First Retribution: truth that lies in the strings

"Haaa haaa"

Labored breathing, reddish faces, and sweating bodies. The two men who were embracing each other were both muddleheaded from the extreme pain, that was mixed with a hint of a hot sensation.

It wasn't in a sensual way, as they were really, literally feeling hot. Scorching, like they were getting burned alive.

They weren't making love either. Both of them were going through their first 'retribution'.

Lucian gripped on Sherdan's shirt, his red face buried in the other's neck, he spoke. "H-hurts."

Some drops of blood trickled down from the flesh he bit. Sherdan's grip tightened around his body like he wanted to return the pain he received.

The both of them endured the excruciating pain for an hour, leaving them so weak that they dropped to the pool's tiles, still atop each other.

Lucian's ragged breathe brushed against Sherdan's neck. They were in an extremely embarrassing, and inappropriate position. But they were too occupied on catching their breaths, that they were unable to realize It.

When the pain had subsided, Lucian quickly tried to move away. But his weak knees gave out on him, and he plopped back on Sherdan, earning a pained groan.

Lucian placed his hands on Sherdan's shoulders. "Sorry." He sheepishly smiled.

Sherdan's hazel eyes stared at him and didn't voice out any more complaints. The pair ceased their attempts to move and just bear with the awkwardness.

Like it was waiting for that certain moment, a message once again appeared inside their heads the instant their breathing had become consistently stable.

[ First retribution has been executed. ]

[ Humans bind by the Golden thread would receive the retribution of the accumulated defect amassed from the distortion of the flow of fate. ]

[ It was said that humans have their predestined fates the very moment they were born. A disruption to its flow could only happen by a one-in-a-billion-century accident, such as time travel or transmigration. Once such a phenomenon happens, the people who had unconsciously walked the paths that weren't aligned to their fates would receive the accumulated defects on their fate's flow. This would only result in two things; destruction of their path to reincarnation or instant annihilation of the souls. ]

[ With such chaos, the Golden Threads was created as a deterrent. The Golden Threads would devour the accumulated defects of the people influenced by the time travelers or transmigrators and the retribution would only be shouldered by the bound pair, whilst the outsiders would be left unscathed. ]

[ Yet, as it punishes its bound humans, it would also ensure they wouldn't perish. The bound humans lifespan would be forcibly shared, to ensure that the other won't die until the final judgment. ]

"What would happen once the Final Judgment happened?."

Lucian asked, his voice still hoarse.

Sherdan was equally curious about this Final Judgment too. Despite already having formed a conjecture, he still wanted to hear the voice's answer. Although guessing about what it could be, he was sure it wouldn't be any good.

The two of them waited for the voice to give them an answer, but it once again kept them in the dark.

With a frustrated emotion, the two of them went silent. Both gritting their teeth. Sherdan in particular had a very deep frown on his forehead.

His grip subconsciously tightening on Lucian's waist. The two had long forgotten their position after the series of events that unfolded and the sudden revelation.

Sherdan gritted his teeth, his strength increasing every second. "I involved you in my mess."

Lucian flinched from the pain and tapped on Sherdan's arms, pulling out the other from his thoughts.

He coughed and replied. "It was consensual."

But it doesn't seem like Sherdan would be accepting it, as he continued his self-blame.


Lucian loudly coughed, interrupting Sherdan.

"Then it's a contract." He said with his brows raised. Sherdan saw this very expression, a confident one that gives off a vibe that he wouldn't accept any objections.

By slightly lowering his head, he was able to hide his amused grin. Using business as a way to shut him up, of course, he would take this seriously.

He raised his head, his eyes held a warning.

"You're aware right?. The voice had been hiding several things from us, and it wasn't a good thing I bet. You've heard what it said, a deviation in the flow of your destiny can destroy your soul."

Lucian's heart thumped, he's afraid of course. But there was no turning back now.

"And you also know, that it doesn't look like the voice would be unbinding our threads any sooner. There's no point in regrets and self-blaming."

"I invested in this knowing fully well that it might be dangerous. I won't accept your complaints about my life." He stood up after regaining his strength. Sherdan followed suit and staggered for a moment due to dizziness.

Lucian helped him stable himself.

Sherdan stared at him, with a rather pitying gaze.

"You suck at investing."

Lucian's forehead veins twitched and he suddenly wanted to rip him to shreds.

Did this guy slowly opened up to him? And the first thing he said was an insult.

Sherdan walked towards the path leading to the hotel, but Lucian didn't miss out on the words he whispered.

"You won't get anything from helping me."

He stared at the wide back that is now slowly retreating in the darkness, and he sighed.

"You don't get it."

He was stupid. That was all.

The moment the two of them entered the hotel, they saw Martin waiting at them at the reception lounge.

After seeing their state, he immediately called for the staff to prepare them towels and robes.

He strode towards them and couldn't keep himself from nagging.

