads both knocked against each other.

Lucian felt his eyes moistening from the sudden collision. He felt so awful, and also felt so guilty of constantly inflicting pain on Sherdan. He's not a sadist!.

He can already imagine Sherdan frowning from irritation, and truthfully, the very thought of it frightens Lucian. He can't, and he also doesn't want to see him look at him like that.

But contrary to his imagination, Sherdan finds this funny. The very situation feels so 'teen-like and 'clumsy' that he couldn't help himself from laughing despite his aching hands and forehead.

Lucian heard him laugh and was stunned.

Wha....what? Why are you laughing?.

Sherdan stands, but he was still laughing softly.

Lucian sat up, staring at him. He doesn't understand why Sherdan's laughing.

"Why are you laughing?. Did I hit your head too hard?" he asked, actually genuinely worried that he did.

Sherdan grinned, his laughter died down after a few moments. He shook his head.

"No. It's just that, you've been battering me a lot." Sherdan answered.

"Are you a masochist?!" Lucian gasped while looking at him. His hands covering his mouth from bewilderment.

"No. Don't mind me. I just had the urge." His eyes carried some faint interest whenever it glances at Lucian, especially at his expressions.

For some reason, he finds this fun. Uncalculated actions, collisions that were caused by genuine clumsiness. He wanted to experience it once really, something dumb, but fun. Something real, not fabricated. Something that feels so 'youth-like.

In his 32, he had long realized that there's no such thing as genuineness in the world of adults. There were only competitions, manipulations, and obsession over success, over power. Genuine things were even rarer to get than money.

Keeping up appearances, always maintaining 'dignity', you can never trust somebody so willfully, it was all too tiring. It drains him, little by little. It made him so suffocated, but he can never breathe. Because once he breathes, that's when they take advantage.

Sherdan was silent all of a sudden. But Lucian was already focused on his hands that he didn't notice it.

He ignored his embarrassment and touched Sherdan's arms, he raised it and examined that part with a bluish color. It was slightly swelling, and it looks painful. It doesn't seem to be the worst, but still, it needs to be tended immediately.

"I'm sorry," Lucian said sincerely. He doesn't mean it to happen, but it was still his fault. If only he didn't panic like a stupid earlier.

He lightly bit his lip, it's not as if he wanted to panic okay?. But Sherdan's memory in this timeline made him so flustered. Remembering it again, he felt hot again.

He wanted to punch himself. It's not the time for this!.

"We need to dab some ice packs on it. Or it will get worse. Do you like…uh…"

"Hmmm. Follow me." Sherdan lead him to the kitchen and was about to get some ice himself, but Lucian was faster.

"You should just sit. I'll do it." He ordered Sherdan. Sherdan obliged and sat quietly on the chair.

He stared at Lucian who was so immersed in what he's doing and can't help his lips from lifting upward slightly. This guy, he's a little interesting. For both his 32 and 16-year-old self.