Like a lone cloud in the sky


Two young boys swiftly run through the spaces between the dark and compact cluster of houses. God knows where their feet had led them, but it was certainly far from the campus. Their soles were aching, and their body showed several signs of an earlier fight.

What follows them behind is a horde of older students that looks like delinquents. But the two young boys weren't frowning, rather, a foolish smile can be seen from their faces. It is visible that they were having fun despite their situation.

The chase lasted for several more minutes, but the delinquent group surrendered first. As their stamina seems to run shorter than the younger ones.

"Make sure to not let us see yer faces again or yer dead!" The leader of the delinquents shouted at them, they couldn't get them now but they will at another time, surely.

The two boys who were hiding behind an abandoned building just snickered to themselves.

"They had to exercise their bones first, or they'll never catch up," Friedde whispered. A little afraid their location will be discovered if he raised his voice. Sherdan on the other hand calmed himself down after the initial adrenaline rush.

His heart is beating loudly, quickly. Not from fear, but admiration. He looked at the strange guy beside him, and his eyes seem to shine brightly, resembling one of those you often see in animes.

He was just walking towards the school earlier after sending his sister to school and saw a horde of old-looking people wearing high school uniforms sexually harassing a girl. He wasn't someone with a high sense of justice, but still, if he saw a crime with his own eyes, it's hard to ignore it.

His brain probably short-circuited that time, as he came to the rescue despite the obvious difference in number and strength. Of course, he ended up beaten. Although not to 'pulp' because this strange guy appeared.

Just as he was trying his best to fend off the opponents, this guy came out of nowhere and help him, he fought the delinquents like he's out for life. He took on blows like it's nothing, and give blows as if he doesn't care if his arms would break. It's like the scene was stripped out of a manga. Because of this guy, they managed to escape.

Sherdan glanced at the guy and noticed he was also looking at him.

"What's with that look? You think I'm awesome too don't you?" Friedde had a tinge of red in his cheeks, and like a boasting older brother he placed his hands on his waist and scratch his back with the other.

"That's given, cool guys like me have to defend the weak!" He laughed, his naivety showing. Behind it is an indecipherable emotion, not noticed even by Sherdan.

Sherdan smiled at him, obviously buying his self-boasting.

That was the first time they met, and the start of their friendship.

More than two years passed and they have both become 3rd graders. High school is different from elementary, of course, they knew that because of their first encounter during their first grade, but they never thought it would be this hard!.

"Mr. Loyde! Tell me the answer to this question!" The strict math lecturer smashed her folding fan on the question written on the blackboard. Making a loud 'thud' sound. This adds up to Friedde's nervousness and the overall tension inside the room.

A sudden recitation that decides their second-quarter!. It would have been acceptable If the problem was tackled in detail, but the teacher just briefly mentioned it during one of her lectures. And now all the questions we're about this certain topic. It's given that they do not know what to answer, at all!.

"M-maam you didn't teach this to us in detail, so I don't know. R-right? Everyone?" Friedde said, his voice is fearful. But he still voiced out his opinions, as he felt like these questions should be changed.

But the teacher took it the wrong way, she's a principal model of a teacher with an old-time mindset. Those types who wouldn't hear a student's pleas, and think she is always in the right.

"How dare you, Loyde! Are you accusing me of not teaching you?! This is clearly the result of your own lack of effort to study the lesson yourself!. Your head is just a dull sword!. You dare blame me for your tardiness and idiocy.!" She shouted, her voice could be heard from the other classroom.

Everyone in the class was originally about to agree with Friedde but backed out after seeing the Math teacher enraged. How can they still dare to support him? He'll surely get a punishment for this, they don't want to get involved at all.

Friedde saw this very scene and felt indignation, his eyes slowly becoming vacant, he spoke for the whole class but this is what he received in return. Just as he was losing hope, a man raised his hand.

"Teacher, isn't that too much? Calling your student an idiot, wouldn't that mean you're incompetent?." A voice boomed inside the room. His words were offensive, but his face is all smiles, making a huge contradiction that can tick off even the kindest person in the world.

And that clearly was the reaction he earned from the Math Teacher, extreme resentment.

"You! Do you think you're any better!?. You suck at Math and don't know how to respect your teacher!. You were all a disappointment of this school!. Even I won't have a face if they called you my students!. What an unprincipled flock of ignoramuses!."

The teacher seems to have forgotten about the recital, as she spouted swears after swears. As if the one in front of her weren't students, but a bunch of criminals.

After she finished, her time was already up. And she angrily announced.

"Cohen! You will come to school with your parents tomorrow, lest you don't want your Math Grade anymore. Let's see if you'll see me again last year. The recital will be rescheduled tomorrow. If you still won't give me a proper answer, expect a 70 in your grade!" She stormed off afterward. And everyone in the room breathed a sigh of relief.

At least she didn't fail all of them, they guess she was still afraid these failed grades will affect her performance.

Sherdan who was placed in the hot seat didn't even flinch nor batted an eye during the times he was thoroughly degraded. Making everyone look at him like he's some kind of an alien.


Friedde smacked Sherdan's head after school ended. They were walking towards home when Friedde couldn't keep it in anymore.

"Are you stupid? Why would you provoke her like that? You could be suspended you know?. You should have just let her scold all of us, instead of shouldering it all by yourself." He scolded. He was visibly mad, but Sherdan just ruffled his hair.

