Our Starting Point

"There's a gathering in the main mansion. Your Grandfather requested for our presence." Nicholas spoke after the dinner was done.

He sat in the far-middle of the table, giving off a vibe suitable for the head of the family. His wrinkles were already emerging although he's still in his middle 30's.

Lately, the battle for authority over the company had become more troublesome, and a day wouldn't pass without his head aching.  He carries the highest position now, but the same can't be said in the upcoming years that would come.

"Then should we prepare for it?" Sherdan asked.

He placed his utensils down and wiped his mouth with a tissue. After the corners of his mouth were thoroughly clean, he did the same with Imogen. He wiped off the portions of the pasta sauce on her lips.

Andra glanced his way and smiled after seeing this scene.

"Your father had tailored a suit for you"

"I would bring Imogen to our boutique tomorrow. I'd have them fit a dress her size," She said, patting Imogen's head. Imogen giggled with joy. She raised her hands, asking for Andra to carry her.

"Are you gonna come with us?" Andra extended a hand and carried Imogen, placing her in her lap gently. Imogen hugged her and kissed her cheeks, making Andra smile in delight.

Sherdan prompts his chin up, his eyes involuntarily glanced to where his father is. Nicholas had an envious look on his face, as he also wanted to carry Imogen, but couldn't because of his aching muscles.


He's not a fan of women's shopping. Andra predicted his answer to be like this, so she didn't insist anymore.

"The gathering will be held a day after tomorrow. Make sure to vacant your schedule, and take a leave of absence from school" She reminded. Sherdan only nodded and excused himself.

After arriving in his room, he pulled a chair nearby and placed it in front of his study table. He remembered he had homework still left undone.

He took out his notebook and a pen. He was about to start, but the sudden sound of his ringtone interrupted his thoughts.

He looked around for his phone and saw it inside the drawer. On the screen shows 'Business Partner Lu Lu'. He placed the phone beside his ears after pressing the receive button.

"Yes---" Just as he was about to ask, the call was cut off the very moment he opened his mouth.

Stunned, he looked at the phone screen. Only to see the 'call ended' appear.

Sherdan's brows furrowed slightly, a little worried about Lucian. His mind had started formulating worst-case scenarios. But before he could even think of things more than the possibility of Lucian having an accident, he received a text.

- Oh hey! I accidentally called you! Didn't mean it, sorry.

Sherdan saw this message, and his worries dissipated. He sent a thumbs up as a reply and placed the phone beside him.

He turned his attention back to his notebook and started writing the solutions to the problem.

Lucian on the other hand stared at the thumbs up on their chat room, and couldn't help but sigh. He didn't call on purpose, but would it hurt for Sherdan to text with him?!

Not that he's eager to have him as a Textmate---he just wanted to talk.

Feeling frustrated, he plopped on the bed and buried his face on the white sheets. Just as he was about to feel miserable, he heard a ting!.

Like he was struck with lightning, he immediately rose and grabbed his phone.

- Have you done your homework?

Lucian felt his lips breaking in a grin. He plopped down on the bed again and typed his reply.

- No, I forgot

- you're doing your homework?


It took more than 5 minutes before a reply arrives, but Lucian remained patient. Staring intently at the screen every time he sees the typing on the other's profile.

- yes

Sherdan was just about to type 'do your homework' but immediately deleted it after realizing it sounds weird. He thought hard on what to say next, his hands playing with the pen as he racks his brain.

In the end, he couldn't think of anything, so the response end with a yes.

Lucian waited, but after realizing Sherdan wouldn't say anything more he just smiled and typed a reply.

- Then I'd work on it now

Lucian decided to stop bothering Sherdan and grabbed his notes. Not a minute later, his focus was shifted to the questions, and the time was soon forgotten.

When the clock hits 10, he put down his pen and stretches his shoulder. Massaging it to get rid of the slight aches. He took his phone and delivered a 'Goodnight' chat to Sherdan.

Sherdan who was just about to close his eyes and sleep, receive this message, and sent a reply.

- Goodnight

The next morning, as per usual routine, Sherdan walked Imogen to her school. After the latter waved at him and entered her classroom, he left and started walking towards the campus.

Upon arriving, he was greeted by Martin who was still half-sleepy.

"Yow!" Martin cheered. Sherdan gave a nod and went to his seat. After placing his bag on the chair, he sat down.

