Part-time job

The coffee shop was already closing, which is why they decided to pack up and go home. Ridger, Dave, and Nathan couldn't finish their project the entire day, so they decided to just continue tomorrow. Meanwhile, Maxene and Lianey are almost finished with their research.

Nathan was picked up by their family driver since he refused to commute home. When he left, Maxene decided to leave as well. She said, "I think I'll go now too." She checked her wristwatch and noticed it was already seven in the evening.

Lianey looked at her with a worried expression and responded, "We can drive you home." She looked at Ridger and uttered, "Right?"

Maxene looked at Ridger, who nodded his head. "Yes, we can," he casually replied. It seemed to Maxene that even though he doesn't trust her, he still can't let a girl go home alone at this late hour.

Maxene smiled at both of them and responded, "Actually, I am not heading home yet."

Confused, Lianey asked, "Where are you going then?"

"Well, I got a part-time job at a convenience store not so far from here. So, I think I'd be fine. You guys don't need to worry about me," she stated, taking a quick glance at Ridger.

"Wow, that's great! I want to see where you work," Lianey excitedly replied.

"You could, but isn't Dave grounded?" she inquired, looking at Dave.

Dave laughed and said, "Actually, my parents are on a business trip, so they won't find out if I go home late today."

"Oh, I see." Maxene nodded her head upon hearing his statement.

Lianey smiled and blurted out, "So, can we drive you to your work?"

Maxene was about to answer that when Ridger suddenly received an incoming call. Everyone looked in his direction, so he said, "Sorry. I'll just take this." He walked a little further to them, which is why Maxene couldn't hear the conversation.

She looked at Lianey and said, "Sure, you can."

Lianey grinned from ear to ear after hearing her answer and exclaimed, "Yey! I'm so excited!"

"Would you work there every day after school?" Dave questioned with his eyes glistening. He has always wondered what it feels like to earn your own money; however, he was never allowed to work until he finished college.

Maxene nodded her head with a smile. "Yeah."

"I wish I could do that too," Dave remarked, heaving a sigh.

"Why would you want to work? Isn't your family rich?" Maxene queried.

"It's not about money! You know, when students buy cigarettes in the convenience store but you won't sell them because they are underage. It just seems fun!"

Lianey sighed because of his answer. "Don't expect a good answer from him, Max," she told Maxene, causing her to chuckle.

After that, Ridger hung up the phone and walked toward them. He looked at Lianey and said, "It's Michael." He turned to Maxene and said, "I'm sorry we can't go with you."

"What? Why? Did something happen to him?" Lianey asked worriedly. Michael is their youngest sibling and is still in junior high school.

"Nothing. His driver called saying he can't pick him up because of an emergency he has at home. We'd have to pick him up from school," Ridger explained as he tapped on his phone as if he were texting someone. "I told Michael we'd pick him up," he uttered.

"Oh, I see," Lianey said with regret because she won't be able to see Maxene's workplace. She turned to Maxene and stated, "I'm sorry, Max."

"That's too bad. I want to see where you work too," Dave seconded.

Maxene smiled and replied, "Like I told you, it's fine. I can manage. Besides, there's still next time."

"We'll see you at school then," Lianey responded, pulling her into a tight hug.

"See you, Maxene!" Dave exclaimed and beamed at her, then he hopped into Ridger's car while Lianey waved goodbye.

When Lianey was already inside Ridger's car, Ridger turned to Maxene and said, "I'm sorry about earlier. I didn't mean to offend you."

"It's okay; you have a point anyway. But it did not offend me because I know my capability," Maxene responded with a smile.

Ridger nodded his head and uttered, "I understand. Good luck with your candidacy. I'll see you around."

"You too. See you." Maxene watched him walk back to his car and leave. For the first time, she was contemplating whether she really knew what he was thinking or not. Maxene found it hard to read him because he doesn't trust her, yet he's still kind. It was her first time meeting such a person. "Maybe he was just acting to hide his real intentions too," she thought to herself as she put her hands inside her pockets.

If he's good at acting, then Maxene must be careful not to let her guard down.

A few days ago, Maxene applied for a job at a convenience store and was instantly accepted by the owner because of her pretty face. She'll have to show Ridger and Lianey that she's working hard since she's an orphan. She wanted to show them, especially Ridger, that she was living a humble life since, supposedly, she has no other relatives to help her.

Maxene's work as a cashier at the convenience store was easy. She only has to work from five to eleven in the evening. After that, someone else will take over since the convenience store is open 24/7.

It is now her third day working at the convenience store, and since there were few people buying at these hours, she brought her schoolwork with her so she would be able to finish it on time.

After finishing her work, she decided to clean up a little to keep herself busy. Although this is just a facade, she must do her job well if she wants to keep it. After all, the owner can monitor her through the CCTV.

While she was busy mopping the floor, she suddenly heard a ruckus outside the store. She put the mop aside and headed outside. At the side of the store, she saw a boy being ganged up on by three other boys. Based on their uniforms, it seems like they were students at the Basic Education Department of Royale University.

Maxene never liked seeing unfair fights. It annoys her. Although the boy fights back, he still doesn't stand a chance against the other three.

She sighed and crossed her arms as she walked towards them. "Hey, stop it!" she exclaimed with a firm voice.

They all turned to her, surprised. It seems like they didn't expect anyone to see them just because they were at the dark part of the road.

The three boys whispered to each other as they stared at Maxene.

"She seemed familiar…"

"Yeah, I think I saw her before."

The other boy smiled at Maxene and said, "We are just playing, sis."

Maxene raised an eyebrow and replied, "Really? What kind of pathetic game was that? Three versus one?"

The boys looked at each other while the boy they bullied stood there with an angry expression and blurted out, "It's okay, sis. I can fight them!" It seems like he won't let them bully him any further.

Maxene stared at his face and realized who he was. It was Michael Raize Falcon, the youngest son of Geniere Falcon. Unlike Ridger, this boy is a troublemaker.

"I don't really care if you kids fight each other. But have shame and fight him one on one. Don't you boys have some pride?" she uttered and sighed while looking at them in disappointment.

The bullies exchanged glances as their faces flushed in embarrassment. She walked towards them and looked at their faces one by one with a cold expression.

The boys gulped because of the tension they were feeling. For some reason, they feel scared of her. Meanwhile, one of them slowly widened his eyes upon realization and whispered, "Shit, I think she's Maxene Claire."

"That famous transferee student? Then she goes to our school?" the other boy said in fear.

Maxene grinned upon hearing their conversation. "Oh, I know you," she said, and she pointed at them as she mentioned their family names. "Aren't you three the sons of the family of Ferrer, Agustin, and Clemete? Your parents would be really happy to know what you were doing here tonight."

The boys looked at each other as their skin turned pale, causing Maxene to smirk. These boys like to make trouble, but just as he thought, they are scared of their parents.

End of Chapter 20