The first time they met, Friedde was taller than him. But now he's half a head taller because of his sudden growth spurt. And Friedde's height remained the same as before, although his heavy hand is still the same.

"Don't mind it. I doubt I'll get suspended. And aside from that, I recorded everything that happened during the class. I'm sure she would get some punishment too." He had his usual smile on his face, making Friedde want to smack him again.

This guy never frowns. It's like he's a smiling robot.

He sighed and smacked Sherdan's hands on his head.

"Well, whatever." He started walking. After reaching a certain distance, he mumbled.

"Thank you, for standing up that time." He really 'saved' him.

Time passed again, and it was almost the end of their school year. Sherdan noticed how Friedde seems to be troubled and out of it lately, but the latter wouldn't tell him anything. He also would often have some mood swings, making it hard for Sherdan to talk to him.

He doesn't want to appear nosy, so he didn't ask.

Unaware that it was the greatest mistake of his life.

As usual, they went home together again. Sherdan glanced at Friedde, his cheeks a little reddish. He noticed how he's been more attentive to the other lately, and how he always looks for him whenever he's out of his sight.

Although he finds it a little weird, he wouldn't deny it just because of something as lame as that, he likes this guy. His friend, a man just like himself.

He wouldn't deny his feelings, just because this sexuality is denied by others. Thinking about this, his heart thumped loudly, he was a little afraid. What if this guy also viewed homosexuality as a sin? and chose to ignore him?.

Sherdan gulped, he's terrified to have his conjecture be confirmed as true.

"Hey! Accompany me to the market okay? I'll buy something for Mother." Friedde uttered. Sherdan just nodded absentmindedly, his thoughts not lining up to Friedde's. But he gave on affirmation out of reflex.

Friedde noticed him staring off at a distance and snapped his fingers in front of Sherdan's face. Sherdan snapped out of his reverie and smile. "Let's go then. Off to the market!" He placed both his hands on Friedde's shoulder and cheerfully spoke. Friedde was influenced by his radiant vibe and gleefully laughed.

The two boys headed to the market and bought what Friedde needed. It took them just a few minutes to finish, as what Friedde needed to buy wasn't that many.

Sherdan's stomach growled, and he laughed sheepishly.

"Let's buy some food. I heard they opened up a stall around here."

"Hmm. I think it's near the plaza, is it waffles or something?"

"I think it is." Sherdan casually placed his arms on Friedde's shoulders. Friedde flinched for a second but didn't push him away.

The two of them went to the food stall and ordered a waffle. The hot waffle seems to melt in their tongue the moment they gobbled it up. Making their eyes turn crescent from satisfaction.

"You want another serving?" Friedde asked, his hands rubbing his tummy that had yet to be assuaged. Sherdan laughed and went along with his suggestion.

"Yeah, but let's eat it while on the way okay? It's almost time for my curfew, Imogen might be sad in the house if I delayed even more than this." He yawned, he felt a little sleepy.

"Hmm, I'll bu----" Friedde's voice was drowned by the sudden commotion.

"Fucking dykes! You dared walk around in public without shame? I bet your parents were ashamed of you." a lady shouted, she accidentally collided with a girl when she wasn't looking at her surroundings, and she was enraged. It wasn't the other's fault, so she was criticized. In the end, she was so enraged she poked at their sexuality.

The two girls were clinging to each other, the other has long hair and looks exceptionally cute, the other has a barber's cut hairstyle. She wasn't even looking at the lady who was making a fuss anymore, she finds her irritating.

"Haaa, that's old news already old lady. Even if you criticize us, we won't pay for your so-called expensive dress' laundry expenses. You don't get to snatch bucks on my wallet with petty antics." The cute lady rebutted. Not giving any care to the surrounding people who were watching them like their actors.

Sherdan glanced their way and watched the commotion while sipping on his juice. How brave though, he wonders how they ended up together. Are there some tricks to getting your same-sex fall in love with you?. He's totally clueless when it comes to dating.

Someone in the crowd shouted, adding fuel to the fire.

"Wanna have some threesome?!" The guy said it jokingly like it wasn't any big deal. Sherdan frowned and almost wanted to throw the glass he's holding at the guy who spoke. How fucking abominable!.

The girl with a barber's cut glared at the guy who spoke, she looks like she wouldn't be taking his crap.

"How about I cut your dick you slut."

"Wha-what--- this bitch!!" The commotion didn't stop, and it seems like it wouldn't any time sooner. Sherdan sighed and went to call for Friedde.

But immediately froze upon seeing Friedde's face.

"Let's go? Let's buy waffles some other day." Friedde casually changed his expression and smiled. Sherdan absentmindedly agreed, his heart started beating loudly. And he was still unable to process what he saw.

Was what he saw just now---- was it disgust?.

"Hey, Friedde," Sherdan called out.

Friedde stopped walking and glanced at him, confusion etched on his face.


"You---what do you think of homosexuals?" He asked, a little doubtful. He must have seen wrong.

"Hmm? Nothing." Friedde replied with a smile and turned his back on Sherdan. The moment he did, his smile vanished, and his eyes became blank and desolate.

Sherdan, who was unaware of this breathed a sigh of relief.

He was wrong, thank goodness.
