
10th Division Captain's Office.

Muyang leaned on the window's sill after taking a jug of sake while gazing at the round moon in the sky. His mind wandered off somewhere

Rose was appointed as a Captain, and Hikifune Kirio would0 be recruited to Zero Division in about two years, with Kisuke stepping up as the next 12th Division Captain. And then, a few years later, Shinji and the gang would fall victim to Aizen's Hollowfication experiment. Then Kisuke and Yoruichi would take refuge in the World of the Living along with them!

How could he sit idly, knowing what was about to happen? Somewhere deep within him, he felt that he shouldn't change the plot because he had an emotional attachment to the original story. But then again, Shinji and the Visored were his friends. Could he really let them become the victim because of his ego?

He could've just killed Aizen now. As he was right now, he wasn't the slightest bit afraid of Aizen, even if Aizen had acquired the ultimate power during his final battle with Ichigo, let alone now, where he hasn't even merged with Hogyoku just yet.


He couldn't believe that he could defeat Aizen that easily. He didn't know what someone as cunning as Aizen might be hiding. He might have had a backup plan or some sort in case his cover was blown for all he knew.

All these factors left him in a dilemma. He was never good when it came to brooding over stuff, especially those involving emotion, even after a hundred years. He might be able to discuss it with Suzuki Kusu if it were about something else or his friends if Suzuki Kusu couldn't help. But there was nothing he could do except brooding over it by himself when it came to this matter.

Muyang took a sip of his sake, but there was barely anything inside. Apparently, he was sipping it as he was deep in thought without realizing it, and now it was almost empty.

Muyang glanced at his Zanpakuto on the table, picked it up, and caressed it. He thought that talking to him about his worry might be a good idea

Muyang placed his Zanpakuto on his lap, and his consciousness merged with his Zanpakuto as he closed his eyes. When he opened his eyes again, Muyang was already in his Inner World.

"Your heart is in disarray."


"This whole world is roped in."

Muyang saw his Zanpakuto was still wearing his flashy and refined dress. Although he didn't fan himself with his folded fan as usual, his shirt was still lightly fluttering in the air.

"So it seems."

At this time, Muyang's Inner World seemed very different from the last time he came. Even though about 2 meters radius around them seemed as peaceful and full of life as always, the rest of the area seemed like the scene during doomsday. Thunderstorms blaring throughout the sky, the tornado ravaging the barren land, and even compressed air blades slashing at random places. This contrast between two conditions in the same place was simply baffling

"Sa~~~" A gust of wind blew tore leaves off the tree, which fell into Kaze no Sora's hand.

"Even this place is no exception." Kaze no Sora looked at Muyang after a leaf was blown into his hand. "Get a grip of your emotion."

Muyang smiled bitterly and said: "You should know what I'm worrying about, and you still can say that right to my face?"

"There's no point in brooding over it." Kaze no Sora smiled faintly, "I'm well aware thinking about this kind of stuff is not your forte."

"You're damn right." Muyang sat and leaned against a tree. "I know I'm not the kind of person who can get a solution by brooding over a problem, but this particular problem is troubling me, and I can't come up with a solution whatsoever!"

"If you really can't come up with a solution, then stop brooding over it and let time solve your problems."

"Leave it to time?"

"Yeah, you can't come up with a solution anyway, might as well put it aside for now to save you the trouble. When the time comes, you will instinctively know what you have to do as long as you follow your own heart."

"Follow my heart..."

Muyang's eyes gradually became clear from doubt. Rather than wasting his time brooding over stuff that he didn't understand anyway, it might be better to let time and his instinct make the decision when the time comes. He forgot this was what he had always done so far because the problem this time involved his friends. He should've just approached this problem like how he did so far and let his instinct decide.

With that thought in mind, the doubt in Muyang's heart disappeared, and his expression was back to normal. He glanced at Kaze no Sora and said: "I knew asking you was the right decision. The problem that troubles me for all day disappears with just a few words from you."

"Heh~~What do you expect? I am the one who knows you best."

"Well." Muyang slightly smiled: "Since what bothers me is now taken care of...."

"Shua~ "the tip of the blade almost cut Kaze no Sora's hair but fell short because he dodged it. Muyang himself was smiling even though his attack missed. He then twisted his wrist and change the trajectory of his attack, trying to slash Kaze no Sora's body horizontally.

Kaze no Sora's body was like the wind, wobbling randomly in the air, but he could always avoid Muyang's attack in the nick of time.

"Your movement is as hard to predict as always," Muyang said as he pulled back his sword and looked at Kaze no Sora after failing to land his attack. As always, Kaze no Sora was as slick as a fish in the water. His movements were strange and unpredictable, and no matter how many times Muyang attacked him, he could always find the opening to dodge. He was really worthy of the word "wind" in his name.

"Your Zanjutsu is also pretty good." Kaze no Sora lightly chuckled. "Fortunately, my Hohō's not any worse. If I were an average person, you would've cut me down a long time ago."

"Besides, it's not like I'm hiding this kind of Hohō from you, but there's no point in showing you because you can't learn it anyway."

"Tsk." Muyang clicked his tongue. "You know your Hohō doesn't suit my style, right? Even if I can learn it somehow, I can't incorporate it into my attack anyway."

"However, I think the Zanpakuto's Ultimate Profound Truth that you mentioned will suit me. Even if I can barely use it now, I'm sure this ability will fit me well. Of course, you will teach me, right?"

"Ultimate Profound Truth?" Kaze no Sora glanced at Muyang. "It's a little early for you to master Zanpakuto's Ultimate Profound Truth."

"That again?" Muyang clearly sounded dissatisfied, "Are you still saying that I am not strong enough to master Ultimate Profound Truth of Zanpakuto?"

As Muyang was right now, he could defeat an average Captain without even releasing his Zanpakuto, yet Kaze no Sora still said he wasn't strong enough.

"I've told you that you must build your physique to a certain level first before you can master Ultimate Profound Truth. At your current level, you won't be able to master it even if you learn it. A power that you can't control will only bring disaster.."

"I know, I know." Muyang helplessly said when he saw the serious look on Kaze no Sora's face. He himself knew that what Kaze no Sora said was true. Nevertheless, he felt a bit depressed. After all, it has been more than 100 years since he learned his Bankai, and he still hasn't mastered it.


Kaze no Sora suddenly closed his fan, and as he reached out to his back, a completely similar Zanpakuto like Muyang's was already in his hands: "Let's spar for once. It's been a while since we last sparred, and you've slacked off too much lately. Otherwise, you would've mastered Ultimate Profound Truth around ten years ago."

Muyang's face flushed because as Kaze no Sora said, he did slack off too much. Although he still trained through Jinzen and his spar with Kaze no Sora competition, he knew he didn't train as hard as he should've.

"Alright." Muyang stepped into the barren land outside the two-meter radius around them with Kaze no Sora following behind him.