The fifth volume



"—turn to page forty"

Right now, it is the third lesson period of the day, the second day after the opening ceremony for the second term of highschool. Summer had ended and all highschool students went back to school to study. Nothing changed, everything was still the same.

Shouta and Sara were having lunch together the other day, and Sara shared some of her lunch with Shouta. This sparked rumors that they were dating in school. Sara kissed Shouta during lunch on the second day of the first term of high school, which started the rumor. However, it has now spread like wildfire. Sara would like to disseminate this message to the farthest reaches of the globe. But Shouta wanted to put an end to the rumour as soon as possible.

A girl sat alone in a classroom studying the history of Tokyo, Japan's capital city, her eyes fixed on the chalkboard, reading and writing as quickly as she could. Her hands and finger were the only parts of her body that moved.

Sara has completed all of the parts about Tokyo while the teacher began writing more about Tokyo and erasing the bits that had previously been written. She wrote the next section, which was about Tokyo's history, in a calm manner.


Something caught her curiosity. Before explaining even further, the teacher added bonus information about Tokyo. That is about a gang that has been going on since the end of world war two.

"Have you ever heard of the Tokyo Ghoul gangs?"

The name sounded like it came out of a manga. An otaku would know it. And some of Sara's classmates know that.

"Sensei! Isn't that the name of a manga?!"

"Are you joking, Sensei?!"

More followed as they put their hands up high.

I've heard of them before…

Even her mind's voice was as dead as her's; low toned and without any energy.

"Sensei, is the Yoshimura family involved with the gang?"

Sara raised her hand. No. Not only her hand. Her chair was pushed back, she was standing up and pointing her finger to the heavens. Everyone in the class turned towards Sara.

"Y-yes, Miss Fujiwara. Do you happen to know about the gang too?"

"Yes, and I happen to hear the police wanted to know who the leader of the gang is?"

"Yes. Yes they do want to know"

"Would you want me to tell them?"

"Tell them what, miss Fujiwara?"

"About the leader"

All except the teacher's face were confused. They were looking around, whispering to each other. On the other hand, the teacher looked at Sara with a serious face. Making the class go quiet, he walked from his desk down to Sara, who was still standing and with her hand up high.

"Lower your hand, miss Fujiwara"

Hearing her teacher's command, she lowered her hand and put it beside her waist. The teacher, mister Sinichiro, moved his mouth close to Sara's ear.

We'll discuss this later, after school.


After that quick talk with Sarar Fujiwara, Sinichiro resumed the class like nothing happened.




As the students flocked towards the entrance of the building, the school bell rang, meaning school was finished for the day and students could go do their club activities or go home, to those who don't join a club.

Sara Fujiwara was one of those students who would stay behind and do club activities. Since she has a new volume to draw, five new chapters to draw and to publish. But only drawing is Sara's job. Everything is left to her partners.

Near the science room of the school, near the set of stairs that students use daily. It was a storage room used to store leftover tables and chairs. But when a student decided to create the manga club, he cleaned the room by himself and recruited his friends to join.

The doors near the stairs opened and a girl with brown hair entered the room, and she greeted the club members.

"Good evening"

And the club members greeted her.

"Good evening to you too"

Inside the room looked just like a normal classroom. There were tables and chairs, formed in a circle formation. It was to make the club members' view to be directed at the center where the club president would speak about plans for the club. The new club president, Sara Fujiwara, is not a very talkative person with other people, other than Shouta, that is.

Sara's table is located near the window of the room, which before, was closed off by tables and chairs, no one could look out or look in. Either way, the room was on the third floor of the building. And of course, beside her table was Shouta Kazehaya's table.

As she sat down on her chair, putting her school bag beside her and pulled out a sketchbook, she immediately drew the rough sketch of the fifth volume.

In a minute, one panel was finished and Sara didn't seem to change any of the details in it. The club members were doing their own business, making plans for the festival and or making a new manga.

And about two minutes later, the two doors opened and a boy with black hair walked in. Sara's attention was diverted as the boy greeted everyone with a smile.

"Good evening, everyone!"

The boy was Shouta Kazehaya, the rumored boy to have a relationship with Sara Fujiwara. After everyone greeted Shouta back, a second boy walked into the room, someone that Sara doesn't know.

