Melody of your Name

To give up on this life to be there by your side forever, is what this heart desires.

"Wangji" my brother calls my name as he stands by my side "are you not going to join them?" He's got his Liebing by his side. We watch the sect disciples being busy as they prepare to welcome the new year "Never have you been a part of this celebration, under the pretext of night hunt, you disappear every year" he turns to me "what's your excuse this year?"

"Night Hunt"

He sighs "How long are you going to..." he doesn't complete his question and it's left there, heavy between us.

Bowing I turn to leave "Wangji" brother whispers my name and without turning back I say what I need to "You're needed here. Not me" turn sideways "please" | convey my emotions to him and he understands. Nodding he doesn't precipitate the matter and I walk away.

I am never needed anywhere.

Walking away from Gusu, the heaviness in my heart starts to lighten up. I can finally breath freely.

Faintly I can hear the lyrical music of my brother playing his 'Liebing', it's him asking me if I am alright? Am I? I have no answer brother. Maybe I'll come back when I do.

As the cold night welcomes me into its arms amidst the crowded street, my steps halt, uncomfortable walking amongst people, yet, for him, it doesn't matter, I'll always follow him.

"Lan Zhan!" I turn and my heart blooms when I see his smiling face. "I have been waiting for you!" He drags me to a stand where they were selling lanterns of different colours and shapes.

A sudden feeling of warmth engulfs me when he turns to show me a small snow man that he made with a band on his forehead. That moment forever etched in my timeline, I do something I have never done before. Seeing him dressed in his thin black cloak, I remove my outer Gusu cloak and envelope him in it, clutching the lapels, I bring him close to me, I gently kiss his forehead with all the emotions I could procure.

My Wei. I whisper inwardly.

The blush colours his cheeks and his eyes seek mine with the shyness that I never have seen. "Lan Zhan, shall we light a lantern together? Last time I had to force you!" He pouts and before he could complain further, I rectify the mistake I had made in the past. Walking to the lantern shop, I buy one as I thread my fingers with his and gently kiss his fingers. By the lake in a remote corner, together we let our lanterns float with a prayer that "Let our love eternally shine through its glory" and as I turn to look at him, his eyes shimmer and shine under the warmth of the lights.

"Lan Zhan" he whispers and I pull him onto me. Threading my fingers in his hair, I kiss him. Feeling his warmth in me, his breath against mine, his whisper of my name,

I name him in my heart. Forever.

Slowly bringing him down with me on the grassy patch, wet from the melted snow, I lay him down gently beside me. His lotus eyes watch me intently with a shimmer in them and the soft glow of the lanterns above us continues to accentuate his beauty in my heart.

My Wei Ying.

I bring my cold lips against his succulent lips and unable to control, I bite them hard and he moans my name for the night to hear. Bringing my lips down to his neck, I bite him again and his neck is stretched taut as I continue to mark him.

"Slow down Lan Zhan" he pants "Yunmeng Sect cannot see me marked" he grins when I look at him "they'll wage a war, thinking the Gusu Clan has attacked me".

I kiss his lips again and this time I take my time with him. Knowing we cannot go any further, I let him lie on the grass and turn little away from him, panting and looking over the expanse of the lake with few fireflies hovering above them.

Understanding my plight, he kisses my cheeks and rests his head on my shoulders and I kiss his hair. Sighing deeply, I enjoy the serenity that engulfs us.

"Lan Zhan" he whispers and I look at the object he's pointing at. A rare azure butterfly, flapping it's wings, rests on Wei's finger.

As my Gusu Band and his Red Ribbon together, entangles with eachother and flutters against the cool heavy breeze.


"Do you think it's a soul blessing our union?" He questions with exuberance and I fall for him every second.

"I'll name him Zhan" he grins looking at the butterfly "Zhan means Azure Blue" he looks back at me and kisses my lips softly.

"Lan Zhan, play me a song please?" and I oblige without a second thought.

Having you by my side, Life is easier, Every chord I play, Is a breath of your name that I take, Even if you walk away from me, It's your footsteps that I shall follow, To up or below, Your name is mine,

Azure is yours,

Our love is music, The melody of ours, Forever, a folklore it shall be.

I turn to look at him and find tears welled up in his eyes. Slowly caressing my face, he kisses my lips and unable to face the emotions within me, I close my eyes.

Hearing the bouts of fireworks above us, blinking my eyes open, I see him fade away slowly in front of me. What remains is a gust of cool air, the Melody of Empathy and he a mere dream of what we could be.

Heaving a heavy breath and clutching my heart, I calm myself. Looking up at the beautiful sky, hoping he's safe, wherever he is, I let the emotions flow from me, let the tears flow by and finally I smile.

"Happy New Year, my Wei Ying" I close my eyes and play the melody of ours on my Wangji, understanding to whom my heart belongs

Another beautiful dream! Another beautiful piece. Hope you guys loved the poem that I wrote for Wei!