Martin sat beside him, and just as he was about to doze off while seating, he remembered something.

"Ah right---"

"Yahoo! Ah! Friedde's not here?" Arice entered the room. His loud voice made the early birds inside the classroom flinch from surprise.

Arice placed his hands on his nape as if surveying the room. And after confirming that Friedde was not around, he gave out a disappointed sigh.

"Ah, I was just about to play with him"  Sean who was standing beside him kicked his legs, making him almost lose his footing.

"How brutal" he commented. Chuckling as though he finds Sean's irritated face funny.

Sean just scorned and waved at him to get out of the way. Arice stepped at the sideline, smiling like a fool.

"Here you go boss"

After Sean passed, Arice followed behind him. Sean went towards the seat in front of Martin and Sherdan and greeted the two.

Martin who was interrupted continued his question after the two bothersome people had finally sat down. He flicked his finger, catching the three's attention.

"Ah right! Are you gay?" He asked. Forgetting that there were others around, he asked in a loud voice. Sean and Arice looked at him with a frown, and Sherdan froze in the spot.

Realizing what he had done, Martin's eyes widen.

"Ah crap! Sorry! Did that offend you?" He asked, frantically waving his hands around as though signaling he truly didn't mean to harm.

Sherdan remained silent, although his fists that were shaking had long tightened into a fist. He lowered his eyes, refusing to look at anyone.

His heart ached as though it was being squeezed, and he could feel a pit in his stomach. He covered his mouth with his hands, forcing himself to not vomit.

Martin saw him like this and was so guilty he was about to cry.

"H-hey! Are you alright?--ah no of course he isn't-- hey Sherdan! Id bring you to the infirmary!" Panicking, he tried reaching out to help Sherdan, but the latter just smacked his fingers away.  Flailing a little, he stood up to go out.

Sean stopped Martin who was about to bother Sherdan again.

"Let him stay here" sighing, he ordered Martin. He pushed his shoulder down, making him sit on his chair.

"Wait! You see him right, he's not in his right state. You're telling me to let him go like that?" Martin protested. He tried to stand up again but was pushed down by another hand.

Arice rubbed his shoulder as if wiping away the invisible specks of dust. He had a smile on his face, but he doesn't look like he's happy at all. After taking his hands away, he spoke.

"In the first place, it's due to your stupidity isn't it?" The smile on Arice's face vanishes, and his slanted eyes looked down on Martin who pursed his lips from surprise.

Sean beside Arice glanced his way and didn't refute what he said. Martin looked at the two of them, anger boiling in his heart.

"W-what? What did you say!?" Martin stood up, almost about to grip Arice collar. His chest rose and fell like he would explode any moment.

The very few people inside the room looked their way, waiting for a fight to unfold. The two didn't notice their surroundings, or at least, Martin didn't. As he was already engulfed with anger and confusion.

Arice crossed his arms over his chest, he didn't stop talking despite Martin's visible irritation.

"You know there's a limit to how oblivious one can get" Arice went towards his seat and sat. Martin was angered by these uncaring actions and went to where he is. Before he can even lay his hands on Arice, Sean took a step forward, hindering him from advancing even further.

"Martin, snap out of it" He warned Martin, making the other look his way. Sean faced him and assisted him in regulating his breathing.

After Martin calmed down, he felt his eyes growing hot. Moisture emerging from the corners of his eyes.


Seeing him like this, Sean couldn't help but sigh for the nth time. His mind wandered off to Sherdan's peculiar reaction to Martin's question. Although reluctant to say it, he still spoke.

"Panic Attacks"

Martin and Arice looked his way. The first surprised, while the latter became serious, after all, he also noticed it during Martin's birthday.

Sean trailed off. "Martin, listen..."

In a school hallway filled with several students, one man ran off. Squeezing his way through the occasional groups blocking his way.

"Sorry!" Lucian shouted after accidentally bumping against a girl. Without even hearing for the other's answer, he jolted off.

He ran past several buildings, before finally reaching his destination. He panted, trying to catch his breath. Sweats dripped down from his forehead, down to his neck. Soaking his uniform.

After ten huffs, he walked inside the building where Sherdan's room was located. Just as he took a step inside, he saw Sherdan leaning against the wall.


With a thud, Sherdan fell to the ground.