(Y/n) POV
I expected to wake up to the sounds of peaceful birds chirping, the sun through my window, or even just cars driving past. However, this morning I lost the bet with fate and was awoken by the sound of various cameras shuttering, people arguing, and cars screeching in the distance.
"Ugh... what the hell?" I groaned, I sat up in my new bed. I glanced over at my alarm clock to see that I was late for school.
"HUH?! HOW DID I SLEEP IN SO LATE!" I panicked and rushed to my bathroom. I quickly showered, sorted my hair out, and used my quirk to get dressed.
I ran around my room collecting my school stuff and muttering to myself. "Didn't I have an alarm set? AND WHY THE HELL IS IT SO NOISY OUTSIDE?! I thought my new house was AWAY from people!"
My thumb and index finger rubbed up and down the bridge of my nose as I stepped out of my house and locked the door. The sun's morning rays blinded me for a moment before my eyes adjusted.
"I won't make it to school on time skating... I'll have to teleport." I groaned at the idea. I didn't like using my quirk that openly, but I would much rather teleport than face Dadzawa's wrath.
I shivered at the idea of Mr. Aizawa's face if I was late and quickly decided that teleportation would be the best option.
I made sure to choose my location carefully and teleported to the small line of trees just outside UA's entrance.
The noise of the morning was much clearer now, I could see reporters pushing and shoving as UA students entered through the gate.
"Oh, so that's what woke me up, ass holes," I mumbled as I started to walk towards my school.
I started to push through the reporters and was bombarded with questions and yelling in my ears. I squinted, trying to ignore the noise, and just pushed my way through. However, a random reporter grabbed my arm and held me, in an attempt to get me to answer some questions.
Now if I remembered correctly from what I had read, technically that was assault... honestly who even knows.
My yelling caught the attention of all of the reporters as they quieted down to listen to me.
"I know for a fact that you have been told by various students and teachers to get lost, now if you don't want me to take my anger out on you, I suggest you at LEAST let students and teachers through. AND LAST OF ALL, IF THEY SAY THEY DON'T WANNA TALK LEAVE THEM ALONE!" I finished my protest, slightly out of breath.
If there was one thing I hated, it was the media. Always spreading lies, harassing celebrities, and going the extra mile just to get too personal.
'Tch. Fucking media. When will they learn boundaries.' I shook my head as I walked towards the school. The reporters parted to let me though, leaving some disapproving comments towards me as I passed. It took almost all of my energy not to just beat them up on sight with some of the things they were saying.
{Time skip brought to you by a very pissed (Y/n)}
"Man... how'd no security get them already?" I thought aloud as I sat at my desk. I had begun to sketch a rough outline of better hero costumes for my classmates, excluding some of the decent ones like Sero, Tsu, and of course Hagakure.
"Hey (Y/n)," someone called in front of me. I looked up to see Denki and Kirishima walking towards my desk.
"Hey, guys, what's up?" I asked, setting down my pencil.
"Did you see the reporters out front? They're crazy right." Kirishima laughed.
"Yeah. They're so annoying though... I could hear them from my house so they woke me up." I groaned, thinking of my unpleasant wake-up call.
"Oh wow really? You must live close then." Denki added, lifting his pointer finger to his chin.
"Oh yeah..." 'Damn... I really shouldn't have said that... what if they try to find where I live or ask to come over sometime!'
"So..." I started, but was cut off by Bakugou angrily walking into the room with Mr. Aizawa not far behind.
Denki and Kirishima quickly went back to their seats and everyone got quite fast.
"Ahem," Mr. Aizawa cleared his throat. "Decent work on yesterday's combat training you guys. I saw the video feeds and went over each of your team's results."
I sweatdropped, feeling a few eyes shooting towards me. I was still quite embarrassed from my outburst, but there wasn't much I could do now. Though if I really wanted to I could rewrite history... but that's a lot of work.
"Bakugou, you're talented, so don't sulk like a child over your losses." Mr. Aizawa said, drawing me back in.
"Yeah whatever," Bakugou grumbled but Mr. Aizawa ignored it.
