chapter 20

The maid told Rajvaidya that Mandvi was unconscious and asked to come immediately. Raj Vaidya, who had not even been able to live the happiness coming from Sita's room, immediately went towards Mandvi's room after hearing Mandvi fainting.

Raja Vaidya, who reached Bharat's room, saw Mandvi's pulse and was filled with joy and, looking at Mother Kaushalya, said,

"Rajmata, today two happiness has come to the house with the morning sun."

Hearing this, Mother Kaushalya kissed Mandvi's forehead with joy. Bharat could not understand anything, he was looking like a madman, sometimes Rajvaidya and sometimes Mata Kaushalya. Mother Kaushalya hugged Bharat and told that,

"You're going to be a father"

Bharat immediately touched the feet of Mata Kaushalya and Rajvaidya and took blessings.

Mother Kaushalya walked towards Kaikeyi's palace, she called Sumantra ji and ordered to play drums and clarinet. Then the slave maids came in a happy tone and informed that Urmila and Shrutkirti were also pregnant.

The whole Ayodhya rejoiced with joy, firecrackers started playing, songs were sung, today the deserted Ayodhya of King Dasharatha became green again.

Mothers were congratulating each other and remembering their late husband, the four sons and daughters-in-law were standing beside the mothers hesitantly.

Mother Kaikeyi in a strict tone asked the slave maids to take special care of the four daughter-in-law, as well as today, forgetting the hatred towards Mandvi, she was caressing her. Seeing this form of Mata Kaikeyi, tears came from Mandvi's eyes, she was watching the wheel of time turning. She was lost in those fourteen years in which Mata Kaikeyi had harassed her every step of the way.

Her mind was filled with hatred thinking that how much humiliation she had suffered, she was trying to say something but could not. He squeezed his lower lip with his teeth and tried his best to stop the coming sob. She did not want to express her grief on this happy occasion.

That's when she realized that someone was caressing and consoling her cheekbones. She looked shocked but there was no one with her, everyone was standing in their places.

She smiled softly, remembering that sweet feeling of hers, how could she forget the image that had been absorbed into the waves of her mind.

Bharat was looking at Mandvi with slanting eyes, reading the expression on his face, he was trying to be ignorant even though he knew the truth.

At the same time, Mother Sumitra brought the plate of Aarti and asked Mother Kaushalya to do auspicious omen for the four sons and daughters-in-law. Mata Kaushalya and Kaikeyi together put a commentary on the heads of sons, in the demand of daughters-in-law and blessed them.

Mata Sumitra fed everyone sweets and made her mouth sweet.

The atmosphere was very pleasant. There was happiness all around. Flowers were blooming, birds were chirping. Flowers were raining from the sky, all the gods and goddesses came to the earth giving blessings in human form and gifts were being given to the four daughters-in-law on their side.

It was evening, the twilight of the night had entered, all the people had gone to rest after taking refreshments. The drums kept on playing, suddenly Sumantra ji got the tidings done,

"You too take rest, you must be tired."

All the townspeople went for rest as per his instructions.

When all the princes reached their respective rooms for the night's rest, the gifts and presents that came for them were sent to their rooms. All the young ladies started looking at their presents and started expressing happiness, the prince sitting next to them looked at them.

Suddenly Mandvi's hands stopped while opening an offering. A strange smell was coming in her, she started getting hypnotized by that smell and started remembering the fragrance of that fragrance which was permeating her body and mind. He put that offering aside.

Bharat asked,

"Don't open Mandvi, what's in it?"

Mandvi said,

"Yuvraj(crown-prince), I am tired, maybe Nidra Devi(goddess of sleep) wants to take me in her arms."

Bharat said,

"OK Go to sleep"

Mandvi lay down on the bed and closed her eyes and started thinking about that fragrant offering. Bharata slowly began to caress his head. This touch of Bharata felt like thorns to him. But she didn't say anything and started closing her eyes. Bharat also fell asleep.

At dawn, with the chirping of birds, the sun god was spreading his rays in everyone's rooms.