She saw it

Although Lucia was confident on her acting skills, when she came out of the audition hall, her legs were still trembling like some kind of newborn baby.

The narrow corridor that she had to walk through to get out side gave her an iffy feeling. She wanted to walk out of there as fast as she could.


"That girl who just performed right now." Ryan leaned in and whispered in the director's ear.

"What do you think about her?"

The director looked at the door from where Lucia had exited for a while stroking his white beard like some kind of daoist master.

"I will say, she is a rough diamond." After a short silence the director answered.

"Her performance is not bad and I can see that she had practiced and researched a lot to get into the role." The director could point out each of the effort Lucia had made.

"Bit she is lacking one thing, the most important of all."