"(Y/n) keep your emotions in check and try not to lose control over your quirk again." Mr. Aizawa drew more attention to me.
"Y-yes, sir." I sighed, looking down at my feet.
"And Midoriya, I see that during the match you broke your arm again. Work harder, and don't give me the excuse that you don't have control over your quirk. That line's already getting old. You can't keep breaking your body while training here, but your quirk will be very useful if you can get a handle on it." Mr. Aizawa finished berating us and looked over his papers.
Izuku perked up behind me but was quickly shut down by our teacher again.
"Oh and, regarding the extra credit assignment that was open to everyone. I understand that only Bakugou, Kirishima, Yaoyorozu, Uraraka, Sero, and Iida went to participate. I understand most of your reasoning for more attending, though in the future you should take offers like this more. It'll help you train your quirk but also raise your grade a lot. Furthermore, I am quite disappointed that none of those listed students managed to beat (Y/n) in the 1v1's. I hope you'll be able to in the future and that you learned from your experience. I'm also aware some of you were injured by I'm glad to see you've recovered well." Mr. Aizawa ended his speech, leaving my classmates shocked, embarrassed, and ready to improve. Though some unnamed others were too focused on being angry to learn anything.
I became even more uncomfortable with more eyes on me than before. I get that it was kinda weird that I beat all of my classmates, and it would be even worse if they knew I didn't even use my quirk.
"Anyways.... onto the more important topic." Mr. Aizawa drew the attention back to himself. "Our first task will decide your future."
The stares on me turned into frightened shock from Mr. Aizawa's words. I was also pretty concerned, my mind was going through the different attacks my teacher could've been talking about. Though I was pretty sure my classmates thought it was another test.
"You all need to pick a class representative." Mr. Aizawa said dryly.
This eased everyone's minds as they relaxed, but the silence was soon broken by various shouts of "pick me!", "no me!", and "I'll make a great rep!"
The noise was overwhelming so I covered my ears but it just muffled the shouts. "Arg..."
"Silence everyone please!" Iida shouted over everyone.
'Thank you the anime gods. You've sent Iida to save my bleeding ears.' I mentally prayed and removed my ears from my head.
"The class representative's duty is to lead others, it's not something just anyone can do. You must first have the trust of every student in the classroom, therefor the most logical way to fill this position democratically. We will hold an election to choose our leader."
'With that speech, it's pretty obvious you want us to vote for you...' I thought, and probably along with everyone else in the room.
Many concerned points were tossed around from the class but Iida shut them down, talking about suitable positions and whatnot.
Mr. Aizawa gave the go-ahead before he took a nap, I truly wanted to join him, but I would totally be called out.
A few minutes later everyone had submitted their votes and they were tallied on the chalkboard. I voted for Iida to make it simple, and since I already knew he was going to win anyway.
Izuku ended up with 3, Momo got 2, somehow I got 2, and everyone else had one or none. If they did have one then they had either voted for themselves or like Iida, someone had voted for them.
Iida seemed a bit sad that he only got one vote, but at the same time satisfied with himself.
I scanned over the board again in disbelief, "Eh? Who in the hell voted for me?"
"I did," Izuku spoke up.
"Pft of course you did." I chuckled.
"So did I," Denki spoke up.
'Hm... surprising, would've thought he'd vote for himself.'
"Thanks, guys. I don't see your reasoning, but it still feels good." I smiled.
"All right, your class rep is Midoriya and (L/n), Yaoyorozu, you can sort it out between yourselves who is going to be the deputy," Mr. Aizawa said, magically awake from his deep slumber.
"Momo you can have the job. It's too much responsibility for me and I'm honestly too lazy to put it simply. Denki, Izuku, sorry for throwing your votes away, the job just isn't for me." I shrugged.
"No problem, I understand."
"Yeah (Y/n), don't worry."
"Thank you for the position (Y/n)."
I smiled at the three of them then watched as Momo and Izuku walked towards the front.
Izuku gave a stutter-filled.... sentence, while Momo gave a sophisticated speech of acceptance.
After everyone accepted their new representatives, we went to our morning classes then arrived at lunch. It was much more crowded than the day before, but that was just because the support courses and other classes were her as well.
