Liam's Worst Nightmare

"What's wrong??" Sam who was just teasing her suddenly felt her expression wrong. Looking at her pale face and her mind wandering around somewhere he had to shake her again to bring her back to reality.

"Huh..Sam?!" Lucia looked at the face before her before gaining back her senses. In her previous life her relation with Sam and Harith had gone astray due to some reason but what she remembered right now was not just an illusion.


"Sam….." Lucia tried to speak something but she stopped in middle.

'Should I tell him? But what if he takes it as a joke….what if they take me for a lunatic…?' Lucia was lost in her own dilemma once again.

"What is it?" Sam raised his eyebrow questioning her.

"Nah, its nothing. Just a little bit of….hehe.." Lucia decided to not think about something that has yet to happen. Trespassing the boundary of time and space was not something that easy. A little change can bring about drastic results.

Just like how her being reborn was a work against time and brought about various butterfly reactions, Lucia needed to be mindful of her actions.

"I am just hungry…let's dig in." Lucia changed the topic to a more cheerful one. Looking at the waitress she gave an apologetic smile. "I will pay visit tomorrow morning at the same time and make things clear with your boss, is that okay?"

The waitress who was fangirling over Sam's pretty face nodded her head in agreement.

"Thank you and sorry." Lucia gave a sincere apology and smile.

Ella walks blushing, her obsession over pretty and handsome boys winning over her anger. She looked at Sam once last time before returning back to her post.


After a peaceful lunch since all of them were hungry they departed the café, heaving a sigh of relief and contentment at their full filled stomach.

"Want to join us?" Liam asked Lucia as they headed out but was rejected again.

"We need to talk about our upcoming audition…we are busy Liam." Knowing that Liam was younger than her was cheerful and decided to make their relation a first name basis.

"Liam….already using my first name I see." Liam looked at her with his deep dark eyes.

Sensing a danger Lucia nervously avoided his gaze with a light chuckle. She quickly parted their way going in just opposite direction pulling Sam with her.

"Questions later, first we need to go away." Lucia whispered pulling the boy all the way until they were out of sight.

"Tchh…that girl…." Liam looked at the receding figure of the girl until they disappeared around some one turning.

"Anywhere you want to go?" Liam turned to look at the boy who had been silent all along after the lunch.

"Ahhh…no no..its fine…" Jeff stared at him in a daze his eyes looking a little dull. Even his voice sounded a little wrong. Liam noticed a few drops of sweat on his forehead as if he was in pain.

Without saying anything he touched this forehead that was burning like a hot pot.

"You are hot…are you sick?" Liam knitted his brows looking at the pale boy who was getting even paler.

'Sick?? Am I sick?' Jeff thought his mind delirious. "Ahh…no…I am fine..I gue-ss…" Before he could complete his sentence his eyes rolled back to his head and without any warning he fainted.

Just a moment before his head slammed against the concrete road, a big hand caught him by his waist right before that.

"Hey…Boy…." Liam shook his face slowly trying to wake him up. 'What his name? John? Jerry? Cherry??' Liam regretted not listening to this boy's name properly since he was used to calling him boy or little kid since he was the youngest in his gang.

Liam looked at the face which was now slowly turning red with rashes. Was it a fooe poisoning?? Thinking it was the case Lima hurried to take the boy to a hospital.

Pivking up the boy and sluniging him on his shoulder he hurried to the place where he had parked his car and it was about 5 minutes away.

"Damn…why did I park it so far?" Gritting his teeth he carried the boy all the way to the car and threw him on to the back seat carefully. He did not want to hurt him.

He looked in the GPS an d pinpointed the nearest hospital. Puttinh on his seat belt Liam drove at a full speed reaching the hospital in just another five minutes or so.

All the while he was tensed and unconscious he was gripping the steering of the car with his hands where veins popped out. He was worried and anxious.

A scene replayed around his mind.....the one he had never wanted to experience again.

'Why the fuck is it coming to my mind now?' He slammed his fist on the seat beside his face clearly angry.

He looked at the boy who was sweating profusely on the backseat through the rear view mirror. 'This idiot..if you are allergic to some food then at least say something. Why gobble down all the food?' He clenched his palm in another fist.



The emergency room of the hospital was crowded with people coming in and out. The patients were moaning and groaning in pain. Stretchers carrying victims of accidents came pouring in and the doctors got only busier.

Clatters of instruments and machines could be heard resounding in the emergency section with the busy feet of nurses and doctors rushing here and there.

Everyone was busy and no one had time to take care of others when they themselves were holding on to the thin thread of life and death.


The door to the emergency area opened with a bang and entered a man holding a thin person in his arms.

Everyone looked at the intruder who disturbed the peace of the room with just one kick. The doctor in charge frowned at the rude behavior of Liam.

"Please be more mindful of the other patients." The doctor nearest to Liam frowned slightly looking at the man and the boy in his arm.

"Sorry about that." Liam said in his angry and irrigated voice and by no means he sounded sorry.

"Please take a look at him, I think its food poisoning." Liam placed Jeff on the bed carefully and asked the doctor.

Despite his ferocious appearances and all, Liam was really caring and he was sincerely worried about the condition of the boy.

"Please wait a moment while we run few tests on him." The doctor separated the bed from Liam as they started their check up on the boy.


"Brother…it hurts…" A small girl who was lying on the bed beside the one where Jeff was looked at Liam and cried softly. "Brother it hurts so much…" A trail of tear fell from the corner of her eyes.

*Brother…I am scared… hurts…* Memory came rushing inside him like a tsunami shaking him to his bone.

*Brother…..Big Brother…*

The voice of a little girl lying on the bed sobbed quietly looking at her with those small round eyes. She was not sick but at the same time she was not better either.

Shadows appeared from somewhere, figures having no shapes and appearances as they slowly extended their hands towards the little girl right before him but he could do nothing.

'No don't…' Liam shut his eyes tightly trying to cut off the sound ringing in his hand.

He did not want to live though that scene again. That was why he hated hospitals and tried to take care of injuries by himself.

If possible he did not want to come to hospitals at all.

'Please don't torment me.' Liam whispered lightly almost pleading because…..

There it was again…Liam's worst nightmare...