Chapter 9

While playing chess the king asked Loren quite an amusing question . Leon Wolfgang has knows quite a lot of secrets by all dirty means.

" have you heard of Luna , San , Vamp and Moon species? "

Loren -

" Yes , I have ..... but when did you started believing in such fictional stuff ? They exist in stories told by the entertainers .... why are you asking about these ? "

Leon Wolfgang paused for while and looked at Loren as silence filled the room

" We are one of the species..... yet no one knows which one we belong to , only the one .... officials, government and people born in royal families know. People wrote books about those but because of the fear they were never kept in public or private libraries. It was the fear of being killed by their own government , Royal families... by that i mean Luna Spheres, San Miles , Vamp Zachary , Moon Sina . You must have heard of these names .... the teachers told about them and at the end of the day told us to forget about them because they were afraid of the curiosity inside a child's brain and was given the name of fiction. "

Loren -

" We are one of four species ? Have you finally gone crazy ... in this world we ! Humans , are regarded as Alpha the ruler , Omega the bearer and beta ..... what four species !? Leon Wolfgang. "

Leon Wolfgang -

" Loren - no Nox Ximen ! it's about time you know the truth behind this world because Luna , San , Vamp and moon do exist . This world is big and unknown ..... we live on a small piece of this world , you won't know what's ahead of this world unless you see it yourself..... unless the mystery is solved , The world is the mystery itself ! "

Loren -

" Where are you trying to get ? This is getting complicated "

Leon Wolfgang -

" Even tho it may sound stupid to you but where did... Luna and San , Vamp and Moon went ? They disappeared without leaving any trace of them ... Luna and San were in South and Vamp and Moon were in North but now it's Charlotte and Smithwear . It's trye that everyone feared Luna , San , Vamp and Moon but ever since Charlotte and Smithwear appeared.... No one ever found anything about them , where they went and came from and the powers - "

Loren -

" Powers ? You know well , if i don't see that for myself... i won't believe any of your bullshit ! give me the book and i am not going to kill someone who haven't done anything wrong which is Emma Charlotte, I am not your killing machine or someone you can step on to get to the top . "

Leon Wolfgang -

" The book is under supervision of the government, if you want to know the truth.... you will have to steal it "

Loren -

" Why ? can't you do it ? You can plant spies on me but your spies can't steal a book or are you afraid of getting caught and dying by the hand of the government itself ? and the moment i steal the book ..... you will leave no chance to steal that book from me and worse of all you are ready to kill me whenever the time comes right Leon Wolfgang ? "

Leon Wolfgang -

" That's just a gamble right ? don't worry , i will guarantee your safety till the end "

Loren -

" I barely even believe that besides what will i get from that book "

Leon Wolfgang -

" The power of the four species, the truth behind them and where they there another world other than ours ? You will get the power to rule the world and be the one to bring justice ! your dream will come true "

Loren -

" Your highness ! You must know this every well ... it's not just about obtaining the book , it's not about finding about the power or the species or the royal family ! You will have to lose something in order to attain something and why should i be the one to hold that power ? "

Leon Wolfgang -

" Because.... you have the power within you..... You are ready to lose something in order to achieve something ! it has to be you ..... because your the chosen one "

Loren -

" Chosen one ? you are going insane..... i came from the North you know that much right ? I don't have any kind of power! I am just an ordinary Omeha ! My house was burned by me but why was the church .... "

Leon Wolfgang -

" Yes , try to remember why the government burned down the church? because they were afraid that one kf the vamp and moon might have survived and they wanted to get rid of them because... they couldn't find your corpse in the house and church was the oy place nearby "

Loren -

" Ah.... It was an orphanage.... not a church ! why am i remembering a church , w-what did you do to mess with my memories "

Leon Wolfgang -

" Try to remember! NOX XIMEN ! "

Loren -

" I saw the owner of the orphanage run towards the end of the chambers ... there was a room that looked like a church ..... NO, it wasn't a church "

before he could say anything further the sound of the knocking became louder and it was no other than Butler Shi and Garik Lauder , Loren's childhood friend .

" Master.... Master ! "

Loren -

" Butler Shi ? Garik ? How come you both are here ..."

Butler Shi -

" It's going to be morning soon .... you haven't fully recovered yet and you need more important work to attend than this and did you forget ? you have an appointment with your Viscount Garik Lauder ? "

Butler Shi glared at Leon Wolfgang before turning back and leaving the room with Loren .

Loren -

" That okd fox .... really got me this time , I know you both sealed my memories for good but it's going to be troublesome from now on ... he's going to keep digging further and won't let me rest .... The peaceful days , are going to end soon..... "