The Gods and Golden Threads

At the same time he started talking, a thunder struck down, making his voice inaudible.

Lucian jumped from the sudden loud sound, his heart thumping hastier than normal. He breathed in and out, then he glanced at Sherdan after calming his heart.

Sherdan had a smile on his face, but for some reason, Lucian felt a sense of foreboding.

"Can you repeat what you said?" Sherdan asked, his smile never reaching his eyes. He stood up and placed his hands on Lucian's shoulders. Preventing the other from escaping.

Lucian was put on the spot. Faced with an unnerving situation, he suddenly had no idea what to do.

What? What? Did he say something wrong?

He laughed awkwardly.

"I said, I came from the future." He answered. His eyes subconsciously avoiding the others gaze.

Why? What's with this sudden sequence of events? Did he say something wrong?

Oh, he did. He just said that he came from the future, and on top of that, he also knows Sherdan's memories. Obviously, this is extremely unusual.

"And?" Sherdan probed. His hands gripping tightly on Lucian's, not enough to hurt him, but enough to cage him. Cold sweats run down from Lucian's forehead.

Getting surprised is one thing, but what's with Sherdan acting so oddly?. He looks upset about something.

"I know it's weird. And you also might think I've gone nuts, but I'm telling the truth. I really saw your future. I am 32 years old, but I'm also 16. Right now, I'm not sure of my absolute identity."

"I'm telling you this because I find you weird. You, I know you're in a relationship with Friedde. In the original timeline, you were always with Friedde, but now i had never saw the two of you hanging out together. Rather, you look like you're avoiding each other." Lucian said. He can't turn back now. He had to make it certain that his intuition is correct or wrong.

If Sherdan is the same as him, he will feel uncomfortable if someone finds out about him and Friedde. Lucian felt guilty, but he had to do this.

And if it turns out Sherdan is truly his 16-year-old self, then he can just say he's kidding, or he can choose to continue giving him information, this will depend on Sherdan's reaction to this.

Aside from that, if it really turns out that Sherdan is also like him, he might have an answer as to why he acts like his 16-year-old self despite fully knowing he came from the future.

Although there's a possibility that he only dreamt of the future, or he's probably hallucinating things, he just had to make sure of it by comparing his 'future memories' from the 'upcoming events'. He had to make sure, and he felt like Sherdan can give him some answer.

But he finds it strange, he can't discern who Sherdan is right now. He didn't act like how he imagined him to. He imagined him either laughing about it, getting surprised, unbelieving or even annoyed.

But what's with this smile? What does this supposed to mean?

Sherdan let go of him. He had never expected this sudden turn of events. He never suspected this, after all there were no indications that Lucian has 'his' memories. The only thing that Lucian told him before was something the public knows, the death of his parents.

And although Lucian being at that moment before, when he first came in these times, was suspicious. He just brushed it off as Lucian coming to him to tell him about his parent's death out of concern.

But now that he had remembered it again, how come Lucian knows where he lives in his 16?. It's not that it was known by all.

What a big slip up.

How come he didn't think of this. He was so preoccupied with his parent's death and his schemes against his relatives that he had overlooked this matter about Lucian's regression altogether.

Sherdan let go of Lucian and went back to seat on his chair. He had to inform Lucian that he also regressed back, in that way, he can discuss this thing to him. And he can also use him for his plan, as he was more free when it comes to discussing the future events. However, it's not an easy feat to achieve.

The handicap of being muted wasn't limited to not being able to speak. If he tried to say it with the move of his mouth, he will be automatically unable to open his mouth. When he thought of writing it in paper, he would be unable to take control over his body, the same goes with typing it on phone. All sorts of methods prevent him from disclosing certain information, especially the fact that he had memories of his 32-year-old self.

But that's not the case for Lucian. It seems like, this guy can say whatever he wanted. He wasn't a hundred percent sure, but based on Lucian's actions, it doesn't seem like he was being controlled by a 'God'.

"Is that so?. This is so unusual." Sherdan hummed.

"Give me some time. I am quite surprised." Sherdan smiled. Lucian readily agreed. Sure you can, you can, even he himself will surely not believe it instantly if he was told about something like this.

Well, normally, most people won't.

Sherdan closed his eyes and tried calling for the 'God' in his mind. He had tried this before, and sometimes the 'God' will respond. Although, it doesn't disclose much information.

Sherdan waited for several minutes, and it seems like the 'God' won't show up again today.

He was about to open his eyes, but he heard a sudden static inside his head. He groaned and clutched on his head from the sudden pain.

Lucian saw this and panicked. What? What happened?. He approached Sherdan and asked him if he's alright, but finds out he had lost consciousness.

Sherdan opened his eyes in a blank space, in that endless space was two balls that resembles the planet Earth. That two balls were floating high up, and was surrounded by a several rotating numbers that looks like the form of an armillary sphere.