I sat with Izuku, Uraraka, and Iida at a lunch table and we talked briefly about the voting. Across the room, however, I spotted a familiar snowy hair girl sitting at a table with 1-B students.
I quickly made the connection that it was Oshiro, the girl I had saved at the entrance exams. She must've felt my gaze since she turned around and we made eye contact. I lightly blushed in embarrassment and smiled in her direction and received a wave back.
"Do you guys mind if I eat with another friend today? We just recently met and I haven't seen them since the entrance exams so I want to say hi." I asked my classmates and paused the conversation.
"Oh yeah sure (Y/n)," Izuku replied.
"Just make sure you sit with us tomorrow." Uraraka smiled.
"Good luck soldier." Iida saluted me.
"What the hell Iida?" I said, my face dropping.
"Sorry. I was just not sure how to respond." Iida said, fixing his glasses.
"Pft, ok." I chuckled and picked up my lunch tray.
I made my way over to Oshiro's table, weaving my way in between and around students. Once I was close enough I decided to grab my friend's attention.
"Hey! Oshiro!" I half yelled.
"Oh hey (Y/n)! Long time no see!" Oshiro exclaimed, waving her hand in an invite to her table.
I gladly accepted and took the empty seat directly across from her.
"Oh, guys this is (Y/n) (L/n)." Oshiro began to introduce me.
I waved to the familiar faces I had only ever seen on screen, feeling my excitement begin to take over me.
"(Y/n), this is Shiozaki Ibara," Oshiro continued, pointing to a vine-headed girl.
Shiozaki waved at me warmly, and Oshiro continued to introduce her classmates.
"This is Tsunotori Pony," Oshiro gestured to a small blond girl. "Komori Kinoko," a brown-headed girl waved at me. "Kendo Itsuka," the redhead smiled. "and last but certainly not least..." Oshiro dragged out her words, "Monoma Neito."
The self-centered blond smiled smugly at me. I swear, I believed he would be better in person, but he's just as bad already as he was portrayed in the show.
"Nice to meet you all." I smiled with my eyes closed. "Oh and please call me (Y/n), I find it more comfortable."
"Ok!" Kendo smiled, "(Y/n) what class are you in?"
"I'm in class 1-A of the hero course," I responded, careful to avoid Monoma's eyes while talking.
"Oh, that's cool! All of us here are in class 1-B, but you probably could assume that since you know Oshiro here already." Kendo laughed.
I smiled and slowly turned towards Monoma who looked like he could explode any second. "Do you have something to say Monoma? You look a little distressed there."
"Yes, I do actually," Monoma started, already looking like he was going to insult me. "What's your quirk?"
"Oh yeah. I technically have 2, but they are closely related. My first one is teleportation, which is self-explanatory. Then my second quirk is called Zodiac. Basically, with that, I can summon weapons that correlate to either the zodiac signs or animals, and depending on my opponent's opposite zodiac, my attack effectiveness varies." I tried to explain the briefest I could, but still the most understandable way possible. I also tried to explain how teleportation was linked to the stars and space... and time and stuff.... but I could tell he was suspicious of my explanation.
"Hm... ok." the blond mumbled and turned away again.
'Kinda weird...' I thought to myself turning back towards the remaining group.
"So what are your guys' quirks?" I asked, trying to shift the attention.
"Well, my quirk is called Big Fist. I can basically enlarge both of my fists to any size which increases their attack power and gripping abilities." Kendo explained, squeezing her palms.
"My quick is called Horn Cannon. Do you see the horns on my head? Well is basically just like the name implies, I can launch my horns like projectiles and a new set grows back almost instantly. I can also remotely control two of them right now. I'm hoping to improve though and raise that number!" Tsunotori pointed to her tan horns.
Komori then began to explain her quirk as well, "I can create different types of fungus spores or mushrooms from my body." She quickly demonstrated, creating a small red and white mushroom on her outstretched finger. "I can also make them grow on any surface that I wish, whether I can see it or not. The fungus usually stays out for about 2-3 hours before they disappear. And when it's humid it takes less energy to spread the fungi faster."
