tha first siege

Before we get into our chapter, I wanted to share with y'all an important point. Y'all must have noticed or not, I am not sure but get this. When Wei was pushed into Burial Mountain and was unconscious, many voices called for him, his Shijie and Jiang Cheng but, and I repeat but, it was Lan Zhan's voice that got him out of his stupor. Below is the image.

Wei Ying. Wei Ying

I mean whaaaaat!!! Man, The Untamed keeps blowing my mind.

Anyways back to the Siege

"Wangji, I'll head with the rest towards Nightless City, you and" he pauses looking at Wei who is busy talking to Jiang Cheng "Young Master Wei can lead the rest" he smiles and turns to leave when I stop him "Gege, be careful" patting my shoulders he nods and leaves.

I know my brother would never reveal the informers name no matter who questions him but if I know my brother, he like me trusts very few and I can guess who it could be. Somewhere I quail at the fact that my brother chooses to trust a person whom I somewhere for some reason detest.

"Second Master Lan" a servant calls for my attention "the horses are ready". As we mount them, I observe Wei without his Suibian, again.

"Wei Ying, why didn't you fly with them on your sword?"

He grins "Well I didn't want to go with that JinLing peacock" and I laugh inwardly. Riding through the path, side by side, it amazes me for how composed he is. "Lan Zhan?"


"Are you worried about the battle that lays ahead?"

I am more worried about you "No"

"I am not worried either?" He smiles and that peaks my interest.


"Cause you're there to save me" he winks and my heart stutters.

"Shameless" I whisper for his ears and prod my horse to sprint.

"Lan Zhan! Wait!" He laughs and that's one melody I want to hear forever.


I smile.

Setting up our battalion at the rest house for the doctor's to oversee injuries, I stride to look for Wei when I hear his voice behind the close doors.

"Did you bully my sister?" His rage knows no bounds. I am about to enter when I remember his words from before 'This is Yunmeng family matter, Lan Zhan, there is no use for you to be here' that stops me from entering and I patiently wait behind the close door.

"Mian Mian, continue" he seethes and when the truth is revealed, he yells and kicks Young Master Jin Zi Xuan. His sect members try to intervene and Wei uses his Chenqing. Directing the rage back, I hear Lady Jiang scream and the next thing I know, I am holding his hand "Wei Ying, stop" I whisper.

"Control yourself" I whisper again. Please. His wrath filled eyes find mine and I hold mine steady. Calming him down is of utmost importance. Breathing deep, he takes a step back and I reluctantly leave his hand.

Walking out of the door without another glance, I follow him as he mounts the horse and rides away. Galloping through the deserted path, I wait for him to calm his nerves.

"Are you here to lecture me Lan Zhan?" He huffs in frustration "answer me".

"Wei" I whisper his name.

"That peacock" his rage filled eyes find mine again "what does my Shijie see in him?"

I don't know. I see only you.

"We need to go back, the dawn is almost on us." He nods.

Without another word we reach the station and this time, we don't wait for comforting words. With one look from him, I know even though his anger for another won't cloud his judgement, but in that particular moment his eyes are concerned and they're directed towards me.

I nod. He smiles.

The battle ensues.

Fierce corpse controlled by the Yin Iron attack us and my main concern is Wei. He does not have his Suibian with him and so my Bichen protects him. Always will.

As we battle through them, number of casualties from our end increases with there being no end.

"Lan Zhan, do you think we'll survive? What should we do?" He grins and looking at him I answer with absolute honesty "We fight".

Brother looks at us and nods and we battle them with even more fierceness. Just when we thought that the end is near, we were in for a greater shock. The bodies that lay on the battlefield were resurrected and the corpse were even more powerful than before.

"He's controlling them" Wei points out and before I could react, he jumps on to a stone made pillar. Watching all of us, I see him take out his Chenging and starts playing the tune.

A black aura emits from his soul and like a puppet, they are now in control of the corpse and soon in fear or amazement, we see the tables have overturned. The attackers have become the victims and I realise Wei is in danger. He's using his soul to control these spirits and that would damage him. No Wei! Stop!

"Who are you?" We hear a rage filled voice and we turn to see Wen Ruo Han "Who gave you the Yin Iron? It is that traitor Xue Yang, isn't it?"

Wei laughs "This is not your Yin Iron, this is a device that I have cultivated recently. It's called Stygian Tiger Seal" he boasts showing off two separate dark metals.

No Wei. Stop.

Angered by Wei's taunt, Wen Ruo Han pulls Wei to him and clutches his throat and my heart sinks. No! No! No! But unexpectedly a strong resentful energy bursts from the Stygian Tiger Seal and all the corpses collapses at once. The great army of Wen Sect Clan is destroyed in seconds.

Unable to comprehend the matter, his grip against Wei slackens, I see Wei's eyes go pale and I jump to where they stand. Nothing matters more to me than holding Wei safely in my arms as he faints.

"Lan Zhan" he whispers and at the same time we see Wen Ruo Han spouting blood from his mouth. As he falls I am shocked to see Meng Yao holding his sword that he used to stab Wen Ruo Han.

"Lan Zhan" Wei whispers again and soon he closes his eyes. Wei!!!

Holding him in my arms, I feel for his breath and my heart sags with relief knowing he is alive. My Wei is alive.

Lifting him up, I jump down gently and I hear my brother whisper "The cycle of the Sun has finally come to an end".

"Brother" I call for his help and he immediately turns to me "Wangji" he sees Wei in my arms and his concern is evident "Take Young Master Wei with you. We'll follow" I nod and gently sit in a carriage that takes us back to the rest house.


"Second Master Lan!" Lady Jiang cries when she sees Wei in my arms.

"He needs to lie down"

"This way" she shows me his chamber and I gently place him on the bed.

"I'll get some clean water" as she moves out, I take the courage to move closer to him and tenderly swipe his bangs away from his face

"Never again play with you life, Wei. Never again" I whisper.

Sweet isn't it? Lan Zhan, oh Lan Zhan, you have so much more to bear. But bear this, you have us and we all love you!!!

chapter and

any questions