The boy walked into the room, quickly walked to the side of Shouta. He was shorter than Shouta, but slightly higher than Sara. The way he tried to hide himself behind Shouta, made Sara think he's someone of a shy boy. Someone who would try their best to not make social interaction with other people.



Sara said, timidly walking to Shouta, keeping her gaze to his.


Shouta was trying to talk to the boy beside him, keeping him calm from what it seemed. But when Shouta was called by Sara, the boy beside him hid himself behind Shouta, his body was small enough to be covered by Shouta's back.


Not saying a word, Sara only tilted her head and looked at Shouta. He also did the same. But as he realized what Sara really meant, which took ten seconds for his mind to think, he gasped and turned around to look at the boy.

He said, with a smile:

"His name is—"

"—U,uhm. My name is Ao Yuki"

Suddenly, the boy beside Shouta was brave enough to introduce himself. But his voice was short and he stuttered with each word. In the great mind of Fujiwara, she asked.



————isn't that a girl's name?.

After Yuki introduced himself, his face went red. As it did, Sara looked at him without any expression. She opened her mouth and then she introduced herself.

"I'm Sara Fujiwara, nice to meet you"

After that, Yuki nods vigorously.

"Anyways… Yuki wants to join the manga club—"

"—You are now a member of the manga club, welcome"


"I guess you're in"

"No. He is an official member now. It is a fact"

"I, is it— alright?"

"If you can't draw a single character from any manga, I will band you from the club"

"—ah, I see…"

Sara's threat made Yuki's brain melt away. Feeling his face on the cold floor of the club room, he sighed.

"Yuki, don't take Sara's threats too lightly"

"I am noot"

In the next moment, Sara gave Yuki a piece of paper and a pencil. She told him to draw a character from one of his favorite manga or anime. And so he did, taking around ten minutes to finish his art.

And when he showed it to Sara, it was like the sound disappeared from his world. Time stopped as Sara grabbed the paper.


She looked at him with her usual dead expression.


"You're better than Shouta"


"Welcome to the manga club"

"'s the second time y,you said that"

"Yes. I know"

"U,uh… umm"

Something known as the curse of the awkward silence fell upon them. Well, it is not the whole room that received the curse, it was only Sara and Yuki. Might as well bring Shouta into the situation.

Sara walked back to her desk, bringing Yuki's drawing with her. All the while, Yuki and Shouta looked at her as she drew the fifth panel of her fifth volume.

Everyone in the manga club knew Sara was drawing a manga. But what they don't know is what the manga was for. Is it for fun? Is it to enhance her skill? Or was she drawing for the festival?

Skill wise, Sara was and is already the best. Her drawing could make one's heart break, feel deep sorrow, and or shining happiness. And Sara does nothing for fun. Everything she does has meaning behind it, but no reason was "fun". And for the festival, it was unknown if she is doing it for the festival or not.

"You two can have a seat. Today, there's no important meetings or anything as such"

"Oh… alright"

"Aye aye, captain"




Finally, it was time to go home. Sara packed her belongings, putting her rough sketch of the fifth volume of her manga into her bag. When she finished her work, she was the only one who was left in the manga club room. Shouta had to accompany Yuki to the train station.

The school was also empty but there were still teachers walking through the hallways and greeting her. As she closed the club room door and locked it, the sound of the doors locking echoed through the hallway.

Sounds like a horror movie…

It truly was. If someone was in the other end of the hallway, not knowing she was the one making the echoing sound, that person would think it is weird and scary. If it were girls, yeah they would scream and probably cry. But if the boys heard the sound, they would be brave enough to go nearer to investigate the noise. Well, it is not right to say all girls would run away screaming.

Sara walked down the stairs and made her way to the teacher's office. As she opened the door, it looked like that was the only room that was lit up. The other rooms and the hallways were dim, with only the outside light illuminating it.

"Ah, thank you miss Fujiwara"


A rather rude answer, but the teacher didn't mind.

She put back the keys to the club room on a key hanger near the door of the office. There were other keys to other club rooms and other miscellaneous rooms. As she did, another teacher greeted her and she greeted him with the same look she gave to the previous teacher.

