Do you want me to carry you?

Lan Zhan's POV:

"Out" a Wen Sect deciple calls and my heart is eager to look for Wei. Is he alright? Last night I somehow snuck in without anyone noticing, I had also requested Wen Ning to look after Wei, though I did not hear his screams for the later part of the night, but my heart is burdened with worry.

I see him staggering to the main arena, covered in blood and laceration marks. My feet is about to move towards his direction when Jiang Cheng and Nie HuaiSang catch hold of him. Few loose hairs fall away from his red ribbon and cover a part of his face. A faint trace of blood drips from his forehead into his collar that looks terribly pale. He begs for food and Jiang Cheng, shares his steam bun with him. The feeling of uneasiness grows within me ten folds as I am unable to see his eyes.

Wei, please, just once look at me. Please.

The plea from my heart could have been just heard by him, he at once turns to look at me and his eyes spark faintly, as if to reassure me, that he is fine. He stumble slowly towards me and grins "Lan Zhan, why Lan Zhan, worried about me?" my heart beats, but keeping a stoic face I look ahead "Why would I?"

"Lan Zhan, that's mean of you to say, you could have just remained quiet, I would have been happy thinking you're worried about me" he pouts and I look away.

Inside my sleeves, my nails dig into my palms. Unable to wipe that gore from your face, I remain as stoic as possible.

Just then Wen Chao and Wen Qing both arrive at the arena and they laugh at all of us. "Gusu Lan Sect has been burnt to ground and nothing could those old fools do" he mocks and my eyes are covered in rage "LanLing Jing Sect has agreed to co-operate with us, so no harm would come to them. Whereas Qinghe Nie Sect has been dealt with" he grins when Nie HuaiSang cowers. "As for the Jiang Yunmeng Sect, Jiang Fengmian is a coward, he shall be punished accordingly" he laughs and Jiang Cheng is about to retort when

Wei stops him.

Meanwhile, a report comes in that there is an unusual occurrence happening at Mt. Muxi due to a strange beast.

"Gather everyone, we're going out on a Night Hunt, if anyone refuses, they shall be annihilated immediately" he threatens and many hesitated, but having left with no choice, all of us followed the Wen Sect.

The deeper we walked into the forest, the thicker the branches over our heads became, and the larger the shadows below grew. We were all scattered around. What started as journey of groups slowly disintegrated into solo paths.

I had quite the difficulty in walking. My injuries refused to heal, I was always taught not to show any reaction to any pain on my body, for that reason, even though my expression remained listless, but my leg felt completely crushed. Yet the pride in me, the teachings of my elders were adept and I refused to budge under the situation, moaning about my pain.

Watching Wei, now dressed

taly in Black and Blue Ribbon

his hair tied neatly and his wounds best covered under medicine, I was much more relived, yet whenever he approached to have a conversation with me, I carefully avoided him so as to not be conspicuous in front of the Wen Sect. They would harm him too. But watching me walk slowly, a farther away from the rest of the group, his concern could not be dismissed. Pacing upto me and not one to mice his words, he asked "What's wrong with your leg?"

I stared straight at the front, and replied "Nothing."

Wei reacted "Ofcourse you're not fine, you're favouring one leg over the other"

I remain quiet.

Wei turned around and walked facing the back, determined on making making me look at his face, "Don't force yourself if it's not fine. Is your leg hurt or broken? When did it happen?" when he receives no reply from me, he questions innocently "Do you want me to carry you?" and at that my steps falter and he catches my waist. My eyes seek his and his widens in surprise, but before he could react, I quickly move

away from him.

"Lan Zhan" he calls out but I dare don't turn back. Stay still my thundering heart.

"Don't fool around, Wei Wuxian, do you want him to kill you?" Jiang Cheng warns "He hates you. Don't bother him"

"So what if he hates me, I don't hate him, the moment I get a chance, I am going to ask him again, if I could carry him. At the most what is he going to

do, choke me to death while he is on my back?" (A/n: this is an actual conversation from MDZS book with few variations)

On hearing their conversation, my steps slow down a little bit.

"Somebody has got to take care of him" he states as matter of fact and the tips of my lips lift up subtly.

"Hey, don't talk. Move it" a servant yells and everyone follows the group.

We're taken to a mouth of a cave and some of the disciples are pushed in. "Come on don't waste time" one yells and we walk into the darkness with only light coming from Wen Chao's lantern. As we come to a bottoms pit, Wen Chao commands the deciples to get down and when they refute, Wei who is standing closest to the pit is pushed in. He screams and my heart aps out. Without second thought, I jump after him, least concerned of my foot and I find him groaning in pain. Supporting him, we stand when others join us.

"Wen Chao" I warn, he pales and looks away. Wei leaving us behind walks around, using his talisman, the darkness is engulfed in bright flames.

"Quick find a bait, we need to lure the beast out" Wen Chao commands and everyone looks in frenzy, when all of a sudden, Wen Chao's mistress Wang Ling Jiao suggests using Mian Mian, but Jin Zi Xuan and I both block her from Wen Chao's men. This angers Wen Chao and a fight ensues between the disciples.

As the fight between Wei and Wen Chao ensues, there is a screeching nose and we realise the beast is awoken, to attack Wei and Wen Chao.

Wen Chao is thrown into the water and Wei slams against the Cave's Wall.


Woah, yes we're nearing quite an action packed chapter. Moments between Wei and Lan Zhan are brewing.