Little purple's Massage

''Who are you!!!! Chen Jiu exclaimed in alarm. Right now an alluring girl standing in front of him wearing purple clothes.

''An pair of extremely long white legs. A beautiful and nearly mature face full of seduction.''

''Uhmmm, master, do you like my human form. She asked with seduction.''

''Chen Jiu is in a dazed.''

''You are little purple?''

''Chen Jiu asked in a dazed, his body is feeling hot and his breath was ragged.''


''You dare to use that charm to me !!!!''

''Chen Jiu smack little purple's head.''

''Aiya!!!! Little purple rub her head. Master, Can't you be a gentle to a young lady!''

''Don't ever used that again!!!! Chen Jiu angrily said.

''Aiya!!! Little purple exclaimed.''

''She giggled, Hehehe Master was affected by my charm technique.''

She chuckled.

''How about my human appearance.''

''Do you like it, master?''

''Go away!!! Chen Jiu said.''

''But little purple come behind Chen Jiu starting to massage him at the back.''

''Master here... She began to massage Chen Jiu.''

"I never thought you little purple good at this. ''Chen Jiu exclaimed with appreciation.''

But not for a long time, little purple's body release bewitching and charming aura.

In the royal purple clan It's forbidden to make intimate physical contact with men applicable to the the female royals because If they still not fully control their innate abilities they might cause harm to the both party.

Chen Jiu seemed like in a dazed and kiss little purples lips intimately.

Hmmm~ Little purple moans. Because of her innate she was also intoxicated.

After a minute Chen Jiu grab her skirt, He was about to tear down her clothes when the pearl inside his body radiated with light. After this light scattered the both of them fell asleep.

Ugh.... Chen Jiu just woke up when he saw little purple is on top of his body.

What happened!!!!! Chen Jiu exclaimed in fear. And then he immediately recalled those blurry scenes which seems like a dream.

Master..... little purple said while blushing, she immediately get up and check her clothes.

When Chen Jiu saw that her clothes were intact he sigh of relief.

little purple lets... not talk about it. nothing happened. He said with embarrassment although it was just a short time of intimate he couldn't deny little purple is a very beautiful lady only slightly inferior to the Celestial Goddess Xiu Yiu.

Sigh... he exclaimed what a dream.

Here take this rainbow flowers It would help you to break through. Chen Jiu gave her rewards.

Thanks Master... she received it while blushing, she still clearly remembered what happened .

Sitting cross legged little purple began to Cultivate.