By this time, all of the teachers know what Sara is like.

In the most front part of the school, where lockers filled with shoes of students, Sara took off her school shoes and changed into her outdoors shoes. Her locker was not near Shouta's, he was on the other side.


She stopped right in front of the front doors, where someone waited for her with a plastic bag in his hands.

"Took you so long…"

There, with black hair and blue eyes, Shouta Kazehaya greeted her with a small wave.


"Yuki told me that he can go to the station on his own when we were near the family mart near the station. Since you were still doing your manga, I went and bought you a drink and snacks—"


Suddenly, Shouta felt a force pushing him backwards, making his stability unstable. Thanks to that, he fell to the ground with his back hitting first. It hurt but it wasn't not normal for Shouta. He has fallen backwards multiple times when he tried to mop the floor. But this time, it wasn't the reason why he fell.

With a muffled voice, she said.

"Thank you"

"Y-yeah, no problem… ack…"

Like a scene from a romance drama, they were hugging on the ground in front of the school. Well, the only one hugging Sara, Shouta was only letting her hug him. She must be tired. He thought. Though Sara doesn't feel it, her eyes looked more dead than usual. Something only Shouta could tell.

"Let's go home, shall we"


"Eh? Why?"

"Stay like this, for eternity"

"I'm not doing that!! It's okay for you to hug me, that's something that I also like… But if you want us to be like this forever, no way I'm doing it"



"I'll go wherever you go"

If it was a romance manga at the time, the heroine would smile and glance up at the boy. Her huge, gorgeous eyes would glisten, and little tears would flow from them. That was the case for Sara and Shouta. Sara's expression, on the other hand, remained unchanged.

That face… Shouta thought, not believing he is currently getting hugged by someone who loved him romantically.


"I will always be with you, Shouta"




It was completely silent. Nothing happened to the world's sounds. They were not conversing inside the train. Sara and Shouta stood side by side, looking out the window towards the other side of the train. The ocean vista was stunning, with the setting sun turning the sky orange and purple, until the view was obscured by rows of houses.

Once arriving at Ishigami and when the doors were opened, Sara was the first one who left the train. As she stepped onto the platform, the doors closed behind her. The train then left afterwards.


She looked around her, there was no sign of Shouta anywhere. The last time she saw him was inside the train. Could he?

As she looked around and walked around the small station, it was clear to her Shouta wasn't there. She wouldn't have left her and went straight to her apartment. As she did, her phone beeped. The sound rang in her ears like a silver bell.

—Her expression didn't change, like usual. While everyone got off and left the station, Sara stood still and read what she received on her phone.

A short sigh came out of her mouth as she put her phone back and walked out of the station, heading to her apartment.

"Need to do something, huh?"

She said it on repeat in her mind as she walked across the bridge over Sakai river. Why was she repeating those thoughts? Did something happen to her? What happened to her? Or was it because of the message Shouta—

"Oh? Is that you! Sara!!"


Someone from behind her, from the other side of the bridge, closer to the station than she is, called her name. Sara turned her body around. Her skirt flew as she did. And on the other side of the bridge, Takanashi Ichika was waving at her with a big smile on her face. She wasn't alone, though. A boy Sara recognized from before was standing beside her, looking as exhausted as if he had run a marathon.

Sara ran to the other side of the bridge, to Sara's side. Bringing with her, in her hands, plastic bags filled to the brim with cooking ingredients. And behind her, an already exhausted Ryuu was carrying plastic bags, the same like Ichika's.

"I give this to you!"

Ichika stopped in front of Sara so suddenly, making the plastic bags almost rip in two. Before saying that, she gave Sara a plastic bag from the family mart filled with groceries.

When Sara checked inside the plastic bag, there were pork, beef, lettuce, other vegetables and seasonings. It was like Ichika was preparing something for some big event or a ceremony.

"Thank you, Ichika"

"Hehe, no problem!"

Right when Ichika replied, she turned around and started running back to the other side of the bridge. In the middle, Ryuu complained about his legs as he watched Ichika run past him, while he was taking a breath.

"Hold on a m,moment!"

"You're too slow!!"

As the two friends left her view, maybe to the station, she went back to focus on getting home. Now, with a plastic bag full of groceries.

