Rotten Elder's Secret

Sherdan extended his hands, as a sign that he wanted to show his respect to Janna.




Janna looked at him, with surprise etched on her face. The word 'Abuelita' reminded her of her deceased grandmother. The word was derived from Spain, it meant 'Grandmother'.


Her grandmother's roots were from a fallen Spanish clan. The very reason their family was fluent in the said language. She rarely uses it now. After her grandmother's death, her mother married a local, and there were several changes that occurred in the house. Including the way they speak.


Sherdan held Janna's right hand after the other unconsciously gave it to him. He then leaned his forehead against the other's back hand for a second and said "Mano po".


The gesture was both a way of greeting the elderly and a way to show them respect.  Mano po meant "bless me" or something similar to that.


Janna couldn't help but laugh in mirth after she was greeted in a familiar manner, and was even more delighted when the young girl copied what her older brother did.



Imogen, with her small hands, reached out to hint that she also wanted Janna's hands.


Janna gladly obliged. She bent down and handed her wrinkled hands.



Imogen saw she was successful, and her cute laughter echoed inside the hall. Once again, they caught everyone's attention. Even the attention of an old man, who was slowly descending from the grand stairway. Beside him is a young and obviously panicking tag-along nurse.



"Mano po! Hehehe" Right after Imogen spoke those words and giggled loudly, the sound of a baston roughly hitting against the floor, followed by footsteps, prevailed over the whispers of admiration for the young child. 




Nicholas and Andra had only realized that the Elder had finally arrived, thus they were late to react and weren't able to grab a hold of Imogen, who's still giggling so loudly. 



Nicholas felt cold as the blood drained from his face. And Andra was more so terrified. She urged her body to move, but before she could even reach Imogen's place, the Elder had beat her into it.



Anyone except for one had yet to process what would happen, when the frowning elder raised his hand and aimed to slap it mercilessly at the young child. 



Just as the old man's hands sliced through the air, Sherdan quickly shielded his sister and the sound of skin hitting against each other resounded inside the hall.




Andra gasped, and Nicholas clenched his fist. He restrained himself from making a scandal. Even Janna, who was pushed aside by the elder earlier, is still rubbing her aching shoulders. 



"B-brother--bro-hic" Imogen saw how her older brother got slapped up close, and although she had never seen nor experience violence due to her young age, she felt her eyes growing hot from the foreboding tears.



Sherdan didn't mind the slap, and glanced at his parents for a second. The latter, who realized what he meant, went towards him and was about to carry their daughter. But, the Elder raised his baston, seemingly intent on hurting someone again.


"Who gave you permission to get your child?" 



Sherdan took the impact without making a fuss, and only quietly winced in pain. He knew this would happen, as it did in the original timeline. The only difference was that, before, the only thing he could do was watch as the heavy hand landed on his sister's cheeks. Before, just like everyone, he wasn't able to stop the Elder's violence.



"If you do not cut the imp's horns early on, it will grow and become a demon." The Elder spoke, as he raised his baston to hit Sherdan again, who was blocking his way. 




Sherdan could take blows quite well, but that doesn't mean it wasn't painful. After he saw that his parents didn't listen to the Elder's words, and still carried the crying Imogen away from the rampaging old man, he sighed in relief and started with his plans.



Before the baston could hit him again for the third time, Sherdan spoke in a quiet voice. The volume was barely audible, but Sibal heard what he said clearly.






The Elder, Sibal, instantly stopped his movements and stared at Sherdan in surprise. His body stiffened up. He held his baston tightly, as if he wanted to break it in two.



"How did you know her?" Sibal asked with a shaky voice.



Sherdan didn't answer, and instead, he raised his head and spoke loudly.



"Forgive my younger sister, great grandfather. I beg of you." Sherdan's voice was fearful, but in contrary his gaze towards Sibal were threatening, this leaves the other no choice but to unwillingly go along with his charade.


Everyone in the room watched this scene unfold with uneasy hearts. But one particular person bore a deep frown on his face.



"What is that boy up to?" Sieg Cohen, the second son of Jelo Cohen, spoke. The other Cohens, Johan and Elionor glanced at Sieg, before their eyes turned to their ringleader. 



The first bastard son of Sibal, Stevan Cohen. 



Stevan stared quietly at his father and at the young man. 



