Luc took Esther to a very refreshing place, outside of the building; there were trees and everywhere was decorated. the air itself was so fresh as they sat on the bench that was there. "How do you feel right now?"He asked. "So fine, the place is beautiful"She replied, they could hear the sound of the songs that were being played inside. Luc stood up and offered a hand. "may I get the honor to dance with the most beautiful woman in the house?"He asked as soon the song turned into slow music, Esther smiled and replied with a hand. Esther crossed her arms around his shoulder and Luc held her waist. they could move from side to side slowly, "You look beautiful in that dress"He commented. "Thank you"She replied. there was a long silence as everyone were studying another's eyes, you could read from far whatever was going on between them. "In two days coming, you will no longer be this Esther"He said. "You will be the image of EM ENTERTAINMENT and a great celebrity"He continued. "thousands of great men running after you, millions of fans from all around the world, your schedule will be so tight that you won't get some privacy, new enemies and some you didn't know in first place, The world of a celebrity is a mystery"He explained, Esther was staring at him expecting to study the move of his lips instead of listening to his voice, "It's the world where we live and you will have to endure it"He continued. "But in everything, I will stand by you"He said. "Thank you"She replied. "Oh my goodness! Estherra how did you end up being part of my world, crazily I want to protect you with everything possible"He continued, Esther knew where this was going but she didn't want to stop him. "I've been a different person since we met "He continued. "I don't know how to explain this but .. .."This Time Luc seemed so emotionally sincere. Esther brought up her hand and cover his mouth stopping him to go any further. "I know"She said as she came a little closer and hugged him ( the music was still on). "you are a gentleman"She said still hugging him. "In that gentleness that I like about you..."She continued as she stopped the hug and starred at his face. "be a great man to Wendy"She completed. mentioning the name, Luc seemed like awakened and reminded about the engagement. "Can we forget about that a little, I know I am being too selfish and greedy but let me have my night"He said gentle as the music continued and Esther held across his shoulder again and they enjoyed the melody together.

It was late by 01am when some people started to go home, Wendy came looking for Luc and found him dancing slowly with Esther, she was sure of what she saw, gladly she was alone, she kept her tears to herself and strengthen her soul. she seemed broken but also not angry, ITS NOT LIKE HE BROKE ANY PROMISE HE GAVE ME. she kept telling herself to not feel angry, So she picked her phone and called Luc.

She could see him picking it up. "Aren't you taking me home? it's past midnight and I am tired "she said. "Yeah sure I will " Luc said. Esther knew that was all for the night, she smiled to make sure Luc doesn't feel burdened. "Go ahead"She said. "Thank you for the night"He said as he gave her one last hug and turned away.

One, two steps Luc saw Wendy nearby and he could tell She's been there all along. "Let's go home"She said forcing to act fine but Luc saw Anger that was flowing through her eyes. He led the way to the parking lot, they picked the car and he drove away.

Esther on other hand, seemed like a heartbroken scene to her, her heartbeat fast as she remembered the words Luc has been saying to her. I WISH I CAN HOLD YOU A LITTLE MORE she thought and before she knew it, tears flow from her eyes and she couldn't keep herself.

"Esther"She heard Andy's voice and the footsteps, so she knew it was her, she quickly wiped all the tears as she came approaching her, "Come on, Derrick is taking us home"Andy said as she held her hand, "I will drive myself, I need to be alone, where is Hannah. I can take her home just in case....."She teased but Andy held dizziness that was filled in her voice. "Okay, come on. take my car"Andy said giving her the keys as they went in the parking. They put Hannah in the car and Esther drove. Derrick opened the car door for Andy as she stepped in and drove away.

In less than an hour.

"Andy we are home"Derrick said. Andy felt asleep in the way so he had to wake her up. "Ooh right, thank you for the ride"She said in sleepy tone. Derrick got out of the car and approached the passenger door as he opened it for the lady to come out. "Thank you sir"Andy said. "You are welcome anytime"Derrick said. he accompanied her to the door of her house. "Here we are"He said. "Thank you"Andy said. "So rest well"Derrick said, it seemed like they didn't have much to talk about but somehow they both wanted to stay there for one another. "I should get going"Derrick said. "Yeah, you should go home"She replied. "Bye"He said. "Bye"She replied. Andy turned to leave but Derrick pulled her back and hugged her unexpectedly. "I've been wanting to hug you ever since we met"He whispered. Andy smiled as she returns the hug, they spent few more minutes like that and later, They stopped. "So, I am going"He said. "And I am going in. good night"Andy said waving at him and Derrick jumped into his car and drove away