What should she make for dinner?




It was well after midnight. Roads were empty and the neighborhood was silent, nothing more than sounds of insects.

Right along the edge of the river side, she walked alone as she aimlessly gazed at the stars above. Her hand reached the seemingly unreachable glowing lights, but she felt like it was near her reach.

For a girl at her age, it's dangerous to walk alone in the dark. There could be some weirdo who could attack and, who knows what weirdos would do to a young highschool girl like her. But no worries were on her back or her heart. She was already skilled at self defence, and she was well known to the area. In her pocket too, she has a buzzer that will alert all people in the area that there is something wrong.d

On a night like this, it must be cold, right? Someone who wears a plain white dress, exposed shoulders, and sockless legs would get cold easily. She didn't care about the wind, blowing her dress everywhere as she walked through the dark night.

—Still aimlessly walking, suddenly, she heard footsteps behind her.



The voice of a girl, more so, a junior highschool girl. Judging from the voice only, she would look cute and a perfect little sister figure. Maybe a doll, that her beauty would make a man fall in love with her.

—Mia Kazehaya, a girl 2 years younger than her, wearing what seems to be her gym uniform from her school. It was well past midnight, what is she doing?


"Oh! It really is you. What are you doing here? Don't you think brother is going to be worried about you?"

"Shouta doesn't know that I'm here"

"But I could tell him…"

"No, please"


Mia could tell Sara's voice changed after she told Sara that she'll tell her brother about it. Sara's voice was desperate for Mia to not tell Shouta about her walking alone in the cold dark night.

"I won't tell him. I won't tell him." Mia continued. "But I still want to know why you're here"

"The same here. I also want to know why you're in your gym clothes. A morning jog?"

"O-of course I am—! T-the time is perfect for —a-a healthy jog"

"But isn't it too early to do a morning jog?"


"The sun is not out yet and the air is still cold."



Sara tilted her head, confused. Mia then continued with an embarrassed or "I've been caught" voice. If that is what you call it.

"T-then… why are you in that white dress!?!"

"Because I think it's beautiful"

"Aren't you going to catch a cold?"

"I am aware of that. That's why I'm only outside for a moment"

"To do what?"


Sara turned her head towards the night skies. Mia followed her gaze and was in awe of the beauty of the night sky. At that moment, the sky lit up like it knew the great Fujiwara was watching.

"Beautiful, isn't it?"

"Y-yeah.... It is beautiful"

"Do you think Shouta would like it?"


"Would Shouta like a view like this?"

"My brother?"


Mia turned towards Sara, who was still looking at the stars above. It was indeed too beautiful to keep one's eyes off.

"Sara-san, do you love my brother?"


Sara fell silent. And then…




"—yes, I do love him"

Sara turned towards Mia, her face was all red and she was smiling. A smile no one has seen, even the one she loves so much, doesn't know what her smile looks like.

But Mia doesn't know this, only to smile back at her. But she was surprised. Someone other than her, loves her brother.




Even though she was tired, she still had enough energy to walk.

Yesterday, she had an audition with her friends near the tokyo train station. And of course, she was the most favored out of her friends.

After the audition, a lot of people were trying to get an autograph from her. Her face went red as she hid it behind her small hands, making her like a cute little sister character.

Thanks to this, the people who wanted her autograph nearly fainted from her cuteness.

She panickly said:

"A-are you all okay?"

As her voice nearly broke down to cries, the people, mostly men, hurriedly stood up and gave her a thumbs up and a smile.

"We're alright, we're sorry to make you worry"

All while Mia's friend watched behind her, looking at the men with embarrassment.


"—Mia, are you sure you're in the right state to do this?"

Yamamoto said, looking at Mia, who was sitting down and hurryingly putting on her running shoes, with a concerned look.

"Yes miss Yamamoto, I'm always healthy and I will never—"

As she finished putting on her shoes, she reached for the door knob to open it. That is, until she stopped by Yamamoto.

"But, have you not realized?"

Mia looked back at her maid, who's voice sounded calm like the rivers from the mountains. Yamamoto continued.

"You've burned out"


"Miss Mia, I do recommend you to take a rest"



—She didn't listen.


