Energy Unleashed

Another few days went by travelling and generally sulking because of the uncomfortable mistreatment from the silent man, I just remembered being named Ishi. To be fair it is a pretty forgettable name, maybe it's just me. Probably.

I finally saw rapid changes in the terrain. It began being slightly more rocky than before and gradually going higher in elevation. Yesterday we broke through the thick trees and only went by occasionally small and lighter forested areas.

Today we began the main climb, wich could be considered a climb because it went upwards steeper than before and even more rocky. From what I could see we are in a small mountainous area that begins to grow higher and thicker as well as rockier towards a bigger mountain in the middle.

We are currently hopping from rock outcrop to outcrop on a slightly concerning elevation and angle. I guess Ishi is used to it, he looks like he can do this all day. I however am not afraid of heights but am still not used to moving fast while doing a potentially deadly activity. I would appreciate doing it nice and slow, maybe I would even fun.

It seem our final destination is somewhere in the gradual center of the mountain range. I wonder if there is a village or something there. Maybe there is finally someone who could take proper care of me. The last mountain creek was way to cold.

We seem to be stopping for rest atop the next slightly bigger mountain in front of us. While we rest at the peak I get a marvelous view. I can finally see the biggest mountain in front of us. It must be at least 7km high considering we are already so far up and it looking so much bigger still.

When I look around I can see where we come from and were the thick forest are begins again, stretching into the horizon. On my left i can see a big water body stretching so far I can't see the end of it. Maybe that's the ocean. I remember there being big oceans in Naruto.

I still don't really know in what direction we went and where which country is. If the sun still sets in the west then we seem to have traveled south east. But I can't be sure if it's accurate. We could still be in the land of fire, or maybe not. We haven't visited any Villages on out way, so there is no way I could tell.

Looking right in the supposed east there seems to be plains and again forest further back, though less thick. I wonder where we are.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Ishi grunting. He made me some paste for dinner again. I got sick of this stuff days ago. I crawled on the rocky ground towards him. I have learned to crawl, Ishi always set me down on the ground and not bothering about me until we left again.

I sat on his lap with him feeding me and enjoying the view from this altitude. This scene from an outside view would surely look wholesome. We both don't think so. Ishi is indifferent as ever and I am only doing this because I have to.

We left after some more minutes resting atop the peak outcrop. It was the same as before, very way too fast descends with a questionable ascends again. After some time and a few mountains further, we stopped at some wide rock outcrop. It was not yet evening and we just rested so I wondered what he is going to do here.

He stepped to the wall and slipped his hand into a random crack in the rock. The stone made more and more cracking sounds until the wall just fell apart around this spot. Now there was an entrance into a cavern and a lot of debris that fell off the cliff.

We entered the cavern until almost all light was gone. Ishi seemed to do just fine but I had difficulties seeing my surroundings. We stopped after some time near a wall where he tried to find something. I couldn't see anything accurate but I noticed big symbols slashed more than carved into the wall. It gave a violent and overbearing feeling.

It got a little much so I tried making some noise to alert Ishi. I didn't have a very good feeling looking at the symbols. Ishi noticed me and tried to understand what was going on with me, I never did anything like that. I wiggled and tried to make my discomfort obvious.

Finally Ishi seemed to understand that something was up and looked like pondering about something. He eventually decided to make camp and took out a small paper that when activated was a makeshift light source. Enough to see the surrounding walls, and by extension the signs too. They were giving me an even worse feeling now.

Ishi prepared a blanked for me to sit on. Uncommon, usually he didn't really seem to care about my well being. Some supplies were also taken from storage paper and lied out beside me. I was interested in what he was trying to do now.

He didn't seem to have that feeling when looking at the signs. So I guess he was going to do something with me. The signs are probably some sort of Seal or something similar. Maybe it has something to do with Chakra or my eyes. Usually it is something like that. I wonder if whatever happened without me trying to avoid it i would have a protagonist evolution or some bull crap. Very unlikely, death sounds probable.

He undressed my shirt and put his palm on my chest and a hand on my back. I think I have read that to unlock your Chakra you needed some sort of catalyst like outside stimulation and guidance. Enormous talent and self discovery could probably also awake Chakra sometime.

