Natalia Returns

The moment Lucia reached home, she looked at the current amount of fund she possessed.

After meeting Roy today, she finally remembered that she was not here to play and have a relaxed life. She had problems and debts that needed clearing. 

With the loan shark aka Liam being a chewing gum stuck to her, she had pretty much started to enjoy the life as if she was a free creature. 

"Wake up idiot." Lucia scolded herself as soon as she reached the room.

Before she immersed herself in her career which was bound to be a path full of ups and downs and conspiracies she could not even fathom, she had to get rid of every connections and attachments that could be poisonous for her in future.

And her being in a debt was a major news after all. If the media got hold of it in future, the same fate was bound to repeat itself.

Amd could she afford it again? Absolutely no.