
auther note ;I had a fever, that's why I stopped writing for that day, I did not post anything, forgive us for that

@yizhan_wangxian_official my instagram I'd If you want to follow me or talk, you must follow me on Instagram


You might not remember this ever, but that reunion is one I would never forget. I wanted to take you in my arms but there you were, questioning my intention.

Wei, your words bruised my heart forever.

Watching you play a black flute causing the end of the Core Melting Hand with the help of a resentful spirit, I was truly shocked. What is this dark practice of yours?

Witnessing a figure cower behind the desk, was Wen Chao and what was truly surprising was the way he looked. No longer the youthful arrogant Master of the Wen clan. In his place was a man who was shattered in spirt and soul. A spirit in bright red dress and scarlet painted nails, tore his flesh and the bones from within could be seen.

Suddenly the last remaining resistance from the spirit of Core Melting Hand approached you from behind in guise of a sneak attack and unable to watch you being hurt, the Zidian broke through the small glass and my Bichen causes his end.

Turning to look at the new entrants, your gaze met Jiang Cheng and then it landed on me. The moment it did, something within me cried in despair. I knew, just knew, you were no longer the Wei I have known forever. Your spirit was not the same. Your eyes were not the same. Your smile was eerie. You were not 'My Wei'. You were merely the shell of a man I once knew.

The words of the kind spirit echoed in my memory "No, his spirit is trapped. He's alive yet is consumed by darkness, this time, it would be difficult to find him and if you loose him, you will loose him forever"


Finding a cold demeanor in place of the warmth that I always cherished, his eyes were not the one I was used to seeing. Beside him, the spirit dressed in red sits on his lap and he caresses her hair. Unable to see this, I walk upto him "Wei Ying".

He directs the cold smile towards me and greets me "Hanguang-Jun".

My heart sinks. Never before have you addressed me with any other name then why now?

"What methods have you been practicing to control these creatures?" The spirit in red hisses and he glares at her. Turning back to me, his eyes are even more colder.

"What is it to you?" and before I could speak further, Jiang Cheng questions Wei "Where were you? Hanguang-Jun and I searched for you everywhere"

Wei's laugh is cold as he informs us "I was thrown into a living hell"


"Burial Mountain" and Jiang Cheng gasps in shock and my eyes seek his again. He avoids looking at me.



"The method you're using is wrong. It will not only hurt you but will also hurt your heart" the concern in my voice is evident for him to hear. Please Wei, come back to me.

"What's it for you? Why should it bother you?" He raises his voice and my heart...

"Come back to Gusu with me" I plead and his mocking statement, hurts me to the core.

"Go back to Gusu? With you? For what? So that your Sect Leader can imprison me? Make me learn your intolerant rules and regulations again? Hanguang-Jun, you and your Sect cannot imprison me" he mocks and it rips my heart.

"Wei Wuxian!" I yell and his cold eyes stop me.

"Lan Wangji" he yells and takes a step back "Go away. What I do, should not concern you. You're not required here".

Wei! If one could hear a person's heart shatter, then one would have heard my soul shatter into million pieces that day.

At that moment, that single moment, I knew the man standing in front of me was not the boy who once meant everything to me. He was not the boy for whom I played the Inquiry. He was not the boy whose ribbon was burnt in Jingshi. He was no longer the boy who comforted me in my sleep with his toothy smile and kept my nightmares at bay. He was not the boy who grinned and was carefree, that made me yearn for him.

At that single moment, everything had changed. The man in front of me, was not him. He wasn't my Wei Ying. He was Wei Wuxian.

We hear the screams of Wen Chao from behind us and before Wei could say a word, Jiang Cheng blocks my view of Wei "Second Master Lan, please leave. I suppose your work here is done. Meet us at Qinghe Sect".

"Leave, Lan Zhan" Wei finally commands and in a fleeting moment I see the change in his eyes. Defeated, I exit and close the door but I don't leave.

I wait behind the close doors.

I hear the remnants of the scream of a man who once tortured us all. Who tortured my Wei, until the silence enveloped us all.

Behind me, one sun was greeting the world and in front of me, one sun had just fallen down.

Watching the dawn of a new day, my robes fluttered softly against the wind that now blew changing its directions. Time was changing indeed. Season was changing too. Irony is people change with time. But some, some are stuck to the past with a hope, that what was once theirs would be rightfully returned to them.

Watching the dark aura surround Wei, in my heart I knew it was matter of time before he changes for sure. He would no longer be the Wei I knew.

His soul has changed. The reason was unknown to me but he has changed. The change in him would not only affect him but I too would have to pay a heavy price for it.


Cause no matter what, I shall always stand by his side. Even if it means sacrificing everything for him to survive, I will be by his side.

With that promise, I turn to leave for Qinghe Sect. Where a new journey, a new challenge, the start and end of everything I knew, awaits us.

Isn't this chapter sad. The Wei Ying, Lan Zhan knew is no longer the boy whom he yearned for but still would stand by his side. Where does he find the heart to do all this?

chapter and

thank you for reading

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