"My hair is made up of vise which I can control like more limbs. I can make them longer, short, grab things, and use them for many other things. I can also detach them at will if needed any they'll grow back. Though it is important my hair gets the right amount of nutrients, water, and sunlight or else it could wither out or become hard to use." Shiozaki held her hair in her hands.
"Oh and Monoma over there," Kendo pointed to the boy. "His quirk-"
"I can very well explain my own quirk! Thank you very much." Monoma protested. "My quirk is called Copy. Anyone whom I touch, I can copy and replicate their quirk to the finest detail. Though I can only use one quirk at a time so far and can only continue to use a quirk for (insert time amount)."
"Oh wow, that's pretty cool. So you basically have every quirk... for a certain amount of time... and only if you touch someone.... and-" I was about to continue listing some of the fractures of Monoma's quirk but I could feel his eyes burning into my skull
So I quickly stopped myself.
"Anyways, it seems like an amazing quirk! I can't wait till I have the opportunity to watch you in action. Especially against one of my classmates... I would love to watch him get hit with his own quirk." I chuckled at the thought. Though, I knew for a fact that it would happen at the sports festival. Bakugou would get exploded by Monoma straight in the face.
"So! What brings you over here (Y/n)?" Oshiro broke the silence.
"Nothing much actually." I started. "I'm not really sure, you caught my eye and I hadn't seen you for a while, so I figured I'd say hi."
"Oh ok." Oshiro nodded. "Well (Y/n) do you-"
*RIIIINGGGGGGG* "Warning. Level 3 security breach. All students please evacuate the building in an orderly fashion."
"What's going on?"
"Security breach!?"
Oshiro was cut off by the blasting school alarms and many voices of students.
Everyone at my table quickly stood up and began to file out with the rest of our panicked peers. We didn't get the chance to speak or call out to each other, even if we did our voices would've been drowned out and inaudible.
'Ok calm down (Y/n). Everything's fine you know what's happening... WAIT BUT DOESN'T THAT MEAN SHIGGY IS IN THE SCHOOL RIGHT NOW?! That's not good... not good at all.' I silently panicked. Despite being told to evacuate in an orderly fashion, students responded with completely opposite actions. I was thrown around, pushed, pulled, and trampled by many students. 'DAMINT! THEY SAID ORDERLY YOU DUMBASSES' I raged, trying to navigate my way away from the crowd. 'Can't I use my quirk freely in school? Imma just take the chance and teleport out of this horde. Too many odors, sweat, screams, and people.'
I quickly imagined being in the school's front yard, but more specifically around the corner from it where no one could see me teleport. Though I'm pretty sure it's allowed, I still didn't want to take the chances and teleport in front of everyone.
When I opened my eyes I unsurprisingly found myself in the exact spot I imagined. I swiftly moved out from around the corner and blended right back in with the students around.
I didn't see anyone from class 1-A, or even anyone I knew for that matter. I just had to assume they were all held up in the hallways and the Iida was already making his speech on the exit sign. Man how I wished I could've seen that, but people. Yeah... I wasn't going back to the crowd.
{Tike skip brought to you by: Author out camping and too lazy to fill in chapter holes AND NO SIGNAL!. Plus author's apology for not writing. PLUS authors thanks for all the new readers, comments, and votes.}
As soon as the alarms stopped, Nezu came on the loudspeaker and announced that everything was ok. He told the students to just head back to class and that everything had been handled. A few teachers also came out to help sort the transportation and to ensure easy flow of the students.
The police had arrived as well and helped to push back the media away from the school. Everything was back to normal so I decided to head back to my class like the other students around me.
However, me being my lazy self, I just teleported back to my seat in 1-A's room.
I waited there for a good 10 minutes or so before my classmates started pouring back in. Unfortunately, lunch was cut short, and classes were to be continued as normal.
Once everyone was back in the classroom, and Mr. Aizawa had returned from talking with the police, Momo and Izuku were beginning their speech on the recent events.
