negative people and positive people

negative people only care then self and their are very selfish they always put their bad temper in people who are easy to bully if you found out that you are negative person you still have time to change,negative people always think they are the main one they always think other are rubbish negative people treat other like their enemy they never think about other people feeling they are very crazy by earning money they aways earn money in a crazy mode they don't like to have fun

Positive people

positive are very great full and kind if you make friend with them you will be like what people call true friend they are different with negative people positive people always want to have fun with other they like to enjoy on matter how poor they are or how rich they are they will always live happily and kind positive person don't always get angry they only put their happy face

making friend with negative person

if you want to make friend with negative person first you must find how to communicate with them if you even don't know how to communicate with them,don't even try to think make friend with them it really hard to communicate with them they are very selfish they don't think what your feeling are.

making friend with positive people

if you want to make friend with positive people it easy you just have to treat them well in the first time and then they will treat you well positive people is very honest and not like negative people that are always are jealous