Her brother and parents were still asleep. Only she and Yamamoto are awake. Before that morning, or is it night? Shouta Kazehaya had a long day of trying to figure out how a good story is written, spending every second asking for assistance from Sara and the internet. For her parents, they were busy with work.

—Not making a response, Mia left the house without answering Yamamoto's advice.

" sure is cold"

The truth was, Mia didn't know the air was that cold in the morning. Good thinking, Mia. Of course, the morning air is always cold.


Before she met Sara on the empty road near the river, she went to the family mart nearby. The store was well lit and she saw a mother and her daughter buying groceries.

The daughter looked tired, maybe she was forced by her mother to buy groceries with her? Once Mia looked at the tired daughter, she couldn't help but laugh. Luckily, she only smirked and looked in the other direction.

She looked through the drink section, searching for a good drink. But then, something came across her mind, that is a good thought. A very good thought, that is. The time she arrived at the supermarket, it was three in the morning. It would be nice if she gets a warm drink rather than a cold one.


So then she decided to get a warm cup of coffee.

As she was done with her coffee, she headed to the cashier to pay. But as she walked beside the front window of the market, she spotted a book. The book's cover was able to catch her interest, making her stop and look closely.

On the cover, there was a boy drawn, good looking, black haired, and wearing the school uniform of Umibe high—her brother's highschool. The boy closely resembles her brother's face and hair, and other features.


She asked, grabbing the book up. The book was light—it was a manga. The title of the manga:

Kamisato Shouta's dream.



—————that's strange.

On the corner of the cover, a number five could be seen; it was the fifth volume of the manga. She checked the book from bottom to top, right to left, and behind. As she did, she spotted the author's name.

"I-is this?!"


※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※


"—y-yeah… I had a feeling you were the one who wrote the manga"

"Did you, like it?"

"I'm surprised you were able to write an exact copy of my brother, it was like he's in the manga itself…"


"—oh! I'm sorry, I got distracted! It was great, yes, it was great"

"I'm glad you like it"

Both Sara and Mia were walking side by side, crossing the bridge, leading to the station. They both know the stations were still close and the trains were still not running, but it's better than to sit in the same spot, and in a dark place.

Actually, the best place for them to go to is Sara's flat. But she doesn't want Mia to see her flat; because she's afraid Mia would say something to her brother about her flat.

"Sara-san, why do you love my brother?"


"U-uhh, i-it's okay if you don't want to answer me, I'm sorry—"

Her mouth was getting touched by Sara's finger, she had turned around and placed it there. With Sara's finger on her mouth, Mia stopped speaking.

"I will tell you"

"H-hu'c… will you?"

"I believe you already know it, though"

Sara took back her finger, wiping it on her white dress. She then turned around to look at the river below, she could see her reflection clearly.

"I… already know it?" Mia tilted her head, confused.

"The fifth volume, did you read all of it?"

"Oh-u,uhhh… Ummmmm…. No" surprised, Mia wasn't able to find words to say.

"Then continue reading it here, I will wait for you to finish"

"B-but, weren't you going to tell me why you love my brother?"


Sara can't look at Mia, her face is all red. A smile broke out, and it pierced through her usual expressionless face.


"N-no… I will take back my words"

"Oh, that's fine…"




—What is happening? a sudden rush of uncomfortableness made him nearly puked.

It was a normal morning when he woke up. Well, for him, normal is waking up a bit late and being lazy to go to the bathroom. And when he's done with all of that, he walked down to the dining room to eat. That is, until he saw someone crying on top of his mother's lap.

"Shhh…" his mother, Kazehaya Tohru, put her finger on her own mouth.

"W-what happened??"

Shouta could just shut his mouth, not asking a question at all. But something about it made him doesn't want to be quiet and don't ask questions, he wanted to know what happened. He saw his little sister crying profusely on Tohru's lap.

"I don't know myself, she just happened to be crying on the sofa in the living room. When I walked down the stairs, she looked at me and ran up to me, then hugged me tightly"

"And then…?"

"Sho, I'm going to ask you a question first"


"She was crying and saying your name, and also, complimenting you?"


"What did you do to her?"

"I did nothing to her. I didn't even know what she was doing"

"Then why is she saying your name while she's crying?!"

"Like I know the reason!!"