It was placed so high up that he can't touch it with his hands. Sherdan stared at that rapid rotation, like it was a calculation of something. The other ball was still, while the other was moving. It was strange, and weird.

All of a sudden, a voice was heard.

"You have come. Your golden threads have yet to reunite, I see, 'She' is interfering again." It was just a voice, there was no person visible in sight.

It spoke in different language, but the message from that voice' sentence came inside Sherdan's mind.

"Who are you?!" Sherdan asked. He was vigilant. Inside an unfamiliar place, with a highly suspicious being, there is no way he will relax his guard.

"No need to be so alert. I will not cause you any harm. I am the God that links human's fate, Moirai".

The voice spoke.

"I am also the God that interrupted Clepsydra's plans."

The voice introduced himself, as well as his name and the other God's name. But Sherdan couldn't make out of what he had said.

"Clepsydra, the Goddess of Time and Galaxy took pity on you, and decided to meddle with this world's fate. As the God of Fate, I couldn't sit still and do nothing as you were to wreak havoc in this world. Thus, I gave you another half, and linked you together with my threads."


"Clepsydra wanted to protect you, thus the reason she doesn't want both threads to integrate."

"What a selfish Goddess." The voice said, sighing in the end.

A humongous hand appeared out of the space, in its palm is a two small ball of light.

"The Golden threads needs to be integrated. Simply avoiding the future to be known by the people of this world is not enough. You are not forbidden to change the future as you were given a chance to do so, but you are not a free human."

" Clepsydra cannot come to this place as I had placed her inside my binds."

"You shall integrate with the other end, or this world will collapse from her selfishness." The voice let go of the two small ball of lights, and it floated towards Sherdan.

Sherdan still held a cautious look on his face. Unexpected things had been happening since earlier, and now he had met a God.

"Tell me. What are the real purpose of the Golden Thread? What happens once it integrated?" Sherdan asked. The God did not respond and the humongous hands vanished out of thin air.

"Complete the process, and you will find out." The God answered, and Sherdan regained his consciousness.

Lucian saw him opened his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief. He was so worried after Sherdan passed out. He might have been so shocked with what he said that he lost consciousness.

Sherdan was still a little muddleheaded. He glanced at Lucian who had a guilty look on his face, and his gaze indeliberately went to his hands.

In Lucian's ring finger is a golden ring, it had a thread that seems to be connected to where he is. When he looked at his hands, he saw the same ring.

The Golden thread.

He sat down and stared at the ring, he tried to touch the threads, but it seems to not have any physical properties.

Lucian saw him waving his hands like this and felt even guiltier. He really had lost it huh?.

"Are you fine? I'm sorry for startling you. Just forget about it okay? Forget that I said anything. It's just a joke, a joke." He laughed sheepishly.

Sherdan didn't hear it as he was so immersed with the threads, assessing it. He reached out and grabbed Lucian's hands that had the golden ring on. Lucian was surprised with his actions.

"What? Is there something with my hands?" He asked.

Sherdan glanced at him for a second, but went back from assessing Lucian's ring. Just like the thread, the ring doesn't have any physical body.

"Golden threads." Sherdan said. He was assessing whether Lucian knows this matter. But Lucian only looked at him with a puzzled look. It seems he doesn't see it.

"What? Golden threads?" Lucian asked. What is this? Sherdan's been acting weird since earlier.

Sherdan wasn't sure about this 'golden threads' the God keeps on mentioning earlier. But he had to know.

From what that God said, it seems the Golden Threads had a certain effect on the future. The 'Goddess' valued him for some reason, and was preventing this threads from being completed.

That means, there must be something with this thread that will cause him harm, but will do good in the future events. Sherdan had a sudden look of seriousness in his face.

This thread doesn't include just himself, Lucian is a casualty too. He really doesn't have any idea why Lucian was the one who got linked to him. Although he despises Friedde, he still thinks that it is less unusual if they were the one linked together given the time they had spent together.

But for some reason, that God chose to link him with Lucian.

Sherdan sighed. He gripped on Lucian's hands and with his thumb, he subconsciously caressed Lucian's ring finger.

He raised his head and looked at Lucian. His face serious and a little determined.

He's not certain of what this 'golden threads' will bring him. But this matter includes Lucian, so he had to ask him about his opinion and also tell him about this matter. If he had a choice, he would much rather prefer to solve his matters alone. But Lucian is already too involved, and the God already made it so obvious that Lucian was brought here as some sort of 'intervention' from the havoc he will make after he changed this timeline's events.

The God never mentioned anything about stopping him from changing the timeline, and for some reason, he had a gut feeling that he really wouldn't.

So Sherdan opened his mouth and ask, with his hand still holding Lucian's hands.

"Do you want to integrate...."

Lucian had only heard the first few sentences, but was already flabbergasted he can't think straight.


Holding ring finger?

Wait, is this.

Is this.

A proposal?!!