chapter 9

Here King Dasharatha was doing the Ratna(repetitive muttering) of Ram-Ram, he gave up food and water. In this moment, he did not take care of his body. Kaushalya and Sumitra were explaining the king's anxiety to him. Kaikeyi was resting peacefully in her room, Mandvi, Urmila and Shrutkirti as if they were dumbfounded. There was silence in Ayodhya, where the coronation was going to happen today, the entire city of Ayodhya was crying. A messenger went and gave this news to Bharat and Shatrughan. Bharata was as if rooted, hearing this, he asked his charioteer to walk immediately. Reached Ayodhya riding on a chariot. King Dasharatha's splendor was nowhere to be seen, the trees and plants had withered, the animals and birds had become desolate, the face of every ayodhyavasi(city people) had become discolored. Suddenly the sound of crying shook the hearts of Bharata and Shatrughan. Fearing something untoward, they started towards the palace. Seeing Mata Kaushalya and Sumitra sitting, he felt some satisfaction, but their crying disturbed both the brothers, both the brothers were distraught at the feet of the father, but the father had gone to the next world in the separation of Rama. Both Mata Kaushalya and Sumitra started crying on their chest. Bharat did not ask about Mata Kaikeyi even once, Mata Kaikeyi had also heard crying. When she saw that her dear son had come Ayodhya, she was very happy. she tried to fill Bharat in her score but Bharat stopped the mother with a hand gesture,

"Mother, your son is dead. I am the son of mother Kaushalya and Sumitra. From today you are neither my mother nor I am your son. A woman who could not be her husband's, what will happen to me? I have lost my godlike father, father like brother and mother like sister-in-law. I have lost my hand in the form of Lakshmana. It is hesitating to call such a sinful killer a mother."

Kaikeyi started crying bitterly, the stream of milk was flowing from her breasts, the husband had gone to the next world and the son was also not her, today she lost everything. She started crying out loud, Kaushalya and Sumitra were explaining to her that this is the law of the law, it is not your fault. He told that there is no one's fault in this, God's Leela(deeds) is strange. We humans do not understand him.

Bharata sadly went to meet Mandvi, Urmila and Shrutkirti, Shatrughan also followed behind his brother.

The three sisters were sitting calmly in a room, just in between the sound of sobs was breaking the silence. When Bharat went to Urmila and placed his hand on her head, the tears flowing from Urmila's eyes soaked Bharat's lotus feet. Touching his feet, she restrained a little and asked,

"Brother, are you alright?"

Bharat nodded his neck in yes and agreed Shrutkirti also touched his feet. Bharat put his hand on her head and left the room, Shatrughan also followed behind Bharat.

Mandvi's heart trembled. She was so worried for her husband, her husband did not even consider it appropriate to see her. She wept bitterly. Urmila and Shrutkirti asked the reason for her crying like this, but she said

"no reason"

Saying it postponed. She could not know the reason for the hard heart of her husband, who was trying to tell her pain, he did not even lift his eyes to see her. Urmila and Shrutkirti were better than whom to tell their pain, there was someone to ask their pain. Thinking of this she fainted again, seeing her condition like this, Urmila and Shrutkirti screamed. The maid has run on and called Vaidhi ji(doctor), he told that

"There has been a lot of weakness in the body and some shock is also felt. I have given medicine, I will regain consciousness in a while."

Mother Kaushalya was sitting near Mandvi. Surrounded by the maid, Mandvi was looking for her husband in everyone, but Bharat was nowhere to be seen, she asked Urmila,

"Where is Bharat?"

Urmila told that both the brothers are preparing for the last rites of the king.

She had known the cruelty of her husband, she understood that Bharata had no affection for her in his heart. Mother Kaushalya put her hand on her head and asked,

"Daughter, are you alright?"

He looked at Mata Kaushalya with sly eyes and didn't say anything. Lying on the bed, she was thinking that in her childhood she used to feel bad for not paying a little attention to her parents, everyone used to celebrate her, she used to make pleas, she was given various gifts. Pitashree(father) himself used to take her for a ride sitting on his shoulders, she considered herself to be the empress of the world.

But here his condition had become like a robbed beggar. She couldn't understand why her husband became so harsh. Got married in this house. She started thinking in her mind and started explaining to her mind that maybe bharat is behaving like this because of Ram, Sita and Lakshmana's sorrow, but is it his sorrow? not me?

Do men have feelings only and not women? Is Sita not my sister? Am I not related to Ram-Lakshmana?

She cried again bitterly. Now she was in solitude, everyone else was engaged in the activities of Raj Dasharatha, she could cry wholeheartedly, she cried a lot. When her mind became lighter, she peeped through the window and preparations were made to take the king. But no one thought it appropriate to call her. Her eyes became wet again, all relationships are false. Today exile is not for Ram Sita Laxman

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She had come to know about the deceit of Mata Kaikeyi, she had seen the disgusting form of her mother-in-law.

She walked slowly up to the hallway, yet no one paid any attention to her.