
Saibus is seated in his armchair on the balcony of his room. Trinity is at her side, maintaining the mechanism of her blades.

"click, clang, click, clang." Trinity loops her blade out and in for a few minutes before looking satisfied with the condition of her blades. She puts it away with her other blades and settles back in her seat. She takes the glass, which is held on a small table beside her. She swirls the glass and begins to sip its contents. Scarlet wine flows from the glass and enters Trinity's mouth.

She removes the glass from her mouth and sets it on the table.

"Ah, what a delicious wine. This aroma, this color, this sweetness. It really is a delicious wine." Trinity says with a smile on her lips.

Saibus turns his gaze to her and gives her a weird look.

"How long have you known about wine? How long have you become a sommelier?" Saibus said, continuing to look at Trinity.

Trinity sees the look Saibus gives her but doesn't pay attention.

"I always have. I just didn't take the time to relax with a glass of good wine on hand. If you want, I can teach you the manners of wine tasting and how to enjoy it." Trinity retorts.

Saibus turns his gaze from Trinity to the horizon. "Maybe later. We have more important things to do." Saibus answers with a serious tone.

Trinity seeing the seriousness of Saibus, knows that her little moment of pleasure is over.

"Is the meeting over?" she asks.

Saibus nods to answer the question.

"Okay, let's call the others." Trinity gets up. She walks towards her office, which is in the study part of the room. She opens one of the drawers and takes out an amulet. She pushes her magic in, and the amulet begins to vibrate weakly before emitting a faint blue light. The light fades, and the amulet stops vibrating. Trinity puts it back in the drawer then closes it. She then goes to the balcony.

"The message got through. Come on. We have to go to Rennes."

Saibus gets up and leaves the room with his mentor. The two walks through the corridors of the fortress to get to Rennes' room. They arrive in front of a black wooden door—Trinity toque before opening it and entering Saibus.

In the room were already all the people who knew that a conspiracy targeted the school. There are the magician brothers, Rennes, his second, the old witcher, and Leonidas and Desmond, making Trinity and Saibus the last to arrive.

The people in the room have a solemn expressions. They turn their eyes to Trinity and Saibus.

"So, what information did you get from your familiar," Rennes asks.

"The magicians will have finished their preparations in a year at the earliest, a year and a few months at the latest. First, they plan to detonate bombs in several fortress places to weaken the walls and create diversions. Then they will use peasants. To attack and kill us. And so that we assassins don't get caught up in the fight not to bring in the League, they want us to be occupied elsewhere long enough to have time to destroy the school. " Saibus said.

Silence sets in when Saibus finishes his sentence.

"So, what are we going to do?" Trinity asks.

All eyes are on Rennes. "We cannot prevent the attack from happening, but we can reduce its scale. We have to eliminate the traitors little by little, prepare places for the apprentices to take cover. We can also prepare magical defenses. We must also prepare some magic defenses. know where the bombs will be stored so they can be removed before they explode. "

"Trinity and Leonidas, keep spying on the traitors and give us all the useful information. Bjorn and Ronan, you are preparing places where we can put the young people to safety.

"Zavald and Zorold, you will be setting up magical defenses in the stronghold with the help of Trinity. With all of this, we will link the archives together to prevent them from being destroyed during the attack. You must do ?"

The people nod and leave the room to return to their apartments.

Trinity and Saibus return to their rooms.

Saibus enters the room and goes to the corner of the room where the front is. He puts on nightclothes and puts away his dirty clothes. He then goes to the balcony, where he sees Regiis posing on the ledge. He approaches Regiis and waves his hand in front of him.

"Dispel," he whispers. A magical resonance is felt around Saibus and Regiis, and Regiis' appearance changes from a barn owl to a golden eagle.

"Kayak" Regiis gives a little cry to show his thanks to his partner. Then, he walks over to Saibus and pushes his head towards his chest. Regiis rubs his head on his chest as Saibus strokes his head.

Regiis coos at Saibus's caresses. The two have a quiet time enjoying the present moment.

Saibus walks away from Regiis and takes a piece of meat in a bag on the balcony.

"Here, buddy, you deserved it," Saibus said, throwing the piece of meat in the air.

Regiis flaps his wings and flies towards the piece of meat. He retrieves the piece and tears it apart with his claws before swallowing the pieces.

"Kyaak" Regiis yelped in satisfaction at Saibus for the quality meat.

"You're welcome. There's only the best for you, partner."

Regiis stands on the railing while Saibus enters the room. He goes next to his bed and stands in front of a teleporter. He puts his magic in it, and a purple portal appears. He enters and arrives in his laboratory. Saibus comes out of the entrance and goes to his library. He walks past the potions room, enchantments ...

He arrives in front of a white wooden door. He opens it and sees the extent of his collection of books. The books that are there under the books that were in his parents' library that he kept safe here. It can be said that Saibus has one of the largest collections of books that can exist. He walks through the different sections and stops in front of the family section. He browsed through the books and chose a book on his family history that he had never taken the time to read. He leaves with his book in hand and goes to the teleporter. He passes it and finds himself in front of his bed. He closes the gate and lies down on his bed, where he begins to read.