Not Afraid to Die Twice

The night street was busy so no one noticed anything strange when a heavy man dragged an unconscious woman along with him to a car. In her phone, her mother was shouting and still trying to get a response. "Shut up you bitch." He snarled on the phone and directly turned off the phone.

"Who are you?" Her mother cried over the phone only to get the beep sound as the response. "Hello….hello…Lu lu??"She cried like a madman on the silent phone.

After thinking for a while he took out the SIM card and destroyed it. The old phone was well thrown on the street which was disfigured under the steps of thousands of people.

He pushed the woman inside the car in the back seat while he sat in the driver seat and drove the car away in the silence of night.

"The number you have dialed in not available. Please try again later." The message ended with a beep. No matter how many times she called the number it always gave the same response.

Fear rose in her heart and she directly called the police station to file a case for kidnapping and missing person. The police immediately took action and decided to check with the surveillance footage near the area where the service was located for the last time.

Harith on the other hand was busy taking care of drunk Sam who was acting out of his character. So he couldn't contact Lucia and ask her about whether she reached home safe for not. Under the pressure and stress Lucia's mom also forgot to call Harith to ask if he knew anything. The situation that day was totally abnormal like as if something was opposing the change, even the small one and make the world follow its original path.

"Sir, the surveillance cameras around the bar were all destroyed and there is no clue at all." An officer informed the chief officer who was taking this case. "How can that be??" He couldn't believe they had not a single lead for such a simple case of abduction.

"There is not even a single footage?" the other man shook his head in distress. "What about other shops and bars there?" His eyes lit up thinking they might have some clue and hint.

The other man looked at him. "Since the area belongs to the ST group, they are not co-operating with us even when we warned them."

"ST group??" The chief officer widened his eye in surprise. "The crime happened in their business area?"

"Yes, sir." That was not a good news.

ST Group was the leading company and probably the most powerful group in the world. It has its branches all over the continent. Although it was a legal looking company on the surface, it was an underground Mafia syndicate that has its reach over the black markets. The unknown CEO of the company was a powerful figure no one had seen but his influence was feared by all. Some thought he was an old man with golden teeth attached to his gum while some thought he was a handsome man, that could make any woman melt at first sight.

Only the police knew the truth of the ST Company and in the eyes of public it was a dream workplace. The main business of ST Company was entertainment and it cultivated and developed the best actor and actress the world had ever seen. The movies were blockbuster even in the oversees market so the government could not take action against them since they were the main source of revenue and publicity.

Talking theoretically, The ST Company was even powerful than their whole nation and their Prime minister couldn't even hold a candle to the CEO of ST company. Going head on head with the ST company was something they could not afford and handle.

The chief officer had sweat forming on his forehead.

"Even if any crime occurred in that area, they are asking us not to poke our nose in their business." The officer complained. They really had reached a dead end. If the surveillance camera around the street really were all deleted and destroyed there was no doubt some shady deal had been made to allow the criminal to execute the crime.

"What is it?? What is it about ST group? Why are you not doing anything?? Hurry up and find my daughter." The middle aged woman who was waiting in the station had emotional burst out when she sensed something wrong with how they were acting.

"Mam, this case is beyond our reach and our resources are not enough to find your daughter." The police looked at her guiltily. "We will first try by asking and interrogating people. Mam, fill up this form if she had any kind of conflict and misunderstanding with her friends or boyfriends."

"Also mention everything she had done today to the highest extent of your knowledge. Anything will help so please do not miss a detail." The police officer added as he went to choose some people to go and do some investigation.

Taking a sip of the coffee he looked at the dark sky. "This case does not look as simple as it looks on the surface." He looked at the poor woman who was shaking as she filled the form bitterly. Life as a police always brought him some kind of bitterness and sadness. He couldn't always be the hero who can save the ordinary people. Life was not that simple and easy.

With trembling hands that were having a hard time to hold the pain, Mrs. Sovuyer, Lucia's mother wrote down the details. She cursed herself for allowing Lucia to attend the party. If she could go back in time she was willing to lock Lucia in home to prevent this mishap.

As she was writing she remembered about Natalia, the girl her daughter was the closet to. She hurriedly searched for her number in her log and had a little bit hope in her eyes as she called her. She was the only girl friend Lucia had told her about happily. "Mom, meet her. This is Natalia my best friend." She had showed a sunny smile while introducing her.

She was immediately connected to the other side. Before she could speak the other side was saying something but it didn't sound like she was speaking to her. The background was noisy filled with music and laughter.

It seemed like a night club. "Hello, dear…you are Natalia right?? Lucia's friend?" She controlled her trembling voice. "Huh, yes I am Natalia….the one and only…huek." The girl was drunk senseless as she mispronounced some of her words. She was even hiccupping on the call. Ignoring the drunken madness Mrs. Sovuyer continued asking, "Do you have any idea about Lucia??She is kind of late."

"Oh…Lucia the queen…Huek….." Lucia seemed to be a little sober when she heard Lucia but remembering her brought forth all her hatred and jealousy. "Who knows, I am not her personal guard to know about her whereabouts all the time." Her sharp speech was totally unexpected by Lucia's mother.

"But you are…" her only friend. Before she could complete her sentence the other side cut off the call. Her best friend was kidnapped by some mob and there she was acting drunk and being rude to her. Lucia's mother felt herself trembling over again.

A cup of warm coffee was placed on the table. "Be brave mam, we will try our best." The police officer whose name seemed to be Derek Hope consoled her but he had doubts if the case could be solved early.

"Babe what was that??" A voice asked her which sounded drunk.

"It was nothing, just some old hag asking me about unnecessary thing." She replied sultrily as she hugged the man's hand.

"Now tell me what you were talking about Roy." Natalia bit her lip as she provoked him, her actions suggestive of what was in her mind. She looked at her one night stand.

The man was quite handsome with his sharp jawline and sexy thin lips. Only his eyes looked a little un matching and made her feel uncomfortable but she could ignore it as long as the man was good. "The night is still long babe." The man swooped her in his arms as the light went off in the club which was followed by gasp and moans.

'Its'dark, my head is spinning.' Lucia felt a blind fold in her eyes with her hands tied behind her in a chair. She could smell alcohol in the air. With her eyes closed all of her other senses were more alert than ever. She noticed everything was intact with her body.

"Finally awake, I see." A malicious laugh reached her ear that sent shivers down her spine. She could feel a heavy gaze at her and tried to unconsciously shrink her body.

"Who are you?? What are you planning to do to me??" Lucia asked trying to buy some time. She needed information to understand the situation she was in. Taking a deep breathe she finally calmed down.

"No need to hurry, you will soon know everything." The man had reached beside her. The hot breathe fell on her ear making her stomach churn and turn in disgust.

'I have to stay calm as much as possible.' Lucia tried not be intimidated by the man and the current situation. She who had already died once was not afraid to die but seeing your body carried in ambulance to the morgue was certainly not a good feeling.