Chapter Ninety-Seven

*At the Border*

Xanthippeia took in everything that was in the room, the first sense that hit her was the smell of something decaying which oddly enough she hadn't once smelt whilst in the Underworld. There were ceiling-high shelves with vials upon vials of differently coloured liquids that reflected in the levitating candles that lit up the place. It was a rather pretty sight but she couldn't help but feel unnerved by all of this.

"Tell me, how long have you been alive dear?" was the first thing Hecate asked Xan when she had her attention on the room they were in. She almost missed the question but the goddess was standing right in her face with a most curious glint in her demantoid eyes.

"Uh, I'm eighteen." She said and Hecate cocked her head to the side.


"What is?"