
On a platform below a waterfall, an eleven-year-old child was seated. That black hair with blonde tips fell to her back. His eyes were closed, and his face showed strong concentration. He had been sitting there still for hours. The water from the waterfall flowed down his hair, ending up in the lake below through his chest.

Tap Tap

Footsteps approached the waterfall.

"Saibus, stop training and come with me."

The child under the waterfall was indeed Saibus. Saibus opened his eyes and looked at the person who called him. This person had long, straight black hair. His eyes were as bright as flames. She wore a long black dress with black pants (leggings from The witcher).

She held a pair of shoes in her hands. She was sitting on a rock with her feet playing with the lake water.

"Alright, I'm coming."

Saibus got off the platform and went towards this young girl.

"So what do you want to do, Yen."

"Are you coming to play with me?" Yennefer said all so much, smiling at him kindly.

Saibus wanted to refuse, but after seeing her smile, he sighed and resigned himself.


"Alright, I'm coming with you."

Yennefer smiled and started to walk towards Saibus. She stopped in front of him.

She was a little shorter than him and came up to his eye level.

She looks at Saibus for a moment more left with her shoes in her hands.

Saibus followed her, and they started to walk towards the highest cliff in the forest.

"Saibus, why are you training so much?"

"I want to become strong so that I can protect my family, my friends, and you," I said, winking at him.

She blushed and stammered, "You ... you ... can't be serious?" glaring at him.


I laughed and said to him: "I'm serious. It's you who don't take me seriously."


She looked away and puffed up her cheeks.

"You sulk ?"


"If you sulk."


I smile, and we continue to walk. She's adorable when she sulks.

While I was thinking about these cuties, I felt someone pat me on the shoulders. I turned and saw Yen yelling at me.

"Are you LISTENING to ME when I talk to you ?? !!!!"

"Sorry, Yen, I was thinking of something."

"As I told you, I will soon go to the academy to become a magician."

"It's great, you who wanted to become a magician."

"I know, but we're going to be apart for a long time, and I'm going to be alone as you just practice without thinking about me."

"No, don't worry, I'll always think of you," I replied, hugging her.

"Thank you," she said in a soft voice.


The next day


I was sitting on the rock by the stream where she had healed me after my fight with the bear.

I had been waiting for Yennefer for ten minutes. She had never been late since we recognized each other. She must have had a problem, I'm sure. I got up and ran as fast as I could to her house. Two minutes later I was in front of her house. From inside the house, I heard screams. I rushed into the house and saw Yennefer on the ground with her father on top of punching her in the stomach. Her mother was also on the ground with bruises and blood all over her body. I rushed over to Yennefer and punched his father in the face. He was focused on Yennefer and didn't see my attack. He flew and landed on the ground. I hugged Yennefer and started using the Healing Sorting that my mom had taught me. His wounds began to heal slowly. His face slowly regained color.

"Saibus ..... what are you doing ... here?"

"Shhhh, don't speak, just be quiet while your wounds heal."

I put her on the couch, then looked at her mom, but she was already dead from the blood loss and her current and past injuries. I healed his wounds to give him less good entertainment. I put it on the ground and then turned to Yennefer's father, who was lying on the ringing ground. Finally, he came to his senses. I walked forward and took him by the throat.

He struggled to get some fresh air but seeing as I signed up for seven long years, my strength was greater than his.

"Let go ..... let go of me, or you will regret it."

"You dare to threaten me while I have your life in my hands," I retorted dryly while tightening my grip so much.

"You dared to touch the girl I love. To mend this affront, I'll make sure to make you suffer tremendously."

I started knocking on the mouth. Some of these teeth were stolen. Then I broke his nose.

"Ahhhahhh, stop swear I won't touch her again."

I ignored him and tortured him until

I hear a rustle behind me. I turned around and saw Yennefer, who started to wake up. I then looked at the man I tortured and healed his wounds. Of course, I cure them just on the surface to make them look normal. Then I smile coldly and say, "It's time to go to hell." I broke his neck. I threw it on the ground and then walked over to Yennefer.

She looked around the room, saw her father behind me, and said nothing, but started to cry when she saw her mother on the floor. I hugged him to comfort him. She cried for several minutes and then calmed down. I smiled and took him to the tallest tree in the forest near the waterfall. When I left, I cast a simple fire spell to burn this house down. We bury his mother, and we stood there for a while. During this period, I hugged Yennefer to make her understand that she was not alone.

We headed home. On the way, no one speaks. The closer we got to my house, the cooler the air became. At first, it was like a simple breeze, but the air eventually turned bitingly cold. A feeling of anxiety settles in my heart. A feeling that was becoming more and more powerful. Yennefer started to notice and worry. This feeling was getting unbearable, and I ended up running.

When I arrived, I saw my house in ruins with the bodies of my parents lying on the grass in the forest. Tears started to roll down my cheeks, an immense feeling of sadness crossed me. There I saw men in black armor near my parents fighting with my uncle Ezio. My uncle killed several, but the one who seemed to be the leader went through a teleportation portal, ordering his men to kill my uncle. I decided to help my uncle. I hid in the shadows like an assassin, pulled out my swords, and coated them with poison. I approached and threw several daggers at my enemies with forces. Some have been blessed. Others have died. All stopped and my watch. I didn't give them time to come to their senses,


POV 3ᵉ people


The chief ordered us to finish this man then is gone. We are thrown at him to finish quickly, but he was killing our men faster and faster. When several daggers got stuck in my brothers' arms, some were killed while others were injured. We turned around and saw a child holding two swords. He had disheveled black hair reaching down to his back. He gave off a terrifying aura, but a terrifying part was his eyes. His eyes were a dark red like the color of blood. In his eyes, his black dots were grouped to form a rosette. It looked like a demon, he threw himself at us, and then I started to fall in the dark.


I was standing with blood all over my habits. I felt someone hug me. I turned around and saw Yennefer with his head on my back. I fainted.

When I wake up, I find myself on the grass. I looked around and saw my uncle and Yennefer further behind two graves. I remembered the events earlier and started to cry. I walked up to them. My uncle looked at me and went to sit on a longer rock.

"Sorry," Yennefer said in a small voice.

"You don't have to be Yen."

"I'm going to go to the academy."


A silence fell, and then it was broken when Yen started to leave. I grabbed him and kissed him.

At first, she struggled but eventually let it go. The kiss lasts a few minutes. Our lips are parted.

"I love you," I said softly while looking her in the eye so much.

"I love you too," she replied in a small voice.

"You will become a great magician while I become a powerful assassin capable of protecting the people he loves. I promise you that later I will find you and be with you."


I took a pendant from my pocket and put it around his neck.

"This pendant represents the promise I made to you."

(AN: it looks like this: https: //www.google.com/search? Q = pendant + yennefer & source = lnms & tbm = isch & sa = X & ved = 0ahUKEwj7r52x777gAhULHxoKHS9jA0wQ_AUIDigB & biw = 1536 & bih = _imgr = 722)

She smiled then gave me a pendant with a howling wolf on it

"So that you remember your promise."

I smile, and we use our pendants. Finally, I kiss her on the forehead and say goodbye.

That day a legend was born.

The legend of a beautiful and cold magician.

A powerful magician who played with the elements.

That day a quest began.

A quest for eternal revenge.

The birth of the person to whom we give will have many names.

A person, no, a murderer.

An assassin with bloody red eyes.

An assassin considers ruin.

An assassin who will destroy them all.