WebNovelSky Rose14.29%

Beginning :

The Sky world, it is in the sky. The peoples of here look like humans but we are not humans. Actually, we don't know what we are. But, we are just like humans but we have a extra thing, it's our wings. Oh, I forget to tell my name. I'm Sana, the most beautiful Princess of sky world.

Today is my 16th birthday. I am very excited and happy. Yohoo~~~

My only one cousin prince Yuu is coming to our Palace. He is two years older than me. I saw him in my childhood. He was so smart and handsome. Hehehe. I know you can't see him. So what?

Whatever, I want to give him the rare sky rose to impress him. Because, I want to welcome him and I need to do something uncommon for him. I think sky rose is the best idea. Because I can't do anything else and sky rose is so rare flower.

I don't know why but people says that it is so difficult to get the flowers. But why it is so difficult? After all, it is just a flower.

So, I went to the forest to collect the sky rose. I flew away. I came to the forest and going to came down. But suddenly, my wings stuck in the tree. I couldn't move. Oof! What do I do now? Someone please help me. I was screaming. Is someone here? But no one came to help me. Time was passing. No one came to help me. I started crying.

Suddenly, a boy came and helped me. I said thanks to him.

He asked me, "what are you doing here? It's a quite dangerous place. You should not be here. You came here and stuck in a tree. Then started to cry. It was disturbing the animals of the forest. For the sound of your crying, a animal run away and I couldn't catch him."

I replied him, "actually I am searching for sky roses. So I came here. But then I stuck in the tree. Sorry. But can you please tell where are the sky roses? How can I get them?"

The boy, "are you mad? Sky rose is a very rare flower. You can't get them so easily. Go home."

The boy looked so shocked.

Sana, "but I need it. I want this flowers for someone special. Please tell me where are the flowers. Help me. Hey where are you going? Don't go. I know that you know where are they. Please don't go. Help me to get them. Hey."

The boy, "oof. You are so annoying. OK fine, I will tell you but you can't go there alone. I will go with you. Because it's so dangerous and you are so silly. If you go there alone. Then you must be in trouble. So I am going with you. By the way, I'm Ivan and who are you silly girl?"

Sana, "who are you calling silly, you disgusting hunter? I am the most beautiful sky princess Sana."

Ivan, "what? You are the sky princess. It's impossible."

Sana, "why so impossible?"

Ivan, "because I heard that the sky princess is very very very beautiful."

Sana, "yeah yeah I know. I am more than beautiful. Right? And you are falling on me. Right?"

Ivan, "falling on you! Who falls for a bug? Oh no no no, I am just insulting bugs."

Sana, "hey, what did you just say? I am a princess you know?"

Ivan, "yeah yeah, who cares?"

The boy is so annoying. Disgusting. But I need the flowers. So I have to go with him. It is like an adventure. Wow! I love adventure. But it is my first time to go on a adventure.

My father doesn't know where I am. I didn't tell him about it. Because if he knows, he will not let me get the flowers. If he founds that I am not in the castle, he must be worried about me. But sorry father I have to get the flowers right now.

Everybody says that it is so dangerous. No one knows that why it is dangerous. But they says that it is dangerous. But I am not afraid of any danger. I will show everyone, it is not that dangerous they think.

Whatever, the boy told me that the flowers are in the smoke mountain. The name is interesting. Smoke mountain. I think it will be fun too. But it is so far from here. I can't reach there so easily. We have to fly a long way. It will be a long.

I thought that it will so easy, but it is not that easy I was thinking. But I will try.

The boy I mean Ivan told me that he will help me to go there. I think, I can trust him. Maybe, he is not that bad. I know he will not kidnap me right? Hehehe...

He said he is a hunter. But he does not look like a hunter. Hunters are not so handsome like him. What am I talking about? He just looks like a beggar. No no I'm just kidding. Hehehe... But really he looks like a prince. Whatever, who cares about him? No one wants to know about him.

I just need the rare sky rose to impress my only one cousin prince Yuu. He must be happy to see the flowers. But I haven't seen him for 5 years. What would he look like. He must be very handsome. In my childhood, he was my best friend. He always takes care of me. I love him. I don't know that he can remember me or not.

Ok, now I have to start my adventure to get the rare flower. But how can I get the flowers? Oh, I know I can get them. It's a simple flower. Not any monster. Rare sky rose, here I am coming. Just wait for me. You will be mine.

To be continued...