Daddy's Party

Stevie's Point of View

I'm sitting on the floor next to his legs. Lord has told me that he has brought me here to be his little, which is a submissive that regresses to younger age for their Daddy or Mommy Dom. For Madeline and I, our dom is a Daddy. He'll take care of our needs. That's all he'll tell me for now.

So, for now, Madeline and will sit on the floor next to him, acting like kids. Every once in awhile he'll pet our heads. It's weird as hell. But, at least I'm clothed and not being yelled at or being hit. For now.

People keep coming up and greeting Lord. They all bow to him and then wave at Madeline and I like we are children then walk away.

"Stevie, come sit on my lap, please." Lord asks me. Not demands, it felt nice to have a choice, even though I really don't.

"Yes, Lor-" I cut myself off. "Daddy." I correct. He gives me a warm smile and holds his arms out for me. I got sit like Sir taught me, but Lord guides me to sit across his lap.

"I'm so glad to have you come to live with us. I think you'll be a great addition." He tells me.

"Yeah!" Madeline says in a high pitched squeal. "I've been begging Daddy for a sister! I can't wait to learn more about you, Sissy!" Madeline exclaims, grabbing my hands.

"Calm down Maddy. We shouldn't scare her." He tells her with his smile still on his face.

"Good evening my Lord." Came a male voice.

I recognize that voice! I think to myself. It can't be though. My brother would never come to a party like this!

"Daddy, he cute!" Madeline says to Lord.

"You think he's cute?" Lord asks, teasingly. "What if Will has cooties?"

Will? It's will! My brother!! "Will?" I look at him, "Will!" I look to Lord, "Will is my brother! May I hug him please?"

Lord looks at me then at Will. I look back to Will, he's looking at me puzzled. Like he's confused. He looks to Lord.

"Will, you know what to do if you want to interact with my Littles." Lord says.

"Of course, Lord." With that, Lord shifts me onto one leg. Will comes over sits on Lord's other leg and they begin to make out. After a few beats Lord pulls away and nods. Will stands up and grabs me and wraps me up in a hug. "My God! Stevie! We thought you were dead!" Tears burn his eyes. "The police, they told mom and dad that you were dead."

"I'm not dead." I whisper. Will begins to lead me away from Lord. I look back and Lord winks at me. Will and I enter a little secluded area where we can talk. "Please help me. I was kidnapped by a man named-"

"Ivan. I know. I was at his party earlier. I arrived after you and Lord had gone off. But, Ivan is done for." Will explained.

"You just said you thought I was dead?" I'm confused now.

"Well, knowing of Ivan, it could've been true. But seeing you was such a great relief." Will leans over and hugs me again. It's so nice.

"So, you'll help me leave? You'll ask Lord to take me home?" I plead.

"No. I don't need nor want another Little. You'll meet mine soon."

"I don't want to be your little. I want my freedom."

"Lord does not force his Littles to be here. They are not captives. You are not a captive, Stevie." Will looks offended almost. "If you are here with Lord, that means he asked and you agreed."

"I agreed because I was held captive for who knows how long. I was being raped and abused and basically starved." I spit out. Trying not to yell.

"You're still here of your own volition." Will says with no sympathy. "Mom will be so happy to know you're not dead!" He hugs me again. He pulls me to his lap so I'm straddling him. Will then kisses me on the neck. "God, Stevie. You have no idea how long I've wanted to do this with you. Thank, Lord for his rescue of you." He says as he's looking at me. And before I can respond, his mouth is on mine and his hand starts up my dress.