"Umm, so we need to figure out who the other class officers will be." Izuku half yelled, practically peeing his pants while talking. "But first, they're something I would like to say. I've thought a lot about this, and I think that Tenya Iida should be our class rep! He was able to capture everyone's attention and get us in line. So I believe, that he should be the one leading our class from now on."
'Nice Izuku.' I nodded, smiling at my friend's newfound confidence.
"Yeah, you know what, if Midoriya vouches for him I'm good. Plus he was a big help, he totally manned up and took charge, right?" Kirishima agreed.
Kirishima's comment was followed by many other agreeing and kind remarks from my classmates. In the end, we all agreed that Iida should be the rightful class rep.
(That makes it sound like he's an heir to a throne or something XD)
"This is a waste of time." Mr. Aizawa's bored voice cut everyone off. "I don't care who the rep is just hurry up." With that, the yellow bug rolled away behind his desk.
'Damn, I'm not even related but I feel the second-hand embarrassment from that...' I winced.
Iida stood up, "If Midoriya is nominating me for this job, then I humbly accept. I pledge to carry out the duties of class rep to the best of my abilities!"
"Sounds good emergency exit."
"Emergency exit Iida!"
"Don't let us down man."
People from the class started cheering. I just laughed lightly at their reactions. Though I did notice Momo looking a little sad, I mean she did get more votes than Iida. Personally, I believe that she should've been bumped up to rep and the Iida to vice to be fair, but I don't make the rules.
"Ok now everyone is back in their seats. I still need to explain today's lesson and stuff." Mr. Aizawa walked to the podium in front of the class.
Everyone quickly sat down or walked back to their seat, silence taking over them.
"Today's training will be a little different. You'll have 3 instructors, me, All Might, and another pro will be keeping tabs on you." Mr. Aizawa began to explain.
"Sir," Sero interrupted, raising his hand. "What kind of training is this?"
Mr. Aizawa responded by pulling out a flashcard that said, "Rescue. You'll be dealing with natural disasters, shipwrecks, stuff like that."
A bunch of laughs, remarks, and notes were made throughout the class.
'Wait does he mean the USJ?' I thought, getting kind of nervous if that was the event my teacher meant.
"Guys I'm not finished yet," Madzawa grumbled. This quickly shut the class up and their attention was drawn back to him. "What you wear in this exercise is up to you. I know you're excited about costumes, but keep in mind that you haven't gotten used to them yet and they may limit your abilities. This special training's at an off-campus facility, so we'll be taking a bus to get there."
'Oh shit... HE DOES MEAN THE USJ!? I DIDN'T REMEMBER THAT HAPPENING THIS EARLY! Though I guess after being in this world for a while I'm bound to start forgetting things...' I panicked knowing fully well the events that awaited my class.
"That's all, start getting ready." Mr. Aizawa said as he began waking off.
On the wall beside where my teacher used to stand, we're now briefcases poking out of the wall. Each containing a hero costume belonging to my classmates.
'You know what, I don't really like my hero costume that much. I think I'm going to change it later, it's too... how do I say? Fantasy-ee I don't know. I think I'll just wear sweats. They're much easier to move it than that dress.' I nodded at my mental decision.
"Welp, let's move it The faster we get changed the faster we get to the U- er lesson!" I spoke up, encouraging my peers to move faster around me. I made my way to Iida first before I went to change.
"Hey Iida," I spoke to his back.
"Oh (Y/n), what is it?" Iida asked, grabbing his hero costume from the wall.
"Well, first and foremost I would like to congratulate you on this new position." I started.
"Thank you very much. I am honored to have this role!" Iida fixed his glasses in a dramatic way.
"And secondly, I just wanted to tell you that in the first round of voting, that 1 vote you got was from me." I smiled and pointed my right thumb at my chest.
Iida grabbed my hand and shook it rather fast, "Well then, thank you so much for believing I had what it would take to become class rep before anyone else. That makes me feel like I earned this position even more."
I awkwardly smiled, "Yeah, yeah it's no problem. Make sure you do your job right in the future though!" Iida nodded and turned away to go get changed in the locker rooms.
'Welp, now that that's done... this is going to be one long-ass day... -_-'