Oddly matching

Lucia was a very beautiful woman. She had the perfect facial structure and the perfect body that had curves and edges at just the right places. Even without makeup and expensive clothes she looked perfect. Her beauty had allowed her to become the number one heart throb lady of her university. She was acting major student but her fame spread to all of the other departments as well.

Lucia stood before her very personal mirror as she dressed up in a plain t-shirt with floral design in the border with a skirt that was neither too long nor too shirt. She tied her silky long hair in a loose braid which added elegance to her over all look. A white heel was all that was missing to complete her look.

Lucia looked at her shoes collection and chose a freaking white converse.

"Lu lu, how many times did I tell you to dress accordingly?" Her mother entered the room looking at the fashion sense of her daughter with 'you look stupid' expression. She was holding a box in her hand. She took out a pair of white closed shoes that had a low heel.

"Are you a kindergarten student? What's with this skirt and converse combination?" She showed a dejected face.

"Mom. I hate heels and you know that." Lucia pouted as she watched her mom take off her shoes and replace them with the closed shoes.

"That's why I chose this for you." She untied her shoelaces.

"But mom still it has heels." Lucia attempted to convince her again.

Ignoring her she continued her work. When she was finally finished she looked at Lucia with a satisfied expression.

"This is what I am talking about. Perfection."

"My daughter is the most beautiful of all." She lovingly gazed at her daughter.

That kind of look was the one that made her shy. She stood up and walked out the door carrying her bag. She stopped at her door and turned back at her mother blushing. "Thank you for the shoes, they are really pretty and comfortable."

Lucia knew what gift was coming but still she felt indescribable joy in her heart receiving the gift. She took her regular bus to the university. A message popped up in her phone as she took a seat in the far corner of the bus.

The message read, 'Happy birthday girl.' It belonged to her best friend Natalia. She shared almost everything with each other. She would be crying buckets of tears with happiness if she was the Lucia from the past but this woman named Natalia was a selfish and backstabbing bitch. 'Happy Birthday huh!', Lucia smiled while she typed a reply. "Thank you."

"Mom, this big sis's smile is creepy." A small kid who was in the seat next to her whispered to his mother in loud voice.

"Shhhhh…that's rude." His mother closed his mouth as she turned to apologize to her smiling nervously.

"No, it's okay." Lucia returned her answer with a smile which she hopped was not so creepy. Her university was not so far so she immediately arrived at the gate of her university.

She was a little nervous while standing at the entrance. To others it might seem like a normal thing for her to go to university as if it was something daily routine but to her it was like her first day. She had stayed away from colleges for around five years so she felt a huge generation gap between her and other students.

"Hey Lucia, Good morning." A boy in fitting T-shirt and a black pant waved at her as he took off his helmet. He looked handsome, above average but he was totally not her type and even if he was, in this life she was not going to fall in love again.

"Good morning Chad." Lucia returned the greeting politely with a smile. "Whoa man, you look awesome today." He quickly complimented her outfit and look.

"It's nothing special… You are exaggerating things." Lucia tried her best to be humble. In fact she was vomiting blood inside her. The man in front of her was her senior in the arts department and the whole campus knew he had hots for Lucia. She really didn't want to associate herself with this play boy.

'The troublemakers are coming.' She hadn't even finished her thought when she heard some cheers.

"Flirting so early in the morning ohhhhh.." A few shouts came towards them.

"Stop it Sam and its not early. Look at the time. It's already 11." Lucia pointed at her watch.

"You too Harith, remove that creepy smile from your face. Looks scary." Lucia was busy pointing out faults to the two boys who listened to her every words like abandoned puppies. She forgot about Chad, her senior who was trying to hit up a conversation with her. He was standing there hoping to get a chance.

"So where is the treat birthday girl?" Sam tugged at her bag hoping to get her attention.

Chad who was standing on the sidelines widened his eyes in surprise. "Today is your birthday??" Dragged into the unwanted conversation Lucia smiled meekly as she nodded her head. "Wait senior you didn't know such an important event?" Harith interrogated the man who was sweating profusely with embarrassment.