"You're her brother! You're supposed to know!!"

"Isn't it the same as you?! You're her mother, of course!"



Shouta would want to know what happened to his sister, but if he stays and tries to find out what happened, he will be late for school.

Letting out a sigh of disappointment, Shouta put on his shoes and left his house.


At school, he wasn't able to focus on his lessons. When the teacher was asking for math answers from all of the students, he saw the overthinking Shouta, scratching his head while looking at his desk.

"Mister Kazehaya, answer number 3!"

The teacher said, slapping a long wooden ruler on Shouta's desk, making a loud noise that echoed through the corridor outside the room. Shouta was caught by surprise, that is to be sure. To make it worse, he can not solve the math problem. It was a new material, and he didn't pay attention when his teacher was explaining.

"Mister K—"

At the other side of the room, near the door of the classroom, Takanashi Ichika stood up and raised her hand.

"—I will do it, Sensei!"

She said in a hurry.

As Ichika made her presence, taking away the teacher's attention from Shouta, Shouta was confused, scratching his head even more.

"Hmmm, alright then…"

The teacher walked to the front of the class, pointing at the number Ichika would solve with his long wooden ruler.

"Now, Miss Takanashi, answer number 5!"

"Yes, Sensei"


What happened? Did I do something wrong? Did I say something racial? Did I say something bad? Did I look at sensei weirdly? Math is easy, isn't it supposed to be like that? I've never failed math, only escaping the red marks by a—



His head was held up by his hand, which was on the desk of his classroom. The moment Shouta realized it, he had fallen asleep in the middle of his last lesson. The sun was already setting, and the orange light pierced through the windows of the classroom, dimly lighting the classroom.

Answering the familiar voice, who called his name, he looked beside him. There, layed a cute brown haired chick with eyes that are almost dead—Sara Fujiwara.

"Did I…? Fell asleep?"

Sara nods in reply to Shouta's question.

"What happened?"

Sara questioned Shouta.

"I… don't know"



"Do you, really not know?"

"Didn't I make myself clear??"

"Let's go home"

"H-huh? I don't live with you"

Suddenly, his hand was pulled forcely by Sara. It made his body fly towards her, making his desk and chair wobble as he tried to restables himself while getting pulled too.


"Don't talk too much!"


In the living room of the Kazehaya household, there are two sofas facing each other. If you were to walk into the house, the living room should be on the left side, after a door to the laundry room near the front door of the house.

The maid, Yamamoto Kaede, would bring warm tea to guests that visited the house. Sometimes, they would ask for food, and Kaede would bring them a plate of whatever they want. If they wanted a spicy chicken with the most expensive rice ever, Kaede would make it. Even if the house doesn't have expensive rice, Kaede will somehow make that rice taste better than it usually is.

"One tea please"

"Very well"

Sara ordered a cup of tea, just like how she would order one in a cafe.

Shouta looked at Sara, who was sitting beside her.

On the other side of the living room, on the other sofa, sat Tohru and Mia. Mia looked like she just finished crying and Tohru looked like she had enough with Mia crying.

Silence fell between the two sides.

But it was broken the moment Mia spoke.

"I-i'm sorry…. I was crying-, unrea-reasonably"

The first one to react, his brother, his face shifted to the left, confused. Meanwhile, Sara's expressionless face turned to a sorry and regretful one. It was the first time Shouta was seeing this, her face finally making some expression.

"Mia-chan, did you read volume five?"

Volume five?

Shouta remembered a week before all of this happened, Sara was drawing the first five panels for the first chapter of the fifth volume. At the current moment, Shouta doesn't know what the contents are inside, and the cover as well.

Before Mia answer Sara's question, Tohru cuts in and demanded:

"Straight to the point, Sara!"

"Understood, miss Kazehaya"

The room's tension suddenly strengthened. Shouta couldn't handle the tension. Though he doesn't know what's going on, when Sara asked the question to Mia about her fifth volume, the thought of "what is inside that fifth volume" looped around, eternally in his mind.

—before Sara could continue, Mia spoke first.

"Ah, I-i'll explain…"

Mia then proceeded to tell a long narrative about a black-haired boy who rescued a girl from her [imprisonment]. Her father constructed this prison to keep her from doing things that other children could do.

