I will show him hell if he tries to mess with me

"Hmmmm…..What else was there??" Lucia tapped her finger on the desk while matching it with the beat of the song she was listening.

On her notebook, she had listed timeline of the things she could remember.

Looking at the list she had divided it into various events.

"First of all I need to know the series of events that had happened." Lucia thought as she wrote whatever she could remember, even the small details.

The more she wrote the uglier her expression got. After each and each events she had the urge to break something to vent out her frustrations.

"How could I have been so blind?" She looked at the paper clutching her hairs in a cluster. If one took time to go through the events she had lived through they would only use one word to describe her.


Yes she was an idiot for falling in blind love with someone who just took advantage of her naivety and her love for him.

The shadiest part was about how she met Roy. She was just a newbie, a rookie in the ST Company but Roy who was a first class Manager was assigned to her.

Let's say the company believed in her ability but the even shadier part was how Roy approached her….

"I am done!!" Lucia threw the paper on the desk which landed with a thump.

"Thinking about this makes my head ache!" She groaned as if it really did when in fact what was hurting was surely her heart.

"Darn it!"

Lucia covered the face with her hands while she stayed silent all the while taking deep breathes. "I was really an idiot, wasn't I?" Without her knowing, silent tears trickled down from her eyes tracing their way to her cheeks before finally dropping on the ground.

"Mom, I am sorry for last life." Lucia remembered the deathly pale face of her mother who lied in the hospital bed, comatose until she finally passed away…..

Lucia wiped her face with her hand and jerked up from her seat.

"No time to waste. Past is in the past. Mom is alive and well now..That's all I need." Lucia gathered all of her energy in her heart and once again got working.

"This…" She looked at the love story part of her past life and threw that topic aside. "I won't be needing it anyway after all."

"But if I saw him again.." Lucia had an ugly expression on her face, "I will make sure he sees hell if he tries to mess with me."

Picking up her notebook, she made a list of all potential artists, directors and their movies. She knew which work was going to be box office hit and which was going to flop.

Sadly all the movie she did were good as flop. Remembering this Lucia wanted to face palm.

"Now that I think about it, how come I could still stay inside the company??" Lucia wondered when she analyzed her net worth as an actress.

"Maybe my Luck was not that bad hehe…" Lucia giggled thinking about her flop career but she stopped abruptly.

"Wait, What if the CEO of ST company had crush on me or something like that?" Lucia thought about the possibility and well it was not zero.

"But…what if the CEO was sleazy old man with a crooked teeth and an obsess belly out in the open." Lucia shivered at the thought of being courted by some sleazy man in suit pants.

"I would only be in headlines for gold digging and taking benefits by selling body." Lucia did not want to think about the skyrocketing in her popularity if news like that came in the public.

"The CEO is out of picture." She crossed the option of Favor of CEO with a red marker.



"Boss, are you cold?" Jack looked at Ryan who just trembled suddenly as if he was cold. Ryan was not cold but shivers ran down his spine as if someone was badmouthing about him.

'Must be a paparazzi." Thinking this Ryan shook off the thought as he continued looking at the file brought by the scout manager to him in the morning.

"He brought a rookie profile…." He turned the all the pages in the report given to him. "But where is the photo and other basic information."

He looked at the report with knitted brows that read as:

'Recommended rookie: Lucia.'

'Extremely dedicated and has talents for acting.'


"There is not even full name." Ryan was done with the man. 'I might as well fire him since he can't seem to do his job effectively.'

Despite all this Ryan was actually curious about the Lucia girl who was he one recommended. He somehow felt familiar with the name.

'Where did I hear it?' Ryan went through his memory but things were a bit hazy. "Maybe I m mistaken." He waved off the last shred of doubts as he immersed himself in other work.

"Boss..aren't you going to take rest?" Jack was worried about his Boss who had been running around and doing works the whole day.

"Let it be." Indifferently Ryan answered going through the data and stats of the company.

'Are you even human?' Jack shouted internally despite his heart on chaos. He had gained the ability of poker face from now other than his boss who was glaring at the piece of paper like he was going to eat it.

If Jack was the piece of paper he would have even regretted being born…ahemm…..he meant manufactured.

Things seemed consistent in the company but…

"This is not enough…The performance is not that good." Ryan took another file while tossing the one he was looking at away. "We have not been able to make a breakthroughs since our establishment."

Dejected Ryan placed the papers on the desk.

"The fact a new company like ours managed to rise to top in such a short span of years is more than enough of a breakthrough." Jack looked with shocked face at Ryan. "What kind of breakthrough do you need?? Apart from this?"

Jack questioned him in breathe,

"Well, you are right but compare ST Entertainment and ST affiliated other companies. We are still behind in competition Jack." Ryan laid out facts in front of Ryan.

"The real ST company had been run by your ancestors for centuries. Of course ST Entertainment will be low now." Jack reasoned back.

"You are still new Jack." Ryan sighed standing near the window looking at the pale moonlight.

Jack was about to open his mouth to say something but got interrupted by the ringtone of the phone,



"Hello, what is it?" Ryan frowned at the caller id. He hated when he was called when he was not in mood or situation to pick it up.

The person on the other side spoke a few things, audible only to Ryan.

"Will be right there." He hurriedly cut off the phone and picked up the coat on the sofa.

"Sir, where are you going?" Jack asked him in a worry as his personal secretary and also his manager. Because the employer worked with two different roles and identity, he too was forced to change his role accordingly.

"I won't be back tonight. You can go back." Ryan took the car keys and walked out the door.

"You are a movie star. For god's sake at least be careful." Jack rubbed his head in frustration.

"Wait, but what was the call about??" Jack stood silent for a while since he had no idea why Boss would leave all flustered and angry.