"And I thought you liked her to death." Harith sighed lowly expressing his deep sadness which was a total fake.

"Harith, stop it." Lucia kicked him on his knees. He lost his balance and wobbled almost falling to the ground. Harith grabbed Sam's waist to maintain his balance.

"Chad, we will get going now." Lucia dragged the two boys with her to prevent any kind of further mishap. Chad who was left hanging on the spot looked with jealous eyes at the two boys who were close with Lucia.

"Both of you are not getting anything from me." Lucia kept her bag inside the desk and looked at the two boys who had expectant eyes. They really looked like puppies.

Sam and Harith were her boy best friends. This duo liked to stick with each other and well and she was always stuck with them. Sam was a tall boy with lean figure. Rather than calling him handsome beautiful was the more suitable word and went with his silent temperament. As a student of acting major he was the perfect Ice Prince type of person.

On the other hand Harith was just the opposite. He was out going and cheerful man with excellent body and muscles. He was the captain of the Basketball club and of course the official crush of every girls in the campus. Lucia always wondered how did this Ice Prince and Sunny boy fit together and it didn't even look weird.

"Hey, what's with that simple thank you only?" Natalia huffed as she sat beside Lucia.

'You also only said a simple happy birthday. What do you expect me to reply?' Lucia rolled her inner eyes while she maintained a smile on her face. "I was going to get on the bus so it ended up short."

"Okay, can't help it then." Natalia looked at her. "The party tonight, you are coming right??" Natalia asked to confirm her decision.

"Looks like I won't be able to make it. Sorry guys. You enjoy yourself." Lucia pretended to be depressed like as if she was missing something big by not attending.

"Why not?" All three of them asked at once.

"Well you know my mother won't let me and its really fine. You can enjoy without me as well." Lucia wanted to get over with this topic. Contrary to her expectation Harith had already called her mom.

"Harith, what are you doing?" She tried to snatch his phone but her height failed her attempt.

"Getting permission." He pointed at the number on his phone as he called her mother.

"Hello aunty, I am Harith. You remember me right? Friend of Lucia" Harith introduced himself while trying to protect his phone from being snatched by the devil next to him.

"Hey, give that to me. Do you want me to get scolded?" Lucia was coming up with excuses and reasoning but it was in vain. Harith was grinning and talking to her mother already.

Lucia's mother was working so she didn't have much time but she did remember the boy Harith. He was one charming fellow when she met him last time. He had come to their house accompanying a silent boy for some group projects.

"Aunty, can't Lucia join the party? She looks so sad being unable to join it." Harith was one big fool and he didn't realize she was just acting heartbroken. Thinking she really wanted to attend the party he made up some things while exaggerated other hoping her mother would agree.

"Then tell her she has permission but she needs to be home by 10. I am busy so I am hanging up."

Before she hung up she spoke, " Take care of her from me, Harith."

"I will, you can rest assured." Harith puffed out his chest trying to look strong and reliable.

"Pfft…" Laughter escaped from the mouth of Sam and Lucia looking at his stance.

Harith who didn't understand their meaning behind the laughter. "….."

"Done, now you can go to party. Don't be depressed okay?" He rubbed her head. At these moments he acted like a real elder brother but this time he seriously f**ked up but she knew he meant no harm. Sam gave her 'your luck sucks' look before turning back to cold aloof ice prince.

Natalia looked at their interaction with envy and jealousy. Even though she was friends with Lucia Harith had never spoken to her properly but she had liked Harith ever since she was a freshman in the university. But she still maintained her smile. "So you are coming right?"

"You heard him." Lucia pointed at Harith.

"Where is my thank you?" Harith was still being smug as he elbowed Lucia.

Natalia hid her frustration and hatred deep inside her which was boiling like hot lava. "Then we are all set. Let me go and make the reservation." Natalia went outside and reserved a table in a bar for around 10 people.

Before she returned back to her seat she sent a message. 'She is coming. Be ready.'

The person on the other side who received the message licked his lip greedily.
