Chapter Forty-One

Tick tok, tick tok, tick tok.

It had been three hours since she's been home now, Xanthippeias' grey eyes were focused on the clock on the wall as it ticked away with each turn of the hand making a loud echo in her ears. She was completely zoned out in her own world and trying to figure out what to do now, what she was going to say to explain her disappearance.

A few hours ago after Leodocus had left her in her backyard Xanthippeia was steps away from entering her home when she realized just how grave her situation was. Being kept in Dynodes in another world she couldn't tell up from down, she could tell what was real and what wasn't and she certainly couldn't tell time. There everything moved slower because despite waking up from being knocked out Xan would get lethargic at weird hours. She could tell however that night in Dynodes was longer than the day.