
Jingshi and Wei.

Synonyms of eachother.

Both ceased to exit in its original form.


My home.

But is it really a place I can call as my home?

"Brother" I call his name as he and another deciple are in middle of discussion.

"Wangji" he smiles "how are you feeling?" the other deciple bows and leaves us to our conversation.

"Fine. Thank you" I look over at the expanse of the reconstruction of Gusu. "I have provided fresh drawings of the older buildings, they wanted to make the structure more reliable and fire resistant"

"Wangji, you need to rest. It's just been few days" he sighs "since you were back, you have taken up all the responsibilities from me, heal your injuries brother"

"No need, I am good"

"Second brother is right, Wangji" we both turn to Meng Yao who bows in front of us "you need to rest"

I don't say anything. I observe Meng Yao and brother's conversation, their comradeship, their understanding and their friendship.

"ZewuJun" another deciple calls in hurry "a nearby village is in trouble, they need our help"

"I'll go" I bow and walk away before they could stop me.

"You're back" Meng Yao states when he sees me walking through the pavilion on which the Library is being constructed on.




For past few weeks I have been shuttling between looking over the constructions on Gusu and clearing out all kinds of chaos that is present in the outside world.

Right now, when I was going through the structural examination, Meng Yao found me.

"Wangji, how is your leg?" Smile in place his eyes bare the calmness of a deep water.

"Non Existent" I reply.

"Very well, but please don't exert yourself too much" he walks closer to me, to pick up the paper beside me on which the drawing of the library pavillion is jotted down on.

Halting his movement with the hilt of my Bichen, his smile falters a little. "Wangji, don't worry, it was Second brother who asked me to go through them and help you".

"It's fine, I can manage" I turn to pick them up and leave.

Later that evening as I walk through the white stone covered passage, the soft lantern accentuates the glow around them and the tranquility brings peace within the walls here.

"Wangji" brother calls and soon joins me on my walk. Being quiet, we reach the top mountains of Gusu and reinstate the barricade around "you should let A Yao help you".

"You trust him" I comment knowing it would be futile to question that, my brother like me, seldom trusts people around.

"A Yao, was removed from Nie Sect due to some differences, when you were not here, he was the one protected me from the Wen Clan and protected the forbidden books. He also volunteered in rebuilding hour home. Trust him".


I turn to look at my brother but say nothing. For some reason, Meng Yao's eyes are too calm. There's something unsettling about him.

In the next few weeks Gusu was back to its original glory. Joy and celebration was in the air but I couldn't find myself to be a part of such momentum.

In the midst of fighting a battle with a resentful spirit, the villagers were depended on my skill and the pain within me resonated as I strung the chords of my Zither and the resentful spirit was slayed.

Chorus of cheers surrounded me, but not waiting for the accolades, I walked a lonely path, which is what I have always done.


Climbing the now gleaming steps of Gusu, the path in front of me was parted like the waves of sea and hundreds of eyes were on me speaking of the victory that I have been accumulating for past few weeks.

But in my mind, the only scenario that was running was that of Wei. It had already been few months since Mountain Muaxi incident, that we did not receive any news from them.

Wei, are you alright?

Maybe it's time I should visit him? But under what pretext? Night Hunt?

Before I could ponder further, a warm voice calls for me "Wangji" | look up to find my brother smiling proudly at me "Congratulations and might I say, you're just in time for the Banquet".

Together we walk into the Great Hall and each and every student in there bows. Taking our place, we wait for the elders to join us.

"Lan Wangji, come here" Uncle calls my name as he sits in the middle of the Hall with the other elders of the sect. Bowing down to them, each of them smile. Uncle raises his tea cup and makes a declaration "From today onwards everyone shall bestow you with Honourary Name "Hanguang-Jun" and a chorus of cheers resonate around with them calling me "Hanguang-Jun".

Bowing with respect, I accept the honour and take my seat for dinner.

As I walk away from the celebration, my steps halt when I hear brother call my name "Wangji wait" he joins me "There is some place I need to show you" he grins and I follow him. Recognising the path, my heart beat increases and my breathing falters when I see Jingshi' standing proudly in front of me.

"I know it would not have the same meaning to it, but we have constructed the new one, just like it's previous glory" he turns me to him "Happy Birthday, Wangji" he hugs me gently.

Looking back at Jingshi, I whisper "Thank You" but when I turn to my brother, he's not to be found.

Taking slow and heavy step, the nostalgic memory of everything that has happened here, hits me to the core. Seeing the Zither of my mother in middle of the room, I bend down, pay my respect and play the first chords.


It's not the same without you here. Unable to to sit there, I leave Jingshi and walk around aimlessly, when I am surprised to see a figure, sitting by the rabbits and feeding them.

Lady Zhi Ruo.

She startles when I approach them, looking up at me, she calms herself and smiles.

"Hanguang-Jun" she bows and I bow back.

"You have been taking care of them?" I ask as one jumps into my arm and I remember Wei again.

"Someone had to" she smiles fondly at the rabbit in my arm "with you being where ever the chaos is" she grins "there was no one to feed them" she turns to leave "now that you're here, I'll take my leave".

"Thank you" I say calmly and she turns to look into my eyes. Her tresses envelopes her, as the wind blows a cool midnight breeze. Her blinks are slow yet chaste and her smile is radiant as the star above "Please continue to take care of them, when I am not around" she nods.

"Hanguang-Jun has made a promise to another soul, to take care of them" she smiles "it would be a great honour to help Hanguang-Jun" before leaving she turns "Wangji, I hope your heart finds peace" she leaves and I turn towards the bunny in my arm.

Looking at the vast expanse of the mountain, with thousand of stars above me, the blanket of beauty surrounding us, my robes flutter softly against the breeze and my mind is dominated by one single soul.

Are you well from the last time we met?

Ah so this is something I wanted to explore on. The reconstruction of Gusu and bringing it back to its glory. No one had spoken much about it and moreso how did Lan Zhan been bestowed with the honorary name Hanguang-Jun.

Hope you all enjoyed this (^~^)