Chapter 2 The death of a Royalty

Loren laughed a little as his smile eventually started to fade away "Butler are late , Mind dirtying your hands a little"

Butler Shi pressed Noè against the table before taking over the gun "Wittle kids shouldn't play with guns~ if you wanna play then Why don't you use water guns instead."

Loren laughed as he placed his right foot on Noè face leaning forward as he smoked right on his face "What a lovely start" He took out a tape recorder and looked at him amused by the stuttering sound of Noè "I knew you will become a great prey ! I will be your karma .... Your ending , I will decide it." He removed his foot and started to play the recording which were the conversation between Loren and Noè wife , Nan Guo."

Miss Nan Guo -

"I'll pay you double! Take down the company~ Kill him ! Break his limbs or burn him ... Show him the hell ! ---- Show him the pain I have suffered."

MC Loren Ryuu -

"I only take cash and once the play of hunter and prey is over , meet me at the company~ I'll clear the drugs disability and the head will be you as written in the contract. "

Miss Nan Guo -

"I know I know ! ..... that's why i am telling you to do that !."

"Interesting isn't it Mr Noè or should I call you Mr abandoned ? break two limbs you heard that right ?"

Noè was gagged despite that the room was sound proof . his butler never failed to amuse his master and without any hesitation in his eyes. He broke his limbs and made him a complete crippled man. Loren just sat there and enjoyed the bloody drama. "I , Loren Ryuu will help people get revenge, make them free from the darkness and show them the light they want." Soon Loren grabbed his gun and shot straight in his abdomen with a wide smile on his face " Clean the mess Shi."

He turned around and looked at the view outside as he took a cig and started smoking "Ever since that day....The silence upon me. Say Shi....Lie to me why i was never able to walk out of the darkness? To survive I killed and Killed , walked down the bloody path alone. Shi ~ When did the silence fell upon me? When did i became like this. You have to lie to me ! Shi look at me with those miserable eyes. Shi smile at me , Shi.....Tell me that you will stay loyal to your master. I have wondered around alone ~ you have been in the dark with never left me Shi. You never called me a Monster ! Shi one by one this world will fall apart and I'll still keep waiting for my death ..... That i desire . It doesn't matter to me Shi , one f

day I'll die hoping I'll go to hell and Never complain about what i did in this life ..... I am suffocating in this darkness."

Butler Shi -

"Despair , Pain and loneliness are the names you gave them master. The god has killed your soul , killed your brother and the orphanage was burned. You have been walking down a path you have made and I'll stay by your side ..... Till the end , It's time to take your medicine master ~ you must not delay it any further...You should hide your pheromones as an omega completely"

He walked inside a hidden room in the office, only Loren and Shi knew about it hence it was a hidden room

"When will i be able to live without the medicine ?" Loren said taking his meds.

"Whenever you are trained well to control your pheromones and when you are able to freely walk around an alpha without having their pheromones affect you. "

He sighed a little and looked at Shi "You were the only one I chose to save....Shi you don't hate me right ? "

" No master ... I don't hate you , you didn't have a choice back then and hence you couldn't save my brothers . How can i hate you for that ? you promised that you will get revenge for me and therefore it's my job to make you the best Alpha i can ! "

"Well said" He laughed as he grabbed his car keys and walked downstairs "BTW Shi , do you remember the alpha that helped me cover my parents murder ? His name is Maxwell Long ! I remember it clearly so please help me check his background ! I wanna thank him personally. He must remember me clearly~ My Alpha..."