"You made a mess in my party then left. Do you know how many headaches I had because of that scandalous guy you left alone?."

"If you're gonna make a scandal then you should have gone to a secluded place and fix it with your fists!. That guy was so loud. So sissy!"

"Oh hell, what happened to your neck!? Get me some first aid kit." He ordered to the staff who were following them.

He talked about a lot of things, while also leading Sherdan and Lucian into their hotel room with an above-average speed.

Lucian couldn't handle it anymore and asked them to take a break, but Martin hurriedly waved his hands.

"No! No! Take a break inside your rooms. Hurry! Let's go!."

Lucian looked at him and tried taking off Martin's hands that we're pushing his shoulders. He was still a little battered because of the retribution so his body would hurt if it's gripped strongly.

Sherdan saw this and was about to stop Martin too. But ended up flinching from surprise after hearing a screeching voice.

"You bash-tards! Where d-did you go! You-you we're the-cheating!" Friedde's voice thundered in the hall, making the three look his way. The passerby avoided him like he's a plague. He came from another hall and was probably still searching for Sherdan like a crazed man.

Martin, who was trying to hide the two from this lunatic shrieked from fear. He doesn't want anything to do with this madman!.

This guy was still a little 'proper, note the sarcasm, after Sherdan and Lucian left. But he became so scandalous after he got drunk, that Martin had no choice but to stop the party and make everyone go home earlier than planned.

Even the prearranged sleepover and all-night drinking went down the drain!. Ah! This guy is really a pain in the ass!. He shouldn't have pitied him before and just let the guards drag him out. Why was he so stupidly soft at the wrong times?!.

Lucian frowned after seeing Friedde charging towards them looking obviously drunk. He sneered and was about to ignore him.

But Friedde had already lunged forward and stretched his arms for a punch. He threw his fist, but it was easily caught by Lucian. He wasn't a good fighter, but it wasn't a problem.

Everyone, even the weakest of the bunch, can win if their opponent is a drunk person who can't tell which is left and which is right.

Lucian twisted Friedde's hands, then pushed him back.

Friedde sobered up and was about to scream at him, but Lucian was faster.

"Kyaaaaa! A drunk molester!. You dared touch me! Anyone, there's a molester here, call the guards!" The quick-witted Lucian saw that there wasn't anyone who was looking at the scene earlier. They probably didn't want to involve themselves in other people's mess. So he had the guts to hit, and scream.

His fake tears started streaming down, and his body trembled. Sherdan saw him acting like this and realized what he wanted to do. So he came forward to back him up.

He embraced Lucian as if he was comforting him. He then ordered the staff who was still processing this sudden event in an enraged tone.

"Call the staff and have them take this pervert out."

The staff whose brains were still loading received this sudden order. And like they were hit with an adrenaline rush, they scurried to get the guards to help the 'victim'. Forgetting the fact that the 'victim' wasn't really a 'victim'.

Lucian continued with his loud crying, and it didn't take long before a lot of people noticed this commotion.

Humans were creatures who loves putting themselves on a high pedestal and had always valued the public's perception of them. Their way of making themselves appear righteous is by dragging someone else down. So just like the hypocrites they were, they started adding more salt to the wound.

"How creepy. The hotel let such a guy in?."

Whispers after whispers erupted in the hallway and Friedde was mortified. He had always claimed himself as someone who cares for his reputation, so hearing all those insults made him tremble from fear.

He tried defending himself, but all he earned was a disgusted look. What? Why are they looking at him like that?.

He tried voicing out his explanations, but it was drowned away by the guests' eyes that were filled with contempt, and the endless words of taunts.

It was that damn vixens fault!. He realized.

He glared at Lucian who still had that pitiful look on his face and felt like ripping this guy to pieces.

"I didn't molest him! Why would I molest this vixen? He's obviously gay!. Why would----"

"Ha! How ridiculous, he's not only a molester! But also a judgemental person."

It was futile. The crowd's opinion of him wouldn't change no matter what he says. He looked at the one who framed him and was about to beat up the guy. But he was held back by several guards who had finally appeared.

Friedde glanced at Sherdan, his eyes were pleading to be saved. But Sherdan only indifferently looked at his way for a brief second, and ignored him right after.

He felt his heart breaking into two.

His eyes drifted on Lucian who was inside Sherdan's embraced, and anger boiled within him. Lucian saw him looking at him and discreetly stuck out his tongue in a mocking way.

He then smirks and turned his back. Sherdan followed suit, and so is Martin who had a dumb look on his face.

Friedde was left with the guards, vindictiveness emerging in his heart.

He will surely, get back at that vixen for this humiliation!.

When Martin, Sherdan, and Lucian was the only one left walking in the hallway, Lucian started snickering to himself. His normally friendly face had become evil-like.

Sherdan and Martin looked at him.

They had only learned it now, that a crying-maiden trick to garner pity wasn't limited to girls.

What a terrifyingly capable man.