Anyway, I guessed what was going to happen and prepared myself for it. He began concentrating and very likely start so stimulate my Chakra somehow. In the beginning I felt nothing but I used my attained knowledge of meditation to search for a unusual feeling somewhere.

It took a few minutes for me to notice a very slight flowing feeling similar to my blood pumping. After that everything started happening very fast. I noticed the streaming feeling increasing in intensity and some pressure lifting but similarly building up pressure where the streaming feeling originated from.

It got so bad that it started to hurt more an more until there was a rush of something trough my very being. With this the pressure lifted but I felt some pain that was still left. I knew for the feeling coming from somewhere inside me. That's probably my Chakra. Somehow remembering me from my time inside the dimensions and their external influences on me.

I opened my eyes to see Ishi very exhausted and breathing heavily. Looking closer in the dim light I could notice him bleeding from his nose and ears. He was staring at me with an unreadable expression that somehow still conveyed confusion.

He waited for a bit to check if I'm ok and was satisfied by me not crying or something. While he cleaned himself up with freshly wet towels pulled from his paper, I wondered what happened there. Everything for me was within my expectations but he looked like something was different, literally. Maybe it was his first time, he didn't seem that off. I guess accidents could happen.

'I don't feel any different now. I expected something more empowering. Well Chakra itself doesn't seem to make myself more powerful or something. I can't even feel it right now.'

We rested a bit after Ishi finished cleaning himself and eating some more. We shared a fruit that was left from the forest, I think that was the last one we had. After him packing everything again inside his paper and bag we approached the signs again.

It was not giving me a bad feeling anymore but a pressuring one none the less. There was still slight instinctive fear, but it was different now. I guess the Chakra unlocking really worked. Who would have thought.

He began tracing some of the lines while muttering some words that I couldn't understand. Humming deeply and slamming his palm against a particular one that was giving the most pressure of all, he activated whatever the signs did. I could feel it now a little bit.

After taking a few steps back, it seemed like the whole mountain was moving. It sounded a little like the Ice over a frozen lake making sounds but way deeper. Rock grinding and cracking only so loud that it almost hurt. The ground began trembling and the cracking became more frequent.

Sound here -

There was another big rumble and loud grinding noise, and something seemed to ground into place. the were more cracking and crumbling sound now. Small rocks were falling from the ceiling, luckily not hitting us. Rock vs Baby Skull would be an obvious win and an interesting match.

Ishi didn't seem to be particularly worried of the stones falling around us. Dust began building up and more and more rock was crumbling away around us. It was so loud that it felt like my ears were bleeding, maybe they actually were.

Some minutes passed like this until it became less and less. We did not get hit by any rock but Ishi had to jump an few times avoiding rocks rolling onto our position. The dust was still obstructing my vision so I couldn't really see anything anyway.

As the rumbling stopped and only the occasional crack was heard, Ishi began moving and somehow clearing the dust away. My vision became clearer after rubbing some dust out of my eyes. There was still nothing but rock and debris around us.

There finally was a light source Ishi began approaching. The debris cleared to solid looking rock again and began to lead to lead forward. The light came from a slit in the wall, it was sunlight and probably the exit of this cave.

Ishi pulled his fist back and punched through the rock wall. Jesus! He just casually obliterated a meter thick granite wall. Holy Shit! He is way more impressive than I originally thought. Seeing this in an anime and in real life with your own eyes is massively different. I coulnd't even imagine something like this!

The residue dust cleared away and the setting sun shined upon us. Slowly stepping outside and adapting at the light level, I noticed we were not where we entered before. Before us was the literal meaning of a Lush valley straight out of a fantasy movie.

Creeks were flowing between meadows and flower beds with the occasional tree. Thick forest coexisting with small stripes of plains. There was a wide variety of trees, some I've never even seen before. It looked like it stretched about 30 km in all directions and being surrounded with steep cliffs ending with jagged peaks high enough to look up to and still not obstructing the sunlight of the evening sunset.

This is truly impressive. I guess this is what we came here for. Totally worth it. I wonder where ishi knew of this place. This looks like some cultivators hidden dragon valley of the 12 supreme constellations.

I'm looking forward to the time I'm gonna spend here. Even if it's with Ishi, I'm sure I'm gonna enjoy this.