"Sherdan Cohen," he muttered. For a reason he does not know, he felt theatened by this young man's mere existence. Aside from that, this man would be the next in line to manage Cohen's company. It had been decided in Stevan's mind, that this man, even though younger than him by several years, was an enemy he had to get rid of.




"We have to nip the bud before it even grows." 



The trio, Sieg, Elionor and Johan, nodded in agreement with his words. 





Sibal entered his room with the assistance of his nurse. Behind him was Sherdan, who queitly followed him for a conversation.



"Get Out" Sibal ordered the nurse. The young nurse could only cry invisible tears; she couldn't possibly leave her patient! 





"No buts! Get out!" Sibal's angry voice made the already panicking nurse jump from fright, and she ended up leaving the room quickly from terror. 



Why did she get appointed to an old man with a nasty temper? The nurse could only protest in her mind.



Sibal went towards the large sofa, and tried regulating his breath by inhaling and exhaling silently.



After the announcement of his upcoming death, he had been unable to constantly handle his mood swings. Every little thing ticks him off. Although he could still, barely, regain his composure, it was only for a short period of time.



Sibal, after his heart calmed down, glanced sharply at Sherdan who's still standing near the door.



"Sit down! What are you doing in there?!" 



Sherdan didn't rebuke his words, and he obediently sat down on the sofa in front of Sibal.



Sibal glanced at his great grandson and frowned once again. There was no logical reason he could think of for why a young child, who didn't have even an ounce of power over the company nor anything, got his hands on Sibal's secret. 



"What did you do?" He asked, extremely suspicious. This secret was supposed to be something he would burry along with his grave, but someone suddenly found out.



Sibal couldn't help but frown. He was sure he hadn't made any mistakes when he hid "her" existence. Aside from that girl, who he was sure wouldn't sing about Eva due to her disgust at the latter.


So that means, Sherdan probably got this information from somewhere or someone he does not know, or it could be a false threat to shake him.




Sibal glared at Sherdan and muttered threatening words. 



"Do not bluff, kid. What could you possibly know about Eva? And even if you know, you cannot lay hands on someone you cannot reach. "





Sherdan didn't falter and his calm expression remained seated on his face. 



"Eva Cohen, my Grandfather's secret wife. Dead, let's see, what more do I know? "



Sherdan continued, and the more he spoke, the more Sibal looked at him with disbelief.



"You and Eva met at an auction, you slept with her, and she bore a child. My great grandmother found out and told you to cut ties with her. She was generous enough to let you have the child, but what did you do? You still had an affair with Eva secretly--"



"Shut Up!" Sibal felt his heart clenching. The past he tried so hard to bury resurfaced easily just by someone's mere words.



Sherdan didn't stop, and continued his story.



"Eva killed my Great Grandmother, and even after you found out about it, you didn't tell anyone and even married her." Sherdan laughed. The first time he discovered the truth behind his great grandmother's death, he was also flabbergasted. 




His great grandfather let his wife die for his mistress, took the mistress home, and made him the legal wife. If it was a novel, it would be a bittersweet yet romantic story, but for Sherdan, it was ridiculous. 




"Shut your mouth this instant!"



"However, before you could even announce that Eva had become your legal wife, she died at your first concubine's hands. Now, isn't karma so sweet." Laughter resounded inside the room, as Sherdan failed to hold his mockeries in. Although he didn't spend a lot of time with his Great Grandmother Hermosa, because she passed when he was still young, that doesn't mean he doesn't treasure their blood ties.



Sibal breathed raggedly and his hands raised to hold his chest. He gave the impression of someone who was about to collapse, but Sherdan didn't stop talking.


"Your first concubine, Adrianne, was the only one who knew about Eva before. Fortunately for you, she didn't know about your child with Eva. So you had your second concubine, who was infertile, take your child and claim it as her own. My auntie, Anneye. Your dearest daughter. " Sherdan pushed the words out of his mouth.



He avoided this method before when he wanted to know about the pending company projects. Rather than hiring a hacker and doing illegal things again, he tried to change his ways as he doesn't want to alter anything in the original timeline, nor does he want to live this life filled with crimes again. But, now he's doing it again. He's threatening someone to have them abide by his will again.



"My Auntie Anneye, what do you think would happen when my Uncle Stevan found out about the existence of your legitimate child? When he had always thought he wasn't the only illegitimate child you have. "



Sherdan pushed the guilt at the back of his mind. There was no one more important than his family, and he doesn't consider this man as his family at all. Nor the majority of Cohens.