Since she was a child, the girl was meant to be groomed like a [decent woman], studying all sorts of things. However, this girl relocated to Fujisawa, where she worked as a little model for children's apparel. Her family only left her with money and regulations because she was already trained and understood many things adults could do.

The rules were:

You're to spend the money wisely, not wasting it, we will not fund you anymore than that.

Don't get distracted by other childrens, you are smarter than them, you are more mature than them, you are more special than them.

For food, make your own. Buy ingredients from the family mart and cook it by yourself.

She was only six years old, living by herself in the city of Fujisawa. Luckily, her neighbor was a kind and wise old lady that had her granddaughter visit her at that time. Sometimes, the old lady would give the girl food and money to pay rent. Little does she know, the girl already has enough money to support her for eleven years.

"I don't need the money," the girl said, half of her body hiding behind her door.

"Oh, please dear. You're too young to be living alone—"

With force, the door closed shut, cutting the old woman's words.

If a bystander saw the event unfold in front of them, they would immediately try to get the girl to apologize to the old lady.

The people who were present at that moment were only the girl and the old lady. So, no one came to help or do anything.

This happens many times. From day to day. The little girl declines the old lady's money.

Everyone stood silent after Mia stopped to take a breath.

Sara's glance was glued to Mia; Tohru couldn't keep her eyes off Sara; Mia looked at her brother; Shouta only looked at Mia with a confused look.

So she has read volume five. Sara thought.

—In the book, the girl goes by the name Kuriyama Nodoka.

"—Then, what part of volume five made you cry?" Tohru asked, putting her hand on Mia's shoulder to comfort her.

"Aa. uhhhh… it's too embarrassing to say it…" Mia covered her red face while wiping away her tears. Her cries finally stopped.


"If there's something I could do, I would gladly lend a hand" Sara walked forward, standing up from the sofa and putting her hand in front of her chest.

"Sara, can you tell me what this [volume five] is ?" Tohru asked.

"Yes, I can," She continued. "For the past 3 months, I have been working on a manga and five volumes have been printed and published. The current one, volume five, is about the backstory of the main heroine, Kuriyama Nodoka"


Tohru looked at the table between her and Sara. On Top of that table, The fifth volume Mia bought at night was covered by other books. Tohru moved the books on top, revealing the cover of the fifth volume.

"Who is this on the cover?" Tohru asked, showing the cover to Sara.

Accidentally, Shouta caught a glimpse of the cover. He then gasped.

"That's the main character of the story, Kamisato Shouta"

"Why does he look like me!??!!" Shouta shouted, questioning Sara.

"It's because I took inspirations from you for the character"


"So far, the story is all based on a true story"

"Huh??!! Does that mean that—"

"Yes, everything in this story is about me and Shouta," Sara gazed at Tohru. Giving a small smile filled with pride and happiness.

"Then… the thing that made Mia cry?" Tohru asked again.

"Possibly, it's the point where Kamisato Shouta made the girl—Kuriyama Nodoka—change"



"If you would, would you mind if I read the book first?"

"Yes, it is fine for you to read it first, and then we will continue talking about this again"

"Should I read volumes one to four to understand what is going on in the story?"

"I made it special so that readers could understand what's going on in the story, no matter what volume they start on"

Wow. Truly talented. Tohru thought. And then she continued. "Alright then, you can go home now. Until I'm finish reading volume five, I won't be calling you again"

"Yes, understood"

In the next moment, Sara left the house without saying anything more or less.





—Something is truly strange in that fifth volume.

That is what Shouta really thought after watching a moment in the morning, before leaving for school, in the living room.

Tohru was sitting there, crying alone, covering her face with her hands. A box of tissue could be seen on the desk, with what seems to be used tissues on the table beside the box. Has she been crying for a long time?

"Mum, are you alright?"

He asked, reaching out his hand to his mother's shoulders.

As he did, Tohru sniffed and turned around.

"Y-yea… I'm fine" Tohru said.

"E-eh… alright"


"I'm going to go to school now," he said as he headed to the front door, grabbing the door knob as he put on his shoes in a hurry.

"Have a safe trip!" Tohru waved at him from